Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. a man asked Jesus about eternal life

    To me, we generally tend to overestimate Jesus. If we consider his background, his sayings and how people reacted to his presence, we can see how his figure matches with that of the leader of a big, dangerous movement of rebels. There's no place in the gospels for deep spiritual understanding, apart from the "corrections" made by religious establishment.
  2. a man asked Jesus about eternal life

    What if Jesus genuinely believed that he could make his followers immortals after the establishment of his kingdom on earth and the end of roman's occupation?
  3. a man asked Jesus about eternal life

    You're definitely better than Jesus
  4. I'm thinking of becoming a knight-errant

    You should be of noble birth to be a knight. How many dukes do you have in your ancestry?
  5. What if your heart is wrong?

    How did you listened to your heart?
  6. no ejaculation sex? how can you keep prostate happy?

    Avoid ejaculation in general
  7. no ejaculation sex? how can you keep prostate happy?

    Avoid non ejaculatory sex
  8. Scholar monk vs. Meditation monk

    In my opinion, meditation isn't just something that takes place in the presence of stillness. That thing is a conceptual understanding like Emptiness/Brahman or the love of God. When you have a strong one-pointed concentration developed in formal sitting meditation, only then you can make that understanding real and experience it.
  9. Scholar monk vs. Meditation monk

    According to Master Nan, to study is quintessential for those living in society and especially if they're devoted to cultivation. Listen to 21:54
  10. The Best Kept Secret of Life

    How to find direction and guidance in life?
  11. How does the average American live in The Way?

    Why should the average american live in the way? The way is not just about being natural: the Dao is about living in harmony with nature.
  12. From great expert to nothing special

    I skipped the "hot-belly stage" because it's harmful ...and in the banana-head stage, I feel like a great expert.
  13. Guidance on how to choose meditations and cultivation techniques

    It all depends on what you wish to get from cultivation. Health, altered consciousness, psychic powers, relieve from stress...
  14. Questions to the head of Judaism.

    How is the neck of judaism? I've heard from the feet of judaism that things are not that good above the nipples.
  15. Fake enlightened teachers

    This is crazy TI
  16. Emptiness vs Visualizations

    Keep it simple. We have senses (touch, smell, sight, etc...) and emotions. In truth, every single emotion is related to some subtle tactile sensation in the body: those who are proficient with Qi (they cultivate tactile impressions to a very high degree) generally know how to generate love just by manipulating internal energy, for example. Therefore, we have senses and we perceive the world with the medium of our senses. We cannot experience reality or imagination apart from the senses. What the hell is emptiness??? Does it mean something apart from the senses? No. It's just a conceptual understanding that is attached to a specific perception with the purpose of producing detachment. How to cultivate emptiness? Choose one of the six senses (the door); Choose an object in the realm of the door stabilize your mind on that object apply the conceptual understanding (emptiness) to your observation to produce detachment If you can't understand emptiness (which is quite philosophic and abstruse), it's easier to stick to the three characteristics (impermanence, no-self, un-satisfactoriness) . To understand means that it produces detachment. So, you can cultivate visualizations and emptiness... or tactile sensations and emptiness (nei gong)... or a mantra and emptiness, etc... In fact, in tibetan buddhism to meditate on emptiness generally means to visualize some stuff that disappear.
  17. karmic implications of occult/magick

    What does "being true to yourself" mean in this particular case?
  18. karmic implications of occult/magick

    If you believe so, it'll be so.
  19. Qi breathing will not slow the aging process

    He's not old. People don't need to get the Dao to be fit at 52 y old imho.
  20. The origin of mankind

    Genesis describes a process of genetic engineering. The sumerian tables describe the same process adding details on the experiments that went wrong. Scientists say that human evolution is too fast. I think that -at least- we may suspect that the "Gods" of ancient time were... aliens.
  21. In my opinion, it's real: I've already seen bodies that look like that one. It's the result of a chemical treatment (formalin, glycerin, zinc salts, alcohol and salicylic acid).
  22. Spontaneous Cultivation Wu Wei Gong

    What is a hub of stillness?
  23. What Results Do People Here Have From Training?

    For people who have attained the Way It permeates their pores and saturates their hair. Within their chest, they remain unvanquished. [Follow] this Way of restricting sense-desires And the myriad things will not cause you harm.