Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. taoism and sufism

    Can anyone share some information about djinn and magic in a Sufi context?
  2. disrspecting the i ching ?

    I believe that each oracle has its own personality and its area of expertise. The I-Ching has a strong seasonal component and its response attempts to predict what's going to happen in the arc of 3 to 6 months. It's not disrespectful to ask the same question during that period of time to see if something has changed. I suggest to try easier oracles like the Clear cut I ching. p.s. online oracles don't work
  3. taoism and sufism

    ... and sufism is not a religion. Just like the dominican order in the catholic church isn't a religion. Daoism is a religion.
  4. The wonders of Indian civilization

  5. The wonders of Indian civilization

    Archeological evidences?
  6. taoism and sufism

    A religion doesn't need to be monotheistic to qualify as a religion. ... and sufis worship God because they're muslim and not because they're dervishes. Although they are rare, there are sufi orders in which it's not mandatory to be muslim (for example, Azeemia).
  7. taoism and sufism

    Why? Daoism is a traditional chinese religion, while sufism is a particularly fervent approach to spirituality in Islam.
  8. taoism and sufism

    what elements would qualify a religion in your opinion?
  9. taoism and sufism

    Daoism is a religion sufism isn't
  10. need help, chi deviation

    Try this
  11. need help, chi deviation

    what do you mean? Do you wear glasses?
  12. Help with reversing effects of visualization

    Practice breathing meditation "anapanasati style" while focusing on the point between the nose and the lips. You can visualize that point, but don't move/spin/vibrate anything: just keep the attention there. Moustache meditation. That should relieve the pressure in the eyes.
  13. Ascension, Galactic Beings

    Vibrations. It's all about vibrations, energy levels, degrees of ascension and spinning chakras. I think emeti ranch would be an interesting place to visit.
  14. True meditation and its power (dharana, dhyana, samadhi)

    Where did you get this information? I'm not sure that good old Patanjali was that familiar with couting seconds and numbers' multiplications...
  15. What if your teacher is too advanced for you?

    I think that it's mostly about the amount of time that the teacher decide to spend on his students. Some teachers take a lot of students and they have no time to for them.
  16. Understanding Chinese martial arts

    Do you think I wrote something that is sanctionable on this forum ?
  17. Understanding Chinese martial arts

    Qigong mythology, in my opinion.
  18. Understanding Chinese martial arts

    An exercise that could prolong a soldier's life and improve performance would be extremely useful in my opinion. Too bad that it doesn't work.
  19. Understanding Chinese martial arts

    I believe that if this practice was truly effective, then the military would have already introduced it into recruit training programs. Probably it's better to stick to air breathing.
  20. Understanding Chinese martial arts

    After 10+ years of personal research in this subject, my conclusion is that meditation can help a little with physical ailments... but probably can't do much to lenghten lifespan. For the purpose of longevity, it's proven that physical exercise has a significant impact.
  21. Haiku Chain

    in an empty cage I wonder if I'm locked inside or if it is prison outside
  22. I'd love to be able to say that there are evidences for a meditation technique that actually improves memory. Specifically in a daoist context, one may hope for a concentration practice on some parts of the body (chakras, dantien, spinning energies here and there) that somehow gifts the practitioners with extraordinary memory. Unfortunately, there's not such a thing because the only way to strengthen a function of the brain is to exercise it: concentration practices don't improve memory, but memorization does. So, the only method that I'm aware of is to pick a book and start to read & repeat pages day after day, until you can do it extraordinarily well and fast. To exercise a function of the brain is to strengthen it over time. A small help in the process may come from practicing rhythmic thinking with a mantra like Manjushri's.
  23. When you talk about snakes, are you referring to hallucinatory phenomena that accompany physical discomfort?