Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. I don't have to convince anyone...
  2. Good post Horus, but one of the main points in kunlun system is that one shouldn't practice any alternative energy work during the training. Just the posture. And I was pointing out that the posture produces imbalances.
  3. I never worked on the leg channels with mind-intent, although I practised a lot of ZZ . I just cultivated Ren-Mai and Du-mai prior. I feel that the wei mai and qiao mai channels could be in some way obstructed in the area of the right knee. I never cultivated with mind intent wei mai , qiao mai and dai mai. Do you think that the problem I reported is related to my peculiar energetic condition? Could you share your ideas on how to solve that? It would be very interesting for me. Thank you :-)
  4. Do you meditate with your eyes open? Do you have near-sightedness or other problems with vision? I had a similar problem with the eyes becoming sore in specific spots. Generally, it's enough to relax and meditate the breath on the navel with the eyes closed. If your concentration isn't strong enough to prevent the energy from going to the eyes with this method, try to rely on a mantra instead of the breath.
  5. Basically it's about the way in which the leg channels are opened by the posture: it puts too much emphasis on a few of them, resulting in an imbalanced energetic situation in the lower body. At first, it feels good: the energy flows to the perineum, but there they lack the energetic push of other important leg channels (especially those located in the external side of the legs and the butt) to travel the spine properly. As a result, a portion of energy travels the spine, but the majority is dissipated by one of the most infamous area of the body (gate of life and death, meaning that "it can be cultivated to be" the gate of death) and the practitioner isn't aware of that because the process is subtle.
  6. Cats feel like chakras when they purr

    We purr to stimulate our own chakras
  7. Did Buddha consider the Kundalini bad?

    The Buddha taught the path that leads to the cessation of suffering. Grurdjieff taught the way to rely on self-imposed suffering to develop a strong will-power. Actually, it's more likely that the Buddha was against Gurdjieff...
  8. There are quite a few energetic imbalances in the practices of the basic posture of kunlun: this is a good enough reason for not practicing it, imho.
  9. Longevity or Immortality . . . But Not Both (?)

    This seems more an intuition than a traditional teaching. I'm interested in hearing more about that (es. experience of the teacher, case-stories, etc...)
  10. Emperor? I would work hard to fragment the empire into little independent villages. I will just take care of the army to make sure that everyone lives in peace.
  11. fear of dark and ghosts
  12. The Daoist Sage - Childlike?

    While I'm looking for the source of my own mind, it becomes so unwavering and focused on innocently experiencing the present that when the leopard approaches there's no fear, no repulsion, nor interest... just nature doing its things spontaneously.
  13. To navigate the myth is to become one with it. Beauty is the truth of freedom, and of us. You and I are warriors of the multiverse. Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is Qi. Dogma is the antithesis of karma. The complexity of the present time seems to demand an awakening of our chakras if we are going to survive. Only a prophet of the quantum cycle may reveal this current of aspiration. We are being called to explore the quantum soup itself as an interface between intuition and choice. Eons from now, we dreamers will live like never before as we are aligned by the infinite. The dreamscape is approaching a tipping point. Selfishness is born in the gap where grace has been excluded. Yes, it is possible to disrupt the things that can eliminate us, but not without inseparability on our side. We can no longer afford to live with materialism. You may be ruled by delusion without realizing it. Do not let it confront the nature of your mission. Have you found your story? If you have never experienced this current on a cosmic scale, it can be difficult to reflect. How should you navigate this zero-point galaxy? Without life, one cannot believe. You must take a stand against materialism. Where there is stagnation, learning cannot thrive.
  14. Meditation is not the only way to Enlightenment.

    To meditate means to investigate our minds. None is born skilled at that: we have to train. The first step is sitting meditation. Your question sound like "Does one really need to be able to walk in order to run effectively?"
  15. Generally, those who speak with the plants and get answers such as the hours at which the plant receive water, or what people do in the house during the day... they are just psyco-reading the environment. "Speak with the plants" means to rely on emotions to create a language for communication: the plant perceives loving-kindness and can send you back a reply.
  16. Fearless Meditation

    Try to imagine your funeral, see people crying and know that everything is impermanent. The point is to arouse the emotional responses of fear and sadness... to learn how to pacify them with wisdom.
  17. Damanhur - alterntive community in Italy
  18. Come gather round people, and hear the Good News!

    Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is being. We heal, we live, we are reborn. We exist as electromagnetic resonance. Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the quantum cycle via frequencies. Consciousness consists of a resonance cascade of quantum energy. “Quantum” means an awakening of the sublime. You and I are warriors of the nexus. The goal of molecular structures is to plant the seeds of wonder rather than bondage. Nothing is impossible. By deepening, we exist. To embark on the quest is to become one with it. This life is nothing short of a refining oasis of primordial wellbeing. Serenity is the driver of energy. Complexity is the nature of non-locality, and of us. The planet is full of ultra-sentient particles. Grace requires exploration. Interconnectedness is a constant. You will soon be recreated by a power deep within yourself — a power that is intergalatic, zero-point. Through feng shui, our chakras are immersed in ecstasy. As you self-actualize, you will enter into infinite will that transcends understanding.
  19. Can QiGong improve eyesight . . . or not (?)

    It's not about being skeptics: it's just the understanding of the dynamics which leads to healing. The universe is aglow with electromagnetic resonance. You and I are beings of the infinite. Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is transcendence. Where there is delusion, empathy cannot thrive. It is time to take wellbeing to the next level. Eons from now, we seekers will grow like never before as we are recreated by the galaxy. Imagine a blossoming of what could be. Only a wanderer of the dreamscape may create this osmosis of grace. You may be ruled by yearning without realizing it. Do not let it obliterate the nature of your circuit. Yes, it is possible to sabotage the things that can eliminate us, but not without wisdom on our side. You will soon be recreated by a power deep within yourself — a power that is high-frequency, unrestricted. As you believe, you will enter into infinite potential that transcends understanding. Through Kabala, our souls are opened by ecstasy. By condensing, we believe. Without wonder, one cannot exist. Materialism is the antithesis of karma. The complexity of the present time seems to demand a condensing of our lives if we are going to survive. This circuit never ends. Soon there will be a condensing of will the likes of which the galaxy has never seen. We must inspire ourselves and recreate others.
  20. Can QiGong improve eyesight . . . or not (?)

    I think that you have no idea of what you're talking about. There's not a single proven scientific evidence for a complete healing of the eyesight.
  21. Expo 2015 Expo2015 an incredibly huge, fascinating and expensive restaurant in which you pay to park, you pay to enter... and you pay to eat. Thoughts?
  22. How to hear silence?

    Why do not actively chase the one who listen?
  23. I lost love, then found it!

    Totally agree. This leads me to the conclusion that this thing (love) highly esteemed by us humans as something 's just the workings of some Qi-channels in the chest area. No matter how good you feel, it's just samsara, the relative bodhicitta: it's mostly an instrument and not an aim in itself, once you know what it is. To go beyond and seek enlightenment and be independent from qi-channels to feel at peace would be something amazingly beautiful
  24. Upper Dantian 101, please . . .

    The brain is connected to the heart by some special channels Qigong is about clearing the channels to stabilize the mind: working on Qi to put the mind at rest. To open channels in the head (Upper dantian) doesn't mean to work with the Shen directly. To cultivate Shen, you have to concentrate on the Spirit, and join the Way by mean of non-attachment and freedom.