Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. It's not a Torus, the human spiritual body is either a Balbis or a Squircle. I meet Squircle people everyday.
  2. LMP, SonOfTheGods, Mercury Fire Blood and Honey

    There's a smile at the end!
  3. Hypothetical scenario that makes you question God

    You live on faith which feeds a delusional philosophy. I live in the real world.
  4. Samael Aun Weor's system is an eclectic approach to magic and self-cultivation which is fundamentally based on the dichotomy of good&evil. Here's some knowledge to share about him : he's dead ATM, but a few of his followers have claimed full enlightenment (or something of that sort) to build gnostic groups all over the world. They'll keep you busy at cultivating perfect celibacy and lucid dreaming... but without providing effective methods to achieve any of those. In the meanwhile, they'll encourage you to practice a sort of inner psychological work that - I must admit- has some validity. Ratings 3/10
  5. There are specific signs associated with a correct practice. We should use them as an indication of what turning the light might be.
  6. It's evident that Limahong is a software... and a good one! Cheers!
  7. Advanced Magick and occult grimoires

    There are many grimoires out there: the paradigms of magic has changed so much since I was a child... and I'm not that old. I've read those books, but I found no special value for me... because of... maybe planetary forces and shit. Who knows? My suggestion is to find the "magical era" that resonates with you the most... and begin your study from there. Crowley was a bridge to many modern magical paradigms. You would learn a lot from his Magick. But maybe it would just be better to begin with chaos Magick. Once you get the Key that resonates with you, it's time to delve into everything else. BTW, Crowley wasn't the beast666, but Nungali actually is! :-P
  8. The fastest way to get anything is to know what you want. Define what enlightenment is and how that would change you. Enlightenment => end of suffering => stop desire??? Method = develop detachment in your mind (ponder about death and impermanence) and your life (get rid of stuff). Enlightenment => magical superpower => meditate 8 hrs per day, results not guaranteed Etc....
  9. Signs of Verification of Turning Around the Light

    --- OT question to voidisyinyang --- I've read many of your posts and many of them look like Chunyi Commercials. What's your relation with Chunyi?
  10. This thread is about an almost always forgotten chapter in the famous book "The Secret of The Golden Flower": chapter 6, titled Signs of Verification of Turning Around the Light. After talking about the philosophy, the method and the common errors, the author(s) dedicate an entire chapter to the description of specific spiritual events that accompanies the practice and -most importantly- confirm the effectiveness of what has been done. Why is that important? In my opinion, there are essentially two reasons that gives to this chapter a tremendous value. The first one is that the spiritual experience tends by nature to be subjective and it varies from an individual to another in most schools of practice, therefore when certain milestones are given in a method, it means that they are (or they tend to be) objective measure of spiritual progress to a large extent. The second reason is that, when it comes to the actual method of "turning the light around", this specific book is interpreted in a variety of ways by different people who often rely on it to complement or explain a method that they already know from different sources. About this matter, it is sufficient to mention the Dan-Tien cultivation approach, the Ch'an sitting approach, the third eye meditation approach and the MCO approach which complement or explain the practice (even in the texts itself, given that there are at least 3 different versions of it available in translation, and maybe more in original language). Nonetheless, this chapter Signs of Verification of Turning Around the Light is generally consistent in different versions and it is -at this point- evident that it could be effectively used to determine the true original method of Turning the Light around among the various interpretations given to the text. I will refer, copy and paste from this beautiful website The Secret of The Golden Flower to extract the relevant parts present in all of the available versions of the text and I will ignore the parts which are embedded with philosophies and that are open to interpretations. Now, can you talk a little bit about your experiences with those things while practicing the Golden Flower Method? And how do you actually cultivate the golden flower?
  11. Anyone willing to share the Hidden Secrets

    It might be so. Primitive shamans generally believe that if you "dissect" something, you miss its spirit and - as a consequence- its power. There might be a parallel to what buddhists are trying to achieve on themselves: to get rid of the atma, which is said to not be there in the first place. And their method is analysis. Yes! 3+4=7 There's the law of 3 and the law of 7 and they are described in the Beelzebub's tales. But they all kneel before the Supreme law of 85 which rules human activities and research. 8 stands for B 5 stands for S
  12. Anyone willing to share the Hidden Secrets

    If you open up for those things, the ghost will spread the word and you'll met dozens of worthless spirits. It might look entertaining on the inside, but on the outside you'll end up like this
  13. What Did The Buddha Actually Say

    or maybe to different dimensions?
  14. HI, I am Lucifeh

    Welcome! You have an interesting background, but don't expect too much from daoism: it looks like a new soup, but it probably tastes like something you already know. As for bending reality, the problem is the first step: according to magic schools, one need to have a clear picture in his mind of what he wants to get... and one needs to be extremely rich in order to know how it's like to be immensely rich.
  15. Anyone willing to share the Hidden Secrets

    There's the modern view on shamanism which deploys a full array of philosophical taxonomy and methods that describe reality as a really complex system of coherences and connections so that when the modern shaman interacts with a spirit he tends to dissect it, just like a scientist would dissect an animal to understand how it works and what it's made of. There are also more primitive forms of shamanism which are quite simplistic and definitely more pragmatic in their approach: either the spirit has Power or the spirit has not. Basically those guys couldn't care less where the lad is from, his name and which family he belongs to... as long as the spirit can do the job. How to know if the spirit has power? As a rule of thumb, if the shaman has power he interacts with spirits who have power... or you may say that the shaman's spirit allies guides him. Many spirits talk too much and they like to explain the secrets of the universe or they may even perform some sort of psychotherapy on you. They can't manifest a dime, they just talk and give you hints and suggestions in life. They have No Power and primitive shamans completely ignore them: they're useless. They tell you what you'd like to hear, often useless things like: "Let me show you how the rock society is structured! Here we have the Rock major and the rock sheriff" "Yes, Sir Rock thank you! But I need to heal this guy over here, can you help me?" "No, I can't... but let me show you the inner path inside you that will revive the quantum consciousness of you heart to manifest your True Self" Hey this thread is about Hidden Secrets! Here's the most important one: the key number that explains and rules the human world is 85.
  16. Anyone willing to share the Hidden Secrets

    I've been told that there's a time factor which is extremely important for communication. If you try to communicate with a cat or a dog, given that you know the language (which is to a large extent non-verbal) you can interact in this reality because we (dogs and humans) perceive time in the same way. But a stone (for example) may exist for millions of years. Given that you know the language and the stone is willing to talk with you, it may take a few hundreds years to receive an answer: it's like a "few moments" for the stone. Some shamans think that one need a deep trance state to enter a different reality where you can perceive time as the stone does. And then communication becomes effective.
  17. Anyone willing to share the Hidden Secrets

    This is a very common practice for shamans. I've been told that in an animistic perspective, everything has the attribute of being aware. Stones, animals, ants, etc... When you shift your consciousness and you start to see faces and shapes, you acquire the ability to communicate with "life forms" which are quite distant from humans in terms of consciousness.
  18. What Did The Buddha Actually Say

    Buddhism is a philosophy that became religion while Christianity is a religion that annihilated philosophy. The starting point for Christians is the dogmatic belief in God. The starting point for Buddhist is the dogmatic belief in rebirth. On a side note, the various numbers in Buddhism (4 noble truths, 8-fold path, etc) are mnemonic expedients. On a collateral note, there are no practical teachings in the gospels: they were meant to merely tell the story.
  19. THE NAME OF THE messiah

    Jesus Christ retired?
  20. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a PM! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Cheshire Cat will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now something greater than Jonah is here.
  21. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    I actually can!
  22. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    --- OT --- Does Ramalinga mean "penis of Rama"?
  23. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    I would pay to live and work in that farm without receiving neikung teachings... It's a beautiful place to live.
  24. Mantras

    I used to repeat to myself short sentences from time to time or especially when I felt the kind of dukkha that burdens the mind. "You have no desire" "Get rid of desire" "detachment" And similar things... But I don't recommend them unless you want to turn your life into real shit.