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Everything posted by JustARandomPanda

  1. Physical Appearance

    Thanks for the link. I'm amazed by that woman.
  2. More Evidence Against the Carbon Dioxide Scam

    I wonder why one type of pollution gets world conferences by heads of state while most others languish?
  3. XBox One

    I loved some of the snarky comments the TV achievement badges/trophies got: and and
  4. XBox One

    This one has got to take the cake on ridiculousness of granted patents. Achievements for how many eps of a tv show or ad you watch? Microsoft applies for patent on TV achievements Oh this is so going to help combat America's obesity epidemic.
  5. XBox One

    Found a currency converter. OK. So as of today 35 UK pounds = $52.96 dollars. That's MS's 'cut' of any used game sale...before the retailer adds in theirs. Ouch.
  6. XBox One

    Trading Used games to a retailer - how it will work (rumored 35 pounds MS/Publisher "tax"). Still haven't seen where MS's info has talked about trading among gamers themselves with no retailer involved. I suspect they refuse to talk about it because they want to see such exchanges go the way of the dinosaurs but I'm still looking for info on that.
  7. XBox One

    Damn... It keeps getting spookier. MS owns patents (2011) for visual DRM with Kinect 2. Yikes. Big Brother could know what you look like.
  8. XBox One

    Anyone here also read Anandtech? I liked this article too. Pretty good info and explains the philosophy that shaped XBox One's tech specs. Hmm....I seem to recall the "all-in-one"/"it-does-everything" philosophy was originally Sony's vision for the PS3 but didn't seem to pan out in practice. I wonder if PS3's history is going to be repeated by XBox One or if Sony's vision was just too early?
  9. XBox One

    I especially liked this one guy's commentary about MS's model for XBox One. Think it's fairly accurate. I did also recently read from a MS exec that while games would not be required to be "on the cloud" he said Microsoft was aggressively selling that to all game developers. And I was thinking to myself...hmm...well looks like those 15 exclusive games (8 new IPs) will be cloud-based gaming. The one difference between Steam and MS's model the guy above didn't mention is that Valve doesn't require monthly or yearly subscription fees. MS will require both - you'll need to buy the game AND have Live to take advantage of the "cloud features" and multiplayer/co-op features. Of course they do that now with 360 but the eventual goal is to make discs obsolete. Oh...and that new Halo TV show Spielberg is busy creating for MS? It's already been noted it will not be exclusive to Live (meaning eventually you'll be able to see it via other outlets as well) though you'll have to pay a premium to see the show (it is not included in the monthly Live subscription fee).
  10. XBox One

    Oh it just keeps getting better. I loved this article at GamesIndustry.biz (with some pretty spot-on commentary by site readers imo). More Spin Doctoring by MS's damage control machine
  11. TTC: An Ultimate Translation by dynamictao

    Transferred the above post to its own dedicated thread. Subject is worth having its own thread imo. Here are the other two books as well The Dynamic Tao and its Manifestations The Logic of Tao Philosophy Thank you dynamictao.
  12. Banking/Monetary Reform

    Thought I'd toss this in. Food for thought. Why it is Hard to Share the Wealth
  13. Taoist Cosmology

    I've been asking myself similar questions but within the past few days whenever that happens I try to look for the tendency to want to understand things conceptually. Which as I understand by default won't answer such questions. Hard to get away from them though I know. I sometimes like to watch the following to remind myself of the above.
  14. Master Nan Huai-Chin Dead at 94

    I wasn't even aware of this until today! Noted Master Nan Huai-Chin Reported Dead in China
  15. Looking for a book that explain the I Ching

    Yes! That's the one. Thank you!
  16. Looking for a book that explain the I Ching

    I wish I new how to get hold of the version of I Ching Taomeow has.
  17. More Evidence Against the Carbon Dioxide Scam

    Whatever makes you happy Lloyd. It's just that I've gotten to the point where discussions are not helping me to discover anything except more opinions - mine and everyone else. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Don't need to wash, rinse, repeat it any longer. Hence why I explained why I won't be participating much here anymore for the reasons I explained earlier to JB. Hope you continue to feel welcome soap-boxing upon whatever it is you wish. Over and out. Cheers everyone.
  18. More Evidence Against the Carbon Dioxide Scam

    JMG = John Michael Greer Apologies. Thought everyone knew who who I was referring to since I named him (not initials) in other threads. He's very much a Decentralist. Anyway I'm out. Won't be discussing much here at TTB for quite a while unless it's about qigong or meditation in some way. I've been composing replies during my meditation and qigong time. Ugh. When something like that interferes with those I know it's time to dial the posting way down. It's time to discover what the universe is like when thoughts, beliefs, emotions and concepts don't overlay everything. I'll still be lurking your threads though so JB et. al. don't use this as an excuse to quit posting too (unless it's to help quiet monkey-mind like me ).
  19. More Evidence Against the Carbon Dioxide Scam

    The year of the Water Snake is bringing good changes (at least for me it is). Less posting - a lot less posting - and more contemplating is coming up. I still carry too many beliefs and concepts about 'how things should be'. Debating on TTB forums is interfering with quieting thoughts down. To the point I'm now catching myself composing replies to various TTB threads ( including this one ) while trying to meditate! That's when I know it's time to pipe down and just observe when here. Hope to see more go-rounds from Ralis, PFL, JB and Lloyd. Maybe I'll get lucky and see Enishi post again in OT someday. Cheers!
  20. More Evidence Against the Carbon Dioxide Scam

    I guess the classical Chinese and their teachings on conforming to the Tao were all Absolutists. There is such a thing as conforming to natural harmony. You should ask PythagoreanFullLotus about it some time. And really should start looking into doing some of those Taoist exercises and meditations I recommended.
  21. Boardgaming Renaissance

    The following has absolutely NOTHING to do with spirituality or any kind of qigong practice. However, it does reference a hobby of mine and I found it on another forum that's dedicated to my hobby. The "Designer" boardgames. Some Euro, some American. None being the old style games like scrabble, Monopoly or Clue. Liked this forum's post so much I'm posting it here for my own easy access.
  22. Boardgaming Renaissance

    Or IndieGoGo