Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. american chakra

    In 1906, critics were angered to learn that Leadbeater had given advice to some boys under his care that encouraged masturbation as a way to relieve obsessive sexual thoughts. Leadbeater acknowledged that he had given this advice to a few boys approaching maturity who came to him for help. He commented, "I know that the whole question of sex feelings is the principal difficulty in the path of boys and girls, and very much harm is done by the prevalent habit of ignoring the subject and fearing to speak of it to young people. The first information about it should come from parents or friends, not from servants or bad companions."[46] The negative reaction to Leadbeater's advice by some members of the society can be seen in light of the confusion and ignorance that surrounded discussions of masturbation during the period.[citation needed] Amid this atmosphere of fear, several members of the Theosophical society asked for Leadbeater's resignation. The society held proceedings against him in 1906 of which Annie Besant, president of the society, later stated: "The so-called trial of Mr Leadbeater was a travesty of justice. He came before Judges, one of whom had declared before hand that 'he ought to be shot'; another, before hearing him, had written passionate denunciations of him, a third and fourth had accepted, on purely psychic testimony, unsupported by any evidence, the view that he was grossly immoral, and a danger to the Society..."[47] Charges of misconduct that went beyond the advice he admitted to giving were never proven. However, to save the society embarrassment, he resigned. After Olcott died in 1907, Annie Besant became president of the society following a political struggle. By the end of 1908, the International Sections voted for Leadbeater's readmission. He accepted and came to Adyar on 10 February 1909. At the time, Besant referred to Leadbeater as a martyr who was wronged by her and by the Theosophical Society, saying that "never again would a shadow come between her and her brother Initiate".[48] The Chakras (1927) (published by the Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, Illinois, USA)
  2. Faith is the driver of potentiality. This life is nothing short of a summoning current of consciousness-expanding insight. We exist as frequencies. You must take a stand against illusion. It is in unfolding that we are recreated. The fusion of interconnectedness is now happening worldwide. The biosphere is approaching a tipping point. You and I are spiritual brothers and sisters of the multiverse. We grow, we self-actualize, we are reborn. Nothing is impossible. Where there is suffering, learning cannot thrive. Turbulence is the antithesis of coherence. You may be ruled by dogma without realizing it. Do not let it eradicate the truth of your story. The nexus is radiating supercharged waveforms. The goal of electromagnetic resonance is to plant the seeds of intuition rather than suffering. Truth is the healing of knowledge, and of us. Only a traveller of the dreamtime may harmonize this current of health. We can no longer afford to live with ego. Without grace, one cannot dream.
  3. american chakra

    My opinion is that this might be related to a bizarre and subjective experience of Mr. Leadbeater. The spleen Chakra and svadhisthana Chakra don't exist. They're not organs that need to be activated. Svadhisthana is more like a method or I might say a "tool" that finds its specific function and purpose in certain tantric systems.
  4. In my opinion, non-duality is just another philosophy. There are no evidences beyond intellectual assertion. But... it's proven that we can contemplate all sort of beliefs and -to some extent- turn them into our personal reality: science has been forced to accept this fact that requires special attention with anomalies like the placebo effect. The consequences are that, if we feel that our beliefs must be proven to be an accurate understanding of reality, we're forced to produce (1) consistent and (2) objectively measurable results that (3) reflect and prove the underpinnings of our philosophy. The vedantic philosopher has generally a decent control over his placebo-producing biological system and, by adopting a definite set of beliefs, he achieves a state of psychological detachment from the turn of events (which is active when physical pain is not involved and the reptilian brain is not dominant). Detachment is a condition that produces a pleasant sense of balance and feelings of being in control. Thus, the experienced vedantic philosopher can generate wiithin himself a (1) consistent and (2) objectively measurable sense of detachment, but that doesn't prove that his understanding of reality is correct. It just proves that attachment is triggered by reality and non-attachment can be achieved by training the mind into living in a fantasy world.
  5. Universal Basic Income is not Socialism

    Not really. Zork Logic Zork :"We need to cut a testicle to every married man" Cat : "hey Zork, I think that people will just leave your country" Zork: "You aren't mentioning what makes it bad by itself nor making cost/benefits analysis. It's just your opinion. I don't give a bleep about your opinion. Give me some facts about it's applications and we will talk."
  6. I miss Taomeow

    You have no idea.
  7. Universal Basic Income is not Socialism

    No. Socialism is when the State is given the job to ensure that everyone has equal opportunities and equal means, and -if we're talking about modern socialism- it doesn't matter if you're a citizen. Do you need an operation (surgery) that costs $ 200'000 in your country? You can just come visit my country without documents as a refugee and we'll pay that for you. Actually, my example was too good: reality is worse. In Italy, it costs you € 2'430 to hire an employee that gets paid € 1'236. TOTAL TAXES PAID : €1'194. And there's no UBI in Italy, although they're planning it. Then, if the employee plans to buy stuff with his money, he's supposed to pay an additional 22% with indirect taxation ( additional € 271 paid). And there's more to pay. Is Italy a communist country? No, but those who have money just leave! And you just prove media brainwashing. Billionaires just leave. How do you prevent this from happening? Eugenetics? Was that a purely German phenomenon before WW2? "Beginning with Connecticut in 1896, many states enacted marriage laws with eugenic criteria, prohibiting anyone who was "epileptic, imbecile or feeble-minded"[35] from marrying." "The first state to introduce a compulsory sterilization bill was Michigan, in 1897 but the proposed law failed to garner enough votes by legislators to be adopted. Eight years later Pennsylvania's state legislators passed a sterilization bill that was vetoed by the governor. Indiana became the first state to enact sterilization legislation in 1907,[37] followed closely by Washington and California in 1909. Sterilization rates across the country were relatively low (California being the sole exception) until the 1927 Supreme Court case Buck v. Bell which legitimized the forced sterilization of patients at a Virginia home for the mentally retarded. The number of sterilizations performed per year increased until another Supreme Court case, Skinner v. Oklahoma, 1942, complicated the legal situation by ruling against sterilization of criminals if the equal protection clause of the constitution was violated. That is, if sterilization was to be performed, then it could not exempt white-collar criminals.[38] The state of California was at the vanguard of the American eugenics movement, performing about 20,000 sterilizations or one third of the 60,000 nationwide from 1909 up until the 1960s.[39]" " In the 1930s, there was a wave of portrayals of eugenic "mercy killings" in American film, newspapers, and magazines. In 1931, the Illinois Homeopathic Medicine Association began lobbying for the right to euthanize "imbeciles" and other defectives.[72] The Euthanasia Society of America was founded in 1938.[73] Overall, however, euthanasia was marginalized in the U.S., motivating people to turn to forced segregation and sterilization programs as a means for keeping the "unfit" from reproducing.[7]"
  8. Universal Basic Income is not Socialism

    The weakest members of our society should be given opportunities. The opportunity to get a job easily and the opportunity to run their own business. Imagine to have a job in a country where you get paid € 1800, and to pay you 1800 they have to pay taxes for additional €1200 to the socialist state. And then you have to pay an additional €500 from €1800. You're left with 1300. Imagine to live in a socialist country. You have a business idea and you decide to run your own business for one year. You don't know for sure if it will work: you may even have 0 customers. The socialist state doesn't care: you've got to pay € 10000 in taxes, even if you can't make a single penny from your business. This is just an example of a socialist state destroying opportunities. As for the Nazis... The Nazi social welfare provisions included old age insurance, rent supplements, unemployment and disability benefits, old-age homes, interest-free loans for married couples, along with healthcare insurance, which was not decreed mandatory until 1941.[6] One of the NSV branches, the Office of Institutional and Special Welfare, was responsible “for travellers’ aid at railway stations; relief for ex-convicts; ‘support’ for re-migrants from abroad; assistance for the physically disabled, hard-of-hearing, deaf, mute, and blind; relief for the elderly, homeless and alcoholics; and the fight against illicit drugs and epidemics.”[7] The Office of Youth Relief, which had 30,000 branch offices by 1941, took the job of supervising “social workers, corrective training, mediation assistance,” and dealing with judicial authorities to prevent juvenile delinquency.
  9. Universal Basic Income is not Socialism

    I'm pointing out that it's not possible. Period. How do you prevent people from leaving? Coercion? Even if you push your socialist idea to the level of a totalitarian regime, billionaires will always have the option of buying their way out. Adolf Hitler with his national-socialist party faced a similar problem when he needed jewish money.
  10. Universal Basic Income is not Socialism

    Billionaires just leave.
  11. Universal Basic Income is not Socialism

    You may even say that "Universal Basic Income" is the terrestrial and material manifestation of the love of God for his creatures. None cares. The rich guys have the choice to leave your country and do business elsewhere (i.e. Singapore, Quatar ...). The middle class is left to pay for a really heavy form of socialist state, but its contribution is not enough: the State becomes heavy even for those who have very little. You want your country to be competitive. You want to live in a country that attracts money.

    I've met a few dozens women who are capable of doing the same... even without wings and chicken talons.

    That was just a sexy model, maybe a prostitute. Lilith is supposed to be more like this.
  14. I met the shaman because I was in a state of deep emotional crisis that was caused by a combination of factors, and most of them -I'm convinced- were completely independent from him. Physically, the snake intrusion caused muscular tension in the area and nothing more... but yet it was an harmful intrusion, maybe it could cause bad luck, who knows...
  15. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    Ok, 14 pages are quite a lot Lightseeker, if you are still here send me a PM
  16. Sure. I found his lair in the wilderness, a forest with many underground rivers. He was lying down, dark green like musk: I was naively happy to meet such a being and I asked for assistance on the spiritual path. The dragon showed no interest whatsoever in me. I had this idea of having a spirit ally. But after a year (or maybe more) I received a healing from a shaman who removed a snake from my shoulder. I think that the shaman removed that snake/dragon and that he was there to cause harm: there are chances that I did something wrong and he had no intentions to help.
  17. I met a dragon years ago... well it was much more like a giant snake, and I never considered him "a dragon", but Chinese dragons are pretty similar to giant snakes. Old cities are built near important rivers: maybe they're connected with water. Maybe it's were they come from. At the time, I naively had the idea that all spirits of nature are good... it was kind of a bad encounter. I was celibate at the time, but I don't think that this is relevant: the spirit was there and couldn't care less about my celibacy.
  18. 00000000 CODE

    That would be an appropriate metaphor in my opinion.
  19. Wolf Messing - a Jedi by all standards.

    There are fake stories featuring real people and there are real stories made by scam artists.
  20. Wolf Messing - a Jedi by all standards.

    What if the story is simply made up? This story is made up. You have no idea of who Stalin was.
  21. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    Teach me how to do the same and I'll teach you Nei Kung methods that will blow your mind.