Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. MCO and Zhan Zhuang

    There could be a myriad of possible reasons for those statements, but the most popular one is that a good enough ZZ practice will open Qi-channels in the proper order and a deliberate action of the conscious mind to direct the flow could hinder the process. BUT... one the most authoritative Master of this art, Wang Xiang Zhai explicitly instructs in his book about guiding the internal Qi along the MCO route, although he doesn't say if it's supposed to be done sitting or standing. Maybe, the point is to not mix those practices: I would suggest to avoid the MCO meditation in ZZ postures,
  2. LOA and Trump?

    Maybe your democrats got the support of some european socialists...
  3. Germany: Nearly 40 Per Cent of Under Fives Now ‘Migrant Background’

    It's not about racism. It's not about muslims. It's about Islam, a religious ideology about intolerance and subjugation of non-believers.
  4. Activate eng-sub
  5. Master Nan Teaches You Anapana

    At a certain point in the video, Master Nan said that the Buddha instructed Rahula about immortality. Did anyone found that instruction in the sutras? It would be interesting... to become immortal
  6. Don't feel happy being skinny

    I would try to do tabata training (I like callisthenics: you may get a degree on this method by watching videos on youtube) to increase metabolism and to produce hunger (it will come if you exercise: it's biology). I like to chose 2 exercises per 20 min session.
  7. Kriyas in meditation

    Ime,this movements are initially triggered by some internal tension, but they naturally have very little amplitude like those of the fingers of the hand when they bend slightly. Then, the conscious mind takes over immediately and two options appear, the right one being intensify detachment and relax more that body part to stop the movement... ...but generally, people are amazed by the fact that finally something does happen during these super-boring session of sitting still, and they go with the movement, thus accentuating the bodily tensions which caused the movement in the first place. Sometimes, the "kriya" takes the form of intense shacking and the principle is the same. It's not harmful if you go with the movements, but ime it's useless. That's just my opinion
  8. Love and Hate at the level of the heart

    In fact, I'm not aware of any qigong masters who can do the same miracles that Jesus (allegedly) did. Maybe, to measure Jesus feats by the means of chinese alchemical concepts is just plainly wrong...
  9. Love and Hate at the level of the heart

    The root of love is sex for everyone. That's why children don't fall in love for each other. Also, the root of Osho is love... love for sex.
  10. Love and Hate at the level of the heart

    I believe that emotions are the products of internal winds movements. For example, love is when a certain wind is in the chest ...and anger is when that same wind is in the chest, but the channels in the region are constricted as an effect of mental grasping. Therefore, it makes sense to me when the Buddha described his feelings of compassion and internal joy as a " siddhi" which he cultivated and kept deliberately. Also, it makes sense that if we're really looking for something immortal inside us, we should go beyond emotions. I don't like the duality/non-duality discourse which is plain philosophy without facts : emotions depends on internal winds; internal winds won't last; therefore to cultivate exclusively to have strong positive emotions would be equal to amassing wealth and riches: like it or not, you'll have to let go of them.
  11. Taoist Spirit Immortality Books

    What kind of practices? There are many ways in which the golden flower method is understood by meditators: some say it's third eye meditation, some say it's anapana, some say it's river chariot, some say it's dantien meditation, etc...
  12. She's the president of all the aliens of the moon! If she wins in the US, her political power would be the stronger ever seen on earth since the times when Carolus Magnus, king of Jupiter, ruled over Europe!
  13. Did Zhuangzi believe our world is just a dream?

    Maybe -if he was a pragmatic man and not just a philosopher full of words- he was just showing a mental trick that could be applied to live without attachment.
  14. .

    Can it remove smells from the air? For example, could I use it to remove food odors in a kitchen ?
  15. Rituals and "ex opere operato"

    I've been raised as a catholic. The clear understanding of each devotee is that his salvation doesn't depend on the spiritual level of the priest: a common saying is "Do as I teach, but don't follow my example". A clear political reason: even if the Pope himself do wrong, the Church is a source of purity and salvation. Also, there are plenty of Eucharistic miracles in which bread becomes real flesh, but none of them is dependent on the priest himself. I remember a couple of them: in one instance, the priest later admitted that he didn't really believe in the ritual and he was amazed as the miracle happened in his hands. In another instance, bread became flesh in the mouth of a devotee known for her sainthood. Stories? maybe... I still believe that there's a sort of egregore behind the catholic church which prevalently acts in the mind of devotees and trough priests, but sometimes it can manifest creepy magic like blooddripping statues, stigmata and demonic possessions.
  16. Pentagon paid PR firm $540mn to make fake terrorist videos

    ... and to make Europe weak ...
  17. is your cat a reincarnation of a past cat?

    Cats don't reincarnate; they live beyond time in an eternal now of stillness and presence. They live all of their lives simultaneously like a river carrying many leaves in its stream. It's not your previous cat that is coming back to you, but it's you the one that is trying to get to him. It's not human to not respect cats, imho.
  18. How much has Humanity evolved?

    From a spiritual standpoint, having something to die for is plainly stupid: it shows excessive attachment. But... if you take it as a measure of the strength of a culture or a philosophy, sometimes you can predict what's going to happen: I spent my childhood in a catholic environment, one of the oldest form of christianity. Christianity gave strength to people, the spirit to testify their faith for the pleasure of lions and tigers in the arena. Today, it doesn't. During the french revolution, people were willing to die for their ideals... the Bolsheviks in Russia risked their own lives too. And you know U.S. history better than I do: easy to find heores and patriots. Those people had purposes and ideals: they had strength, they had something to die for.
  19. How much has Humanity evolved?

    Yes. Additionally, there's nothing we're willing to die for.
  20. How much has Humanity evolved?

    Isn't evolution a darwinian idea? Are we supposed to evolve because Darwin said so? But this... this... It's true. Our civilization is dying because there is no purpose anymore. But this doesn't mean that other purposes will not advance, grow and destroy our memory.
  21. Hindu man claims to be 120 years old

    To live forever would meant to be able to acquire knowledge without limits and explore history, places and the human psyche endlessly, how wonderful! In addition, in a long time-line one would learn and experience true detachment, living without suffering.
  22. what is the point of existence?

    Apparently, we exist to turn food into shit. Still, it's crazy that we accept and enjoy all of our biological processes with the exception of natural death (old age being a symptom of it). Chances are that we're not supposed to avoid "fight for life" as much as we do, and we should eventually die in some battle, deliberately accepting the risk of dying... or -if you're religious- you may think that some malevolent God in the garden of Eden deprived mankind of immortality without granting the boon of removing the kind of mind that considers itself immortal. Out of this mess, mankind evolved all sort of bizarre beliefs about the afterlife, about spirits and so forth.