Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. Proving you can't have a rock in your hand

    The spoken words applies to a consensual pragmatic reality. The intellectual theorizations that describe reality beyond the pragmatism of human experience cannot be used -by definition- to norm the way reality is perceived by human beings.
  2. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    This one
  3. Yes, the eyes acquire an higher function. :P :P
  4. The Dead Body

    In my opinion, there are just a few things which could be labeled "more spiritual" than facing the reality of death and impermanence. A dead body usually tend to give a sermon to his friends and relatives, especially if they are free from ideas of paradise or reincarnation...
  5. The main point to consider is that a teacher will usually demand something from the student. More often than not, they ask for money. If you're willing to pay, in no time a teacher will appear knocking at your door.
  6. Heart-touching videos thread

    Strong emotions of compassion and love are good for your heart
  7. When you say Taoist you mean...?

    Generally, I mean a person who follows a specific religion which involves deities, rites and festivals. But sometimes it's a word used by westerners who practice some sort of energy techniques derived from the chinese tradition of qigong to identify themselves.
  8. The Harry Potter theme!!
  9. We teach to our children how to fill their hearts with desire for external things because we assume that there's no way to live a happy life otherwise. At the same time, we don't emphasize the importance of virtues ... in the best scenario, we see people putting them in the third order of priority because money and sexual fulfilment come first. We've lost all of our ideals. We've forgotten our hearts. This is the "bad habit".
  10. Amazing. I discovered this book a few days ago and I'm in the process of reading it. My word is Emptiness since it describes the object, the function and the experience. :-)
  11. Chinese Women's Quest For A More "Western" Face

    Because to cultivate a good looking body is considered more important than cultivating virtues. This is really sad and women are 99% into this system of cultivating their appearance because of cultural imprint: therefore in the spiritual path, you can find that women.are outnumbered.
  12. The Power of Love

  13. Atheism as a religion

    In my opinion, to be religious has more to do with what one expects in the afterlife and how he lives with it.... than with worships and such.
  14. trusting spirits?

    I think that those teachers have very little experience in this field.
  15. More Satanic Mischief

    If you're not raised as a traditional christian fanatic, satanism will not work for you, imho.
  16. Vajra strands

    No, I don't cultivate hallucinations in my meditation. In the picture, you can see the entoptic objects depicted below the hallucinations of Buddha and Bodhisattvas.
  17. Vajra strands

    Do you think that the masters who transmitted the tibetan practice knew the scientific and anatomical base for such things to appear? I don't think so. They spoke of vision.
  18. Vajra strands

    Yes, they are.
  19. Vajra strands

  20. ...

    Zanshin 34
  21. If 'astral travel' works; how come it's not on TripAdvisor?

    No no, I guarantee that it's difficult!
  22. Is celibacy for 10 years realistic?

    How could you date a girl and -at the same time- plan to remain celibate?
  23. Do you know how much it costs to spend a whole life in retreat? Or how to arrange one?
  24. How and why do babies lose belly breath ?

    Yes, but they have little memory and they can't keep the same desire for prolonged period of time. In addition, they hardly desire something which cannot be seen at the present moment. Far from the eyes and far from the heart. Their desires are irrational, but usually quite simple. In baby children there's no desire to possess: when they want something something, it's just about exploring the thing for a few moments and then throw it away. Their emotions are not sophisticate enough to cause trouble in their Qi-field.