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Everything posted by TheJourney

  1. I think I just experienced enlightenment

    We have it in our heads that we have to merge with the ultimate or live in line with the ultimate. Really we are the ultimate. I'm not saying that as a parable. I am being very literal. You are the ultimate.
  2. I think I just experienced enlightenment

    Exactly. Living isn't simply living in some universe. Living is learning about yourself. Ultimately you find out that "yourself" is simply all that exists.
  3. I think I just experienced enlightenment

    perhaps the reason we all think we have the truth is that, because it's always changing, there simply is what is, no person, and we are each just experiencing part of what is. I am this truth. There is no "me" and no "truth", just experiencing what is.
  4. Free yourself!

    They're imprisoned only because they don't realize they're free.
  5. I think I just experienced enlightenment

    Freedom couldn't possibly be free. "free" is a concept, and cannot possibly apply to freedom, which is free from concepts.
  6. Free yourself!

    I have gained an unbelievable ability to relate to people. I feel like we're all so close to understanding!
  7. Free yourself!

    "truth" is the nature of non-truth.
  8. Free yourself!

    You are simply talking about ultimate truth. You can only live subjective truth.
  9. I think I just experienced enlightenment

    Well you're asking good questions. That's how you learn!
  10. Free yourself!

    Right. And all of those things you listed creates their reality.
  11. The Enlightened Sage

    ^ well said!
  12. On The Tao

    I really liked that!
  13. I think I just experienced enlightenment

    I made a post in another thread that best answers your questions. Liberation, or freedom, is all that exists. Therefore there is no liberation, for there is nothing to be liberated from.
  14. Free yourself!

    When I speak of "truth" in this context I mean entire outlooks on life. If you have an outlook on life, then you have a way that you think is good. This imprisons you.
  15. I think I just experienced enlightenment

    Well, ultimately you can only affect me if I let you. I am free, and as long as I am free you only have the power that I give you insomuch as my reality is concerned. So yes, I would love all of you to believe i'm enlightened and count me as someone you desire to learn from. But that is my ego. I know it is my ego. The ego is real. However, I now control my ego, my ego doesn't control me. I pursue what I desire, understanding that it doesn't matter and however it is is perfect.
  16. The Enlightened Sage

    Right. I think, though, that it's natural that as we progress on the path the higher subjective truths became deeply engrained into our psyche. You understand the ultimate truth, and as such understand that there is no ultimate truth and thus live in the higher subjective truths.
  17. Perhaps focusing on the facts and getting caught up in "objective" truths is what they feel is best for them at this point in time. Therefore, they make that reality, which is perfect because it is what they desired. That is ok for them. They are experiencing perfection, whether they realize it or not. Now you find what it is that will make you happy. Find your own perfection.
  18. The Enlightened Sage

    There are no "necessary" truths which you must learn to be liberated, other than the ultimate truth of no-truth. Buddhism is a great tool for getting there. Taoism is also a great tool for getting there. Liberation is here for you right now. There are no steps that you have to take, other than the ones which allow you to see that you are liberated.
  19. How can time exist?

    Let's pretend that there exists such a thing as the present moment. If it were truly a present moment, then it could not take up any time, for if it took up time then there would, by necessity, be past, present, and future. If this exists, then how can no time create time? Even if you put an infinite amount of present moments together, still no time would be created, as the present moment takes up no time. So how can time exist?
  20. The Enlightened Sage

    Exactly. All concepts are the same, because they share the same nature of being different, and impermanent. The only reason permanence exists is because of impermanence. Neither are ultimately true. No words can describe this. I don't know whether the buddha saw the truth or not. His teachings helped me to see the truth, though. I don't know whether he used these ideas to help us see the truth of no-truth, or if he was clinging to those ideas at a very subtle level. Who knows. People get way too caught up in the historical buddha.
  21. The Enlightened Sage

    Buddhism is one of the great truths which helps you see the ultimate truth of no-truth. It can just be difficult for some to let it go. And that's ok. That's their path. That's their truth.
  22. I think I just experienced enlightenment

    If time is eternal, then the only logical conclusion is that we will all attain enlightenment. If you don't see that than you don't understand eternity. So what, we're all gonna be enlightened and then existence will just cease? There will be no such thing as an ego? Does that sound fun to you? Just droning through life, not caring about anything. If that does sound fun to you, more power to you. Enlightenment only has the meaning which you give it. For me, I enjoy life too much to give up the ego. I must learn to simply use the ego as I desire. None of the ego's thoughts are real. None of its desires are real. But yet I will still follow some of them. Why? Because I want to. I can create my own reality. It can be whatever I want. We all have this power. We just have to see it. Thinking that you have to fade away into losing the ego entirely is delusional. Then again all things are delusional. I'm here because I want to be. I suggest you go where you want to go as well. Also there is an important question to ask. What is this "reality" that we desire so much? Is it various times and places? Or is it a moment? If it's various times and places then what i'm telling you is the highest truth there is. If it is a moment than i'm simply telling you about a moment i'm experiencing. It's the highest moment that has been reached at this point in time. Who knows whether i'm the only one or not. It doesn't matter anyway.
  23. Free yourself!

    You are whatever you want to be. Your reality is whatever you want it to be. The moment that you are in, the reality that you have created, is perfect. All that exists is liberation. And because liberation is all that exists, there is no such thing as liberation, because there is nothing to be liberated from.
  24. I think I just experienced enlightenment

    It doesn't matter though. If falling into the trap is what I want to do, then it's what I should do. I can do whatever I want now. I'm free!
  25. Free yourself!

    These words I use mean nothing. They just are, as the saying goes, fingers pointing to the moon. If you think my words will help you be liberated then great! If not then don't listen to me. Just enjoy life, who cares what I have to say.