Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. Who are you?

    I think that the general answer to that question implies information about what the person is doing, or what's important to him. For example, I'm a student ( because I go to school). I'm a Christian (because I believe in God and spirituality is important to me). But what "I'm energy" implies? What does it say about yourself since we're all made of energy of some sort?
  2. Meditating on the Meditator

    First question: what's a proper meditation in practical terms? Second question: can you rely on meditation to stop the memory of being human so that if one suddenly ask you -while you're in that state- "Are you human?", you have to ponder on your sensate experience to be able to answer? If not, the memory doesn't stop. No, that could happen only in "bulky-minded meditation" which comes about when "empty-minded meditation" gets really super-full of emptiness.
  3. Meditating on the Meditator

    That's what they say... and along with it, I could say that I can reach a super-state of ultra-subtle micro-clear luminescent light which is the most secret essence of the mind of the Buddhas, pristine awareness of the primordial consciousness. It doesn't take too much to learn how to speak of nothing in this way. Those who are clear about themselves, they know that they cannot recollect a single experience outside of the combinations of the 5 senses: even the most subtle and sublime experience of a state of clear light in a dream state... it's still a matter of vision, the sense of sight becomes prevalent. Yes, this is an advanced outcome of the training in concentration... but it's just a very subtle experience of the illusion of the Self. When people sit and say to themselves (and to others in public forums) that they rest in pure awareness or "feeling their presence", what they're really doing is resting in the tactile sensations of their bodies (again, one of the 5 senses). Since the Buddha was quite clear about himself, he understood that because of this precise thing, there's no such a thing as a Self. There is none who perceive: there are just sensations and memory. Buddhism wasn't about investigating reality to find out where's the self... it was about understanding that there's no self to reach detachment and avoid suffering. That's all. Meditation was 1/8 of the entire Path. They may call it even Waka-Taka and smile from the verge of the Universe while saying it... it's just a philosophical concept of something that, according to a mere theory, should exist to fit a precise world-view...
  4. Meditating on the Meditator

    I sincerely doubt that someone could do this. When the senses are disengaged, memory kicks in and build a sensate experience... out of that peculiar experience, it comes a peculiar Self. When the experience of the dream is gone, this Self is gone. In deep sleep, there's nothing at all and none experiencing it. There's no such a thing as a 6th sense.
  5. Meditating on the Meditator

    I've heard this shit many times... You have five senses, which one do you rely upon to perceive such a thing as "pure awareness"?
  6. In the hypotetical scenario in which he failed, what elements of The story would be different?
  7. Facial Hair

  8. Facial Hair

    African tribal hunters with uncanny tracking abilities keep The hair short.
  9. OSHO

  10. Surely better than assuming the existence of improbable transcendent states which are poorly explained (for example, enlightenment)
  11. Eternal youth & physical immortality

  12. Is it the duty of a Taoist to protect Nature?

    Who did it?
  13. 1)What is enlightenment in practical and empirical terms? 2)Why should it be inevitable?
  14. Very good translation of the lords prayer

    The link no longer works
  15. Eternal youth & physical immortality

    I guess that you're firmly convinced of the existence of your immortal soul
  16. Pope Dalai Lama

    Your view is clear an coherent. But I'll say a couple of things: 1) Dalai Lama isn't the head of buddhism, nor the head of tibetan buddhism and not even the head of his Gelug school: he's involved in politics to a certain extent. And yes, he could be considered as a sort of "Pope". I personally like the man and I think that he's very advanced in his spiritual practice, but if you don't like him, this doesn't mean that the totality of buddhism is shit. 2) Usually, the monks that we see as unworthy disciples of the Buddhas studied a lot ... and even in the case that they achieve very little in cultivation, we should consider that 1 out millions gets something really noticeable from cultivation. I consider them prominently as eminent professors of buddhism because I tend to consider spirituality from a non-denominationl POV.
  17. Help me create my own religion.

    When the name YHWH was firstly pronounced by Moses, there wasn't even the hebrew language! How could you analyse it in that way?
  18. Help me create my own religion.

    I want Qigong for wealth!
  19. Help me create my own religion.

    Please. ... if you want followers take a name that would sell it... Find some stuff that works, there are plenty of philosophies: People want energy work To cultivate The delusion of doing something meaningful. How about "The Secret Dragon's Peak Qigong for Wealth of Master Zhou" A Qigong form for wealth in Three levels : Gonzo 1, 2, 3
  20. What happens when we die

    Why not? Is there something wrong in being human?
  21. Eternal youth & physical immortality

    English isn't my native language: isn't "bro" the short version of ""brother"? If I offended you, I apologise _/|\_