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Everything posted by JustARandomPanda

  1. Why Taoism is different

    Can someone tell me how to download this video? I looked everywhere on the page the second link links to but couldn't find it anywhere. Right-click > Save Link As didn't work either.
  2. Almond drink for sexual power and rejuvenation

    Ooh! This sounds good! I'm going to have to try this. Is there another recipe that can help build one's kidneys, spleen and liver?
  3. Is meditation necessary for self realization?

    I find advice like this to be both helpful and frustrating at the exact same time. How else is one to achieve if one doesn't work toward it? Not desiring to break down Ego is the End Point. If I could start off at the End Point I wouldn't need to meditate at all. My parents don't meditate at all. And they get the results...Ego continuing...with all that entails. Whenever I see advice like this I always make it a point to go watch the following YouTube vid. Enlightenment: A Response to Eckhart Tolle by a Himalayan Enlightened Yogi
  4. sex with entities

    Wow. A very naive attitude. If I were an astral entity, I would be smacking my lips at a naive waif such as you are presenting yourself...Entities can take on whatever form they like in order to gain access to what...? Your energies, your essence, most easily accessible through the sexual force. They can seduce you so you won't even know it. Jeez, Serene your trusting these entities?? I have heard advanced teachers even warning not to trust visions of Christ, Buddha, angels...they are almost certainly false entities. If they can, why wouldn't they take on a form to to seduce you...what could be better? They're not stupid, they feed on human energies, if they want something, they will take on a seductive form. (Didn't you see that Indiana Jones movie where the beautiful spectre turns into a hideous demon?) They like to attach themselves to human beings as parasites and possess them. What better way than as an appealing sex partner? It sounds like you are often too accommodating in your life, don't give away your spirit to some parasite who comes in a form to possess you! I advise caution...you don't yet understand what you're dealing with, so you are at their mercy...do some reading...like: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0892816120 First let me state: I do not have sex with any entities. Nor do I get any negative vibes from them - in fact on many occasions they keep stressing I need to quit being a hermit and start doing charity work to practice virtue. They stress that point to me A LOT. In fact the thought has crossed my mind on more than one occasion that these beings are just constructions of my subconscious and have zero 'reality' apart from it. I have a difficult time believing an evil being is feeding off me. My teacher, Tao, was the one who suggested inviting Dr. Morris to show up sometime and see what happens. I have a hard time believing he would recommend this if he believed and had a history of evil entities impersonating his teacher and feeding off the energy of his students. Nonetheless in recognition of the fact that I do not have any qualifications in the area of distinguishing good or bad and also in recognition that there can always be a first time for everything I've contacted someone of FAR greater ability and wisdom than myself for help in this matter. I admit I am naive. But not so naive as to believe myself to be able to distinguish when it comes to these matters.
  5. Guidelines for Taoist-Buddhist Dialog

    I'll sign on. It's easy for me. I'm clueless about both - especially as they both seem very good belief systems to put into daily practice and very complimentary (as no doubt the Chinese agreed with). Now my next question is... How long before TB gets invaded by a bunch of devout Confucianists?
  6. sex with entities

    I'm in Camp A. I don't believe every entity encountered will always prove to be a bad one - either now or in the far future. I have several. One of whom I believe to be none other than Dr. Morris himself. In fact, I am convinced Dr. Morris looks after and protects all his KAP students and genuinely has their best interests at heart. Santi has also mentioned how he's seen Dr. Morris after he passed on. So I can fully believe Witch's entity could also have only non-violent, only-helpful intentions - both now and in her far future.
  7. Practice tips - recovering from burnout/fatigue

    Marken I'm bumping this thread for you. I hope you find the answers you seek. I'll be listening to any replies as I too have problems with fatigue.
  8. Meditation timer download.

    Thank you Blasto! I've downloaded the demo. I hope someday to order the CD.
  9. Taoist Philosophy

    Bump. p.s. Has anyone had the chance to read The Taoist Body by Kristofer Schipper?
  10. Taoist Philosophy

    Thank you Marblehead for providing these chapters. I don't own a copy yet so these are a great help.
  11. Funny Vid Clips

    OMG! I just watched the vid clips from a site my BF sent me. It brings back the days when I was a computer CSR doing phone tech support. I never realized it until now but being a CSR can be a perfect entry-level job that can teach 'just-letting-go' if you let it. You kind of have to develop that skill somewhat anyway or else you won't survive. You're Ego will do a number on you if you don't. I just had to share this because it brought back sooooo many memories. Over-the-phone tech support is often times JUST LIKE THAT. I guess that's why I was laughing my head off. The Website is Down Enjoy!
  12. What makes Buddhism different?

    Has anyone else noticed how far away Vajrasattva stays from posting in threads like this? I wonder why. He seems to me to be one of the most Awakened people of all TaoBummers.
  13. Sense Pleasures


    Did Dr. Morris ever tell his students to "go find out"? In Damo's Cave he handed me a little scroll and told me to study it! It was a picture of a dancing warrior playing a flute with the Japanese sun behind him. And a bit behind the sun was another figure but I couldn't quite make out who / what the figure was. WTH is up with the scroll business?
  15. Sense Pleasures

    He claims to speak from direct experience of having attained Buddhahood. But then he rejected Buddha-attainment as being yet another false Ego Trip. Or at least that's how I understood what he said about his journey to Realization.
  16. Sense Pleasures

  17. Sense Pleasures


    I have certain reasons to believe that Dr. Morris was in superior health but willingly passed on. He went because he could feel and see where the greatest need for him was soon to be. He could accomplish more being "over there" in helping people than if he had stayed. KAP sure does open you up to a lot of Weird Science experiences.
  19. Sense Pleasures

    Thank you for that informative, courteous reply.
  20. Sense Pleasures

  21. Sense Pleasures

  22. Sense Pleasures

    I don't know much about this but here are my thoughts on the subject. I suspect that the whole bit about giving up desire or other kinds of sense pleasure mostly happens as a result of deep meditation practice. Not the other way around. With enough deep meditation desire eventually is replaced with centering calm. The calm gives one the ability to enjoy the pleasures or whatever but without the attendant graspy 'desiring' that went with it before hand. In other words...you get the best of both worlds. I think perhaps that's what the Buddha and Lao Tzu was really trying to teach. Giving up the 'desiring' so that we may finally truly enjoy life to the fullest.
  23. A God Crisis.

    I've noticed since I started meditating and doing KAP I have an increasing aversion to handing out advice. I've become more aware of just how damn easy it is to hand out that which I don't have enough gumption to act upon in my own life. Wherefore then should I presume to advise anyone else? What a strange jumble of atoms humans are... Between the Idea and the Reality, Between the Motion and the Act, Falls the Shadow...
  24. SHAKTIPAT NEW MOON meditation tonight

    Just chipped in with a donation. Santi & Susan are worth supporting (and the charity too of course).