Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. Can We Evoke/Invoke Our Dantian(s)?

    ... of what?
  2. Can We Evoke/Invoke Our Dantian(s)?

    In the realm of magic, the limit is literally your imagination. But what would be the purpose of this operation?

    ... and you make a tremendous inner and outer endeavour to believe and trick others into believing that when the Quran, the Sira and the Hadiths explicitly state something, the truth is that they really imply something else which you happen to know because of magic potatoes.

    Because Islam is an historical war endeavor to conquer the all world.
  5. What is so "special" about full lotus?

    I can sit in full lotus for many hours: I am a full lotus expert. The most important benefit for travelling yogis is that you can hold that position on the bare ground for a long time without pain. You don't necessarily need mats. The common crosslegged position makes you sit on your own bones while in full lotus you're supported by your legs' muscles. You can meditate on a rock without a cushion for example. The second most important benefit is that you look cool like a Buddha. There are no additional benefits.
  6. Mantak Chia - Looking For A Clear Picture

    In my opinion, there's nothing to blame if you consider M. Chia 's teachings to be worthless and dangerous. The fault resides in thinking that other teachers are superior.
  7. Lao tse and the Socratic Method

    I'm not sure of any similarities between Socrates and Lao Tse, but I think that what you're looking for is simply a form of Stoic philosophy, rather than a strange east-west connections book. Yes!
  8. Lao tse and the Socratic Method

    Why you assume that there's a relation between Lao Tsu and the socratic method? I think that there's a book written by Bill Bodri who attempts to connect Socrates with the Buddhist PATH.
  9. what exactly is "God"?

    There is a variety of trance-like mental states and psychedelic experiences and they are experienced all over the world in different cultures. To attribute those experiences to God requires a specific philosophical background.
  10. what exactly is "God"?

    God is a western conceptual idea that can be traced all the way back to ancient greek philosophy with great accuracy.
  11. ancient jews as bedouin ?

    Not really. We don't know for sure that we're talking about "Jews". The term "jewish" would imply that they're all from the tribe of Judah, an historically inaccurate hypothesis . In fact, there are those who prefer the term "Israelites" to say that they come from the 12 tribes and the "state of Israel" is definitely not the "state of Judea". But in ancient time, when historians (and writers) talked about the "jews" who inhabited the region, they used the word "hebrews". For example, the apostle Paul wrote the "Epistle to the hebrews" and not the "Epistles to the jews"... and he was a Jew and he was writing to his own people. Where does the term "hebrew" come from? Noah Other children Sem, his people were the Semites descendants Ever, his peopel were the Ivriim or the hebrews (from here, they're all hebrews) descendants Terach Nacor Aram Abraham Isaac Esau Jacob (Israel) The bible talks about the pact between God and Israel. Everyone else is outside of the pact, even Jacob's twin brother. But they're all hebrews.
  12. the "music that open your heart" thread

    This. The singer is famous for his Joik, traditional sami stuff to evoke the essence of a person, a place, etc...
  13. what practices to start with ?

    I've practiced those things for 10 years and I regret every second. The most you can get from meditation is relaxation and stress reduction: 10 minutes a day is more than enough. My advice is to cultivate other things in your life.
  14. Can you deny this?

  15. Enlightenment is the myth of perfection according to a specific philosophy. We used to have many of those myths before Christians destroyed the various Greek schools. For example, see what's the ideal of spiritual perfection according to the Stoic school.
  16. Lower Dantian / Hara vs. Third Eye

    Each one of us has a standard for "good methods". It's so fascinating to focus awareness in the body that many people think of it as the standard of effective methods. Then there are those who don't practice "methods" at all...
  17. Lower Dantian / Hara vs. Third Eye

    I'm sure you can find other great ways to vent your frustrations without that facepalm smiley
  18. Kaliyuga and chanting

    That "saying" comes from Hare-Krishna (and generally Pushti Marga sects) sources. It's attributed to Lord Chaitanya who promoted bahjan practices. If you're interested, you'll find plenty of explanations from the same ISKCON sources: ask in their forums or read Shrila Prabhupada's books.
  19. Lower Dantian / Hara vs. Third Eye

    Why not placing awareness in front of your eyes, stop clinging to the various "magical spots" and actually forget your body for real?
  20. Vampire

    Vampires are definitely as real as the Buddha himself.
  21. Chundi mantra

    Same sort of superstitions in my opinion.
  22. Chundi mantra

    Is Chundi more powerful than the Virgin Mary?
  23. What is Immortality?

    jabir -part 1 download from here: Jabir -Part 2 download from here:
  24. What is Immortality?

    If we want to specifically highlight the idea of immortality in buddhism without subtle differentiations, we have Jabir, the buddhist yogi.