Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. Muslim scholar on modern Islam

    Moderate Muslim ---》a muslim who doesn't give a shit about what Mohammed said and did; Radical muslim --》 a muslim who strives to model his life through the example of Mohammed, thus killing infidels and trying to establish Sharia law; Non-practicing Christian --》a Christian who doesn't give a shit about what Jesus said and did; Christian --》a Christian who strives to model his life through the example of Jesus, thus loving his enemies and trying to be respectful of others; In Europe, a journalist says that Jesus is an asshole and Christians are idiots ---》freedom of speech; In Europe, a journalist says that he's concerned about the growth of non-regulated islamic communities --》legally persecuted for Islamophobia; I need to get used to the modern slang, but I'm sure that we live in very interesting times. The Dao brings power with change.
  2. Holy Grail

    Maybe the tale was originally inspired by a dream and the answer to Apech's question should be in the realm of ... dream logic. We all had dreams where causal connections make perfect sense while asleep, but they doesn't once you wake up. To really stretch the mysterious reality we live in, I could say that maybe dreams are driven and ruled by laws of attention and intent. To ask a question ( intent) about the grail would move the attention of the dreamer toward the grail and its associations of powers, virtues and effects. Specifically, the grail was a miraculous healing artifact.
  3. Gospel of Thomas

    I'm pointing out that GOT, the gospel of John and similar texts emerged from a gnostic ground: it was "cool" to tell things like "I come from the light",etc... Therefore, instead of trying to explain abstruse wordings (that most probably weren't clear to those who written them in the first place) with totally alien philosophies (eastern ones), I think that it's much better to look into the few gnostic sources that we actually have. And -most importantly- do not assume that the gnostic disciples had some real understanding about reality or the spiritual worlds just because they used to speak like that.
  4. Gospel of Thomas

    The Poimandres The first treaty (logos) of the Corpus Hermeticum is called Poimandres, this title is commonly translated as “man's shepherd” and indicates the typical figure of the God who intervenes in daily life with the aim of directing, guiding, protecting the flock who, without him, feels lost and at evil's mercy. The Poimandres thus bears the figure of the savior that the people are awaiting: he is the Nous, the Supreme Mind, the Father who spontaneously decides to reveal himself to the people through his intermediary. So why should God feel this need to intervene in human history and stand before His creatures? Because He loves man (Anthropos, the primordial man, the Adam of the Bible, made with His image and resemblance). This is the man who is guilty of a crime that makes him imperfect, the one who has become mortal in his body. This man is offered the opportunity of a new and definitive salvation. He is to obey his shepherd's “word” and so walk the way that will reunite him with his divine Father. At this point, it is very interesting to have a look to the description that Poimandres makes of this God revealing to man. In paragraph 5 we read the following statements: Tò phòs ekèino, egò Noùs o sòs theòs...(The light that I Mind your god... that is the light, I that am the Mind am your god) ò de ek Noòs photeinòs Logos uiòs theù...(the from luminous Intellect Logos son of god... the one [am I] from [the] luminous intellect oLogos, son of god) tò en soi blèpon kai akùon, logos kurìu, ò de Noùs patèr theòs... (whatin you observing and seeing, Logos of God, the instead Mind father god...what in you sees and observes is instead the Mind of god father, Logos of God) In § 12 we read: ò dè pànton patèr o Noùs, on zoè kai phòs... (the of all [things] father the Mind being life and light... Mind being life and light [is] the father of all [things] In § 21: ek photòs kai zoès sunèsteken ò patèr tòn òlon... (of light and of life is made the father of all [things]... the father of all [things] is made of light and of life) In § 22 God says of himself: paraghìnomai egò ò Noùs tòis osìois kài agathòis kài katharòis kài eleèmosi, tòis eusebùsi... (am close to I [care for], the Intellect, the saints, the good, the pure ones, the merciful, the pious... I, the Intellect, am close to [care for] the saints, the good, the pure, the merciful, the pious) e parousìa moù ghìnetai boètheia... (the presence mine is support... my presence is support) ùk eàso tà prospìptonta energhèmata tù sòmatos ektelestènai... ( will not let the falling forces of the body reach the end... I will not let the falling forces of the body reach the end) In § 28 we find the call to conversion, also present in the Gospels, and it is interesting to note how this concept is a new idea to a world that did not conceive the possibility of achieving immortality through repentance: metanoèsate oi sunodeèusantes te plàne... (convert the [you] walking with [in] the error... you walking in error [must] convert) Paragraph 31 introduces the prayer addressed to God where, among other invocations, one also reads: àghios ò theòs kai patèr ton òlon...(Holy the God and Father of all [things ]... Holy [is] the God and Father of all [things]) ù e bulè telèitai apò ton idìon dunàmeon...(his will is done [is accomplished] by his powers... his will is done [accomplished] by his powers) Finally, § 32 defines the relationship between God and man, and clarifies the final purpose of this revelation to mankind: kai tes kàritos tàutes photìso tùs en àgnoia tù ghènus, mù adelphùs, uiùs dè sù... (and of grace this will enlighten men of ignorance, my brothers, sons of you... and of this grace will enlighten men of ignorance, my brothers, your sons). [The book that will forever change our ideas about the Bible, Mauro Biglino]
  5. Gospel of Thomas

    n.1 exercise in thinking outside of the box Context ---> Jesus with a warband of rebellious brigands is setting up a plan to attack the romans; "those who are alone and chosen" ---> celibate warriors dedicated to suicidal warfare; kingdom ---> the core group of rebels guided by Jesus; Jesus said, "Congratulations to wannabe kamikaze terrorists, for you will find our core group. For you were with us before, and you will return to us again."
  6. Willing to teach mo Pai levels 1-2 for free

    Hello, I'm 23 yrs old, I just happened to find the leaked levels 1-2 mopai instructions which almost everyone already has and I want to act like legendary sifu John Chang. Also, I practice indian karate and internal krav maga: I'm scarlet belt and I kick asses. PM me and tell me something about you: I'll pretend to read your energy, morality and charisma, then I'll share a portion of the leaked document with you if you have enough pokemon cards to send me. --- In case, you're wondering... Yes,
  7. What are the fruits of your practice?

    Death and decay. Lost opportunities. But it was fun.
  8. Willing to teach mo Pai levels 1-2 for free

    Willing to teach mopai level 8-9 for free if you already know 3-4-5-6-7
  9. Zhan Zhuang Healing

    Don't you think that it's somewhat non-natural to stand still in standing postures? Shouldn't ZZ be considered against the principles of daoism? I'm pondering those questions because I found out that ZZ is detrimental to my health.
  10. Heart of Meditation

    72, I feel it's a magical number
  11. Church of Jediism ?

    Isn't the Jedi a modern idea of the celibate warrior? He's like the knight Templar and the shaolin Monk. How they popularize celibacy?
  12. MCO variants

    @voidisyinyang According to ophthalmologist W. H. Bates, there's a strict connection between the ability to visualize and one's vision capabilities: he noticed -for example- that the myopic patient can't visualize nearly as good as the patient with perfect vision. He noticed a subtle connection between body tensions and visual problems and he concluded that to cure myopia (and other problems), one needs to relax the mind which in turn relaxes the body...which -at the end- relaxes the eye muscles. My conclusion is that if you are visualizing stuff and your vision doesn't improve, you're visualizing incorrectly and nurturing tensions in your body. Thus causing harm on the long term. You can generate/absorb (depending on your philosophy) energy/qi, but if your body isn't completely relax (and you have "clear eyes" without vision defects) to truly "store & grow", you're just harming yourself. The secret of the golden flower (Min version) states that while it will be somewhat difficult for the deaf to get the elixir, it's almost impossible for the blind. If your eyes don't improve with your MCO/dantien visualization practice, there are chances that you're harming yourself in some subtle way.
  13. MCO variants

    That was mostly directed to myself. It reminds me that I wasted most of my life with meditation practices of all sorts because I deceived myself into thinking that nothing was more important than spiritual growth. Regarding MCO, I have only 2 more things to elaborate because my comments will be legitimately ignored by 99% of readers: 1) if it doesn't cure your eyesight problems, it won't cure anything in your body and mind; 2) if you get hair-loss problems from the practice/ or the practice doesn't cure your hair-loss problems then it's your body telling you that this thing is harmful to you.
  14. MCO variants

    Meditation is almost useless on its own, but with MCO you can be sure that it'll be harmful to some extent.
  15. Control breath in meditation

    I always breath naturally and when I watch the breath in meditation I loose energy.
  16. Control breath in meditation

    Define natural :-))
  17. Control breath in meditation

    When I practice breath meditation, I loose energy.
  18. Rebirth

    I'm just saying that rebirth it's a mere belief, an act of faith.
  19. Rebirth

    In my understanding in the field of rebirth, there's no solid experiential knowledge that one could gain from spiritual practice. There are meditation techniques which claim to give knowledge of past lives, but they're closer to random allucinations and mind delusions than factual experience. Rebirth is a plain belief that you choose to hold in your heart as a pre-requisite to practice Buddhism. In a sense, it's not more rational than having faith in Jesus.
  20. .

    According to the bible, those hybrids were giants (Goliath was one of them) and they had 6 fingers for each hand.
  21. I don't deserve life

    Such a waste! I'm sure it won't be difficult to find another bug to eat on another berry: they lay their eggs on the black ones.
  22. do you lock your doors?

    That reminds me of a nice clip from the movie "Snatch"
  23. do you lock your doors?

    They can, but the judge will most likely consider your intentions to hurt the thief which will make legal consequences worse.
  24. do you lock your doors?

    In my country, if in an unwelcome guest enter your house with malicious intentions and gets hurt -even stumbling on a carpet while you're not at home-, he can sue you. If he's severely injured or dead (for example stumbling on a carpet and falling down the stairs), the scenario is even worst because you'll probably go to jail. Better to lock the doors.
  25. "He who knows Prana knows Vedas"

    "... and if he can write it in sanskrit, he knows the Bible as well"