Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. Physical changes in qigong?

    How did You do that? :-D
  2. Qi breathing will not slow the aging process

    I don't know what this Dao really is. But I think that we could tell if one follows the Dao or not, by the results that he gets.
  3. Daskalos!

    Nice story. As for myself, I find Daskalos extremely boring. So boring that I don't even know what it's about because I can't bear to watch his videos for more than 5 minutes.
  4. Testicle breathing - experiences?

    According to the enlightenment theories, one cannot get it without without a body (this one or the next ones). Sexual desire marks the existence of healthy energy currents inside the body: it's a physiological element like the digestion process or the nails growth. If your meditation kills the physiological processes of the body, in my opinion it's legit to consider that maybe one should change the method to save the body, the thing that one need to get enlightenment. Sublimation of sexual energy happens on an emotional level: a point where feelings of internal energy (which is a tactile sensation) transform into an emotion of ultimate love. That's my opinion.
  5. The Holy Spirit is not Kundalini - Daskalos

    According To The scriptures, the holy spirit is a tongue of fire that comes from above And It gives You superpowers that are Not listed in The traditional kundalini phenomenology (es. The ability to speak foreign languages )
  6. Testicle breathing - experiences?

    Usually, in meditation if your sexual desire disappears or if it loses power, it's not a good sign.
  7. Hardcore Metta

    Love is an emotion that originates spontaneously in a mind which tends toward benefiting others selflessly. Rely on meditation to get that mind... and the experience of love will come by itself. My point is: don't focus on the emotion. Transform your mind in a way that it will spontaneously and effortlessly generates the strong, genuine intention to benefit others... and your energetic body will slowly rearrange its structure so that the emotion of love will be produced. Celibacy helps.
  8. Tension Behind Eyes

    Could you explain your meditation method? With this brief description, everyone here will tell you to focus on the lower dan tian.
  9. Snakes worn like hats

    Some info on wikipedia
  10. The Third Eye

    How to develop this strong visionary ability?
  11. How does one return from the final stages of morality?

    I hope that you're not that person.
  12. Does 'the void' have a physical location?

    Teachers like Harish Johari always need to explain something like this. The truth is that surely the experience of Void is related to a specific pattern of pranic movements, but to deliberately produce such movements by mean of visualizations will produce nothing but a short life.
  13. The opposite of Love is not Hate...

    Fortunately, they're not meant to be accepted.
  14. The opposite of Love is not Hate...

    The opposite of hate is peacefulness\serenity\tranquillity. Confidence is not an emotional state, imho.
  15. The opposite of Love is not Hate...

    In my opinion, the opposite of love is depression.
  16. Breath Rates and consciousness

    Can you tell something more about the source of the extract? (example: brief review) This is not exactly the yoga sutra of patanjali: we should verify if the author has some experience or it's just mental speculation.
  17. my mind is full of shit

    If it's full of shit for real, then is there a reason in daring to speak? Why not cultivate virtue (es. in a stoic perspective) to act on the mind indirectly to avoid dealing with the shit directly ?
  18. Satan is god in genesis

    The idea of an anti-god named Satan is a late birth. In origin, Satan was just "the adversary", the one "who opposes you" in a specific situation. For example in a legal process. He got his name Israel after defeating his adversary and "yes": God can send his angels to act as adversaries too.
  19. In time, as your concentration gets stronger you'll experience a lot of discomfort. Eventually, your penis will become over-sensible to the point of causing premature ejaculation problems.
  20. Found the way to open the heart

    Imho, opening the heart isn't about the posture; to a certain extent could be produced by energy work; but ultimately, it's the business of the mind. It's about training the mind so that it produces compassion for sentient beings: the basic method is to visualize yourself helping others in your meditations until your concentration gets strong enough to actually create spontaneously a deep love for others which will compel you to act for the benefit of beings. There's also a theistic method which I've never tried (it involves love for God).
  21. In my limited experience, I've found that to not state your intentions has the power to keep them strong enough to manifest. When you share them, they lose some power... not necessarily the means to manifest, but still they lose power.
  22. equivalent terms for jing qi shen in yoga?

    Don't think so. It's just a different description of reality which suits a different type of cultivation method.
  23. I can't see the point of practicing kunlun without the posture. Better to rely on another system instead, imho.