Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. What happens when we die

    What about a muslim-hating Christian?
  2. What happens when we die

    In that case,-unlike relating verifiable account of a previous life- it would be a subjective experience and it couldn't demonstrate reincarnation/rebirth. Even if many people talk about the same kind of experience (for example: tunnel of light, feeling of tremendous love in NDE), it would amount to a "mind experience", like lucid dreams.
  3. Eternal youth & physical immortality

    We are daoist bro! The pillar of our path is to witness changing stuff. Everything change or -as Buddha put it- everything is impermanent. The stronger we experience this reality, the better for our spiritual path! There's a movie about that!
  4. What happens when we die

    In fact, memories never prove the existence of a self. Memories are primarily meant to improve survivability: if I remember where's the food, it's not really important that the memory includes a solid self experiencing stuff as long as I get a meal. In my opinion, the existence of a self is validated by the social experience: it's like the self is projected onto you by others. Therefore, it's quite straightforward for me to theorize that a very susceptible child may receive the self of another person early in life. When people around him start to believe that this stuff is real, the effect of this phenomenon is even greater.
  5. What happens when we die

    Although it can be stated as a fact that some young children have memories of another life, in my opinion it would be hazardous to rely on this as a basis to postulate "reincarnation". When the early christians witnessed smoke coming from the volcanoes, that was an evidence to postulate the existence of a subterranean hell where U.S. marines used to regroup in case of defeat. Maybe those children are just highly telepathic, or particularly open to respond to adult expectations: I think this could be the case for tulkus who allegedly recognize garments and tools of their previous incarnation. I've no idea of what lies beyond death.
  6. Eternal youth & physical immortality

    Religion was born to give answers and hopes about being Dorian Gray. If you're Christian, you believe that your immortality will manifest in Paradise. If you're buddhist or hindu, you believe that your mind is immortal, but it periodically changes body If you're Oscar Wilde, you believe that someday a picture of yours will start to grow old... I would definitely love to be like Dorian Gray
  7. How to be really spiritual?

    This is a question that popped into my mind a few days ago and well... it's a set of questions starting from "what does it mean to be spiritual?" heading to "why being spiritual should be better than being an atheist?" Here's a possible answer
  8. How to be really spiritual?

  9. Eternal youth & physical immortality

    Could immortality be equal to eternal adaptation to changing conditions?
  10. How to be really spiritual?

    Here's the misunderstanding: if pissing into the wind is an effort, everything is fine. the problem is where it's done effortlessly...
  11. How to be really spiritual?

    It's not a matter of luck. It's about commitment and dedication, Sir.
  12. Sure! We should consider that: these account has been tampered by christians who wanted to "christianize" the phenomenon as much as possible. Catholics are known for this kind of actions: in the rare cases in which we have accounts of the mystic to compare, we often see a different story... for example, in Lourdes the virgin Mary appeared and she allegedly told she's the Immaculate Conception (this is a theological epitome). But the mystic always refers to her as "that thing". Psychic experiences are always somewhat.... edulcorated by the background of the mystic
  13. I think that there are people who erroneously think that they've opened their third eyes... maybe they feel some tingling sensation, a little light from time to time... ...but the real opening of the third eye is something entirely different and it's something that can be practically verified by the gift of prophecy. Read the story of Blessed Anne Marie Taigi, a catholic saint who practised some sort of meditation and achieved the real thing. "Among other gifts the most remarkable was that for a space of forty-seven years she saw a kind of sun in whose light she descried things at hand and things afar off foresaw future events, scrutinized the secrets of hearts and the most hidden and most inward impulses." Suddenly, then, in her humble home, Anna saw a little above her head, as it were a blazing sun crowned by a circle of thorns; two long thorns clasped it round; in the centre was the Eternal Wisdom (presumably), represented by a young woman seated in contempla­tion. Films of cloud dimmed the dazzling light, but an interior voice told her that the clouds would disappear according to the increasing measure of her purification. In this light she was to see, until her death, not only everything that might conduce her to perfection, but also everything that could help win others for God and allow her to help the Church militant or suffering. [...] "For forty-seven years, day and night, at home, at church, in the. street, she saw in this sun, which became increasingly brilliant, all things on this earth both physical and moral; she penetrated to the depths and rose up to heaven, where she saw the eternal lot of the dead. She saw the most secret thoughts of persons nearby or far off; events and personages of bygone days ....She had only to think of a thing and it presented itself in a clear and, complete manner .... A mere glance at this mystic sun and she entered at will into the most secret council-rooms of kings.
  14. Is there a need for company?

    According to the tradition, one of the marks of an enlightened being is a sheathed penis. Isn't that bizarre ? To roam the story is to become one with it because faith is the richness of love, and of us. Where there is dogma, non-local awakening cannot thrive. Awakening is calling to you via electromagnetic forces. Can you hear it? How should you navigate this non-local universe? Although you may not realize it, you are high-frequency. By maturing, we're living the stratosphere which is beaming with sub-atomic particles. This life is nothing short of a maturing vision of spiritual intuition. My point is that you may be ruled by illusion without realizing it: do not let it disrupt the healing of your mission. Without truth, one cannot self-actualize because delusion is the antithesis of understanding. Try to imagine a redefining of what could be. Eons from now, we pilgrims will believe like never before as we are aligned by the enlightened matrix... and the galaxy is approaching a tipping point. Have you found your awakeing quest? Yinja, look within and strengthen yourself: if you have never experienced this rekindling through non-local awakenings, it can be difficult to dream.
  15. Is there a need for company?

    After realization Before realization one cannot be happy without having other human beings in his life. --- Btw, I don't think that it's wise to postulate the existence of a bizarre condition (enlightenment) and then try to theorize what that condition would logically imply. Better to face the truth.
  16. Is there a need for company?

    Awakened to what?
  17. Eternal youth & physical immortality

    Unfortunately, a good reason to die is also a good reason to kill. Maybe the sexual desire would be substituted with self-improvement desire and there will be no longer need to make room for other: imagine people sitting in meditation to get orgasms
  18. Eyes in esoteric practices

    If the eyes are so important in spirituality, why meditation doesn't cure eye problems like myopia? It is my understanding that, based on the theories and applications of the famous Dr. Bates (, myopia is caused by physical and nervous tensions in the eyes and in the body. I've heard claims that meditation can heal many ailments caused by stress and tension.
  19. Christian vs. Hindu deities

    In My opinion based on the bible, Yahweh is closer to a god of war.
  20. Thank you everyone

    What kind of power? Healing power?
  21. Thank you everyone

    Semen retention may be a good idea if one knows how -and is able- to transform sexual energy into positive emotional energy. Apart from this cultivation skill, moderation is the Dao of good health in my opinion.
  22. Thank you everyone

    "The foolish student hears of the Tao and laughs aloud." (Lao Tzu, 6th century BC)
  23. Thank you everyone

    Science never concludes. Today, they think it's so and tomorrow they'll discover something different. In the early 1900s, a radioactive ceramic water jar was marketed to the U.S. public as a health boon. After a few decades, they discovered that uranium ore isn't that good for you. Science provides provisional truth and not definitive answers. I think that it's not that easy. If the woman wants the semen, she get the semen one way or another. Sexual intercourse without ejaculation requires a certain degree of mutual cooperation.
  24. Thank you everyone

    This is interesting. Can you elaborate on this aspect of female psychology?
  25. I have the strong impression that this fascinating teacher makes You feel better in An abstract realm of your mind, without affecting The quality of your life And your Health.