Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. What is Immortality?

    There's the Buddhist philosophy of the three Kayas which involves the idea of having an immortal spiritual body and being able to manifest countless physical bodies.
  2. Black Mark on Solar Plexus

    From the photo, it looks like a sponge, hot water and soap could dissolve the dot. Maybe they're just ... expelled toxins as a result of the energy work.
  3. Commonly Closed Chakras

    What about different Chakra systems? The different 4/5/6 Chakra systems, the sufi Chakra system (lataif if I remember the proper name), etc...
  4. How many chances that the story is made-up?
  5. Golden Flower Meditation

    It's time to agree to disagree.
  6. Golden Flower Meditation

    The subjects of this speculation are vague and ephemeral enough without adding more confusion relying on "energetic expressions". All forms of qigong and all forms of energy workings relies heavily on mental exercises. Not only that: mental exercises of visualization and generation of tactile sensations are either the basic or the secret level of the various energy practices. Therefore, it's honest to say that energy practices are mental exercises. But I could teach anyone how to quiet their minds with only mental exercises in less than 20 minutes: the result is the "amazing" random-thought-free state. Actually, it's a very short path. Your theory is limited to (and by) your experience. You can't regrow your teeth, you can't regrow your fallen hairs, you can't cure eye problems, you can't cure cancer and you can't prolong your life by a single day. The "marvellous" experiences and effects produced by MCO practices are physical sensations (which 99% of the time are enough to generate a devote practitioner-for-life), trance states and various psychological placebos. I don't assume that internal alchemy is a legit spiritual science. Jehovah's witnesses can't point at the Bible to prove their faith becasue I don't consider the Bible more than a mythological tale... and you can't point at colored charts to convince me for the same reason.
  7. Golden Flower Meditation

    When those ancient philosophers talk about "light", they explain openly that it's the light of consciousness. Therefore, circulation of the light is a mental exercise with a conceptual nature: when the thoughts arise, you look for the self that gave birth to them. Microcosmic orbit is a mental exercise in which you concentrate solely on tactile sensations. It's an exercise in which even if your mind wanders, you can still hold on tactile sensation. The first exercise is harmful when you enter into some sort of trance state (which will happen after some time). The second exercise is harmful on its own because it directly causes mess in the nervous system: practitioners love to call this method "energy practice", because they think that they're working with some special energy in the body. They're both useless.
  8. The no-enlightenment thread

    What's the "real of the moment "?
  9. The no-enlightenment thread

    People let go of the superstition of God... only to embrace the superstition of enlightenment.
  10. Gospel of Thomas

    Considering the fact that those so-called "spiritual meanings" are late elaborations of greek philosophies and that they can't be found in the gospels without arbitrarily select passages to be heavily interpreted, I think that I'll just give more credit to the literal meanings...
  11. Chundi mantra

    In that system, practitioners expect to achieve a state of natural vajroli in which their seminal fluid spontaneously flows into the bladder as a part of spiritual physiology. The need to frequently urinate in small amounts is a symptom that the body is going in the direction of natural vajroli.
  12. Chundi mantra

    This is a symptom that I've read of in the AYP forum from people who practised mantra meditation.
  13. What is the healthiest way to sleep, and for how long?

    There is a saying in daoism "Sit like a tortoise, walk like a pigeon and sleep like a dog". There's a peculiar stretch performed by the dog before going to sleep, there's an ability to relax on hard surfaces, there's a certain alertness... not to mention that my dog goes to sleep at 9:00 PM
  14. Book Of Enoch Chapter 22....Souls of the dead

    I always had the impression that astrologers tend to see more than what it's written. But I never met an astrologer who could actually impress me with his predictions. That said, I've been told that the bible itself is full of astrological instructions.
  15. What is Buddhism/the Buddha incorrect about?

    Pretty much everything. Buddha fully embraced the philosophical idea of "rebirth", which is -in nature- not different from believing that we're going to ride rainbow-unicorns in the sky. It's a matter of faith. From a theoretical explanation of the afterlife (rebirth) which has no empirical evidence, he derived a philosophical problem, the problem of never-ending suffering in samsara. To solve a philosophical problem (never-ending suffering) which is based on an unverified dogma (rebirth), he devised a monastic way of life based on ... abandon and suppress all of human's nature: don't have children, don't have a wife, don't work, etc.
  16. Reading people's hearts/minds

    Does it work trough daobums forum?
  17. Small heavenly orbit

    According to Stuart Alve Olson, the sitting form of the eight pieces of brocades is the initial catalyst of the MCO method. It's presented in the book "Qigong teachings of a taoist immortal".
  18. The Bible doesn't talk about God

    We cannot determine "who" can translate those words. Why bother translating them at all? Try to read the passages in which Moses asked God to show him his "Glory" ... and every time you see "Glory".... just read KAVOD. KAVOD is one of the uncertain terms and it is translated as Glory. Do not ask yourself what it means, but understand what a KAVOD can actually do from the context. This may be of help
  19. I've never seen an immortal. Not even a single one. To categorize them according to various degrees of immortality sounds very much like collecting Pokémon cards and determine which one is the strongest ...
  20. The Bible doesn't talk about God

    Do you know that when the name YHWH was pronounced for the first time, the Jewish language did not even exist? Do you know that -according to theology - the word ELOHIM is used in the bible for: 1- the pagan idols; 2- the eternal God; 3- for the judges, only when in the psalms, it's written that the Elohim die; 4- other Gods; And the meaning it's arbitrarily chosen by the current theological interpreters.
  21. MCO have you opened it, how did you know

    The object of discussion is a fancy mental exercise. According to your logic, I have to prove that it doesn't work ... otherwise it does. It's like saying: "Hey, it's just your opinion that The Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't exist." I would rather say that the reality is that its effect doesn't go beyond physical sensations, unless you're able to prove otherwise. The truth is that people crave something extraordinary, and to feel tingling sensations is "magical" enough to attach oneself to this practice.
  22. MCO have you opened it, how did you know

    Hehe taichi is another one. I could say something, but I have enough enemies for today. :-D