Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. idiots on the road to enlightenment

    It's just the relative bodhicitta thing, meaning that as long as I have a dualistic mind, I see the world as populated by sentient idiots and I consider myself the bodhisattva-saviour of humanity. Yet, I have to work on my mind because sometimes I think that I am the real idiot.
  2. idiots on the road to enlightenment

    tsk ...tsk... You follower of the lesser vehicle... I'm a mahayana buddhist, I don't get angry because I want to attain enlightenment to benefit all sentient idiots. _/|\_
  3. Druids. Who knew?

    Unfortunately, Druid-ism is one the first reconstruction-ist religions and sadly there's almost nothing that isn't completely made up from the 1800s.
  4. Energy work and scar healing?

    Imho, if your Yi (intention-hearth) is strong enough (which may be the case if you practice celibacy), then your mind could be strong and able to produce inflammations on your bodily tissues. Those are particularly evident on the delicate skin of new scars.
  5. Can meditation reduce the effects of ageing? (study)

    Milarepa, the great saint followed a very bad diet and he lived to 80 years. There are many cases of poor workers who reach considerably old ages in Tibet and China. The same consideration could be applied to some qigong practitioners... The link between meditation and long life is difficult to understand
  6. Can meditation reduce the effects of ageing? (study)

    How could it be that many tibetan meditation masters lived short lives? Shamar RInpoche for example, died at 62 and there are those who claim that he produced straordinary signs at his death, marks of an highly realized individual. Zen people, on the other hand tend to live longer.
  7. If 'astral travel' works; how come it's not on TripAdvisor?

    What the about the yoga of the illusory body in tibetan buddhism? I think that this should involve AP, but I've never heard a Lama establishing a link between the two practices.
  8. What is the longest you've ever meditated?

    When I do that, I get headache in half an hour: I can produce kundalini syndromes at will
  9. If 'astral travel' works; how come it's not on TripAdvisor?

    I believe that APs produced by energy manipulations are symptoms of a bad practice. I've never learned a method that doesn't require effort and clinging to achieve AP... and since I love the daoist effortless way, I think that APs will find their place in spiritual practice in a more advanced level, a sort of "spontaneous skill"
  10. What is the longest you've ever meditated?

    That was necessary to learn how to sleep in full lotus (no back support) Needless to say that I failed
  11. Lower Dantien Heat and Pain, Please Help!

    My advice: stop visualizing stuff inside your body, stop masturbation and it will recover naturally in less than a week.
  12. Keanu Reeves, Immortal

    I've heard that there's a secret buddhist tantra called "The vajra-words of Keanu are directed to our reeve" (VOKADOR) which is so advanced that the dakinis had to beg the Buddhas for a thousand kalpas to obtain a quarter of it. The dakinis have 108 chapters, but we humans have only 72 chapters. It was translated into medieval chinese to produce a manual that some unknown guy holds in his house in the island of Java. The Buddha became enlightened after reading the first four chapters and Jesus resurrected from the dead after studying the 9th chapter which later evolved into the Kabbalah. It is said, that Keanu have an english edition of the entire book.
  13. Did anyone notice how iridescent our skin is?

    Yes, it's like they can touch everything...
  14. Keanu Reeves, Immortal

    Cool. He's a genuine person! Now, I would like to talk with him. Great artist, in any case.
  15. Keanu Reeves, Immortal

  16. The meaning of not dreaming at all, vs. a lot?

    Sometimes, too much dreaming is a symptom of a certain "mess" in the energy body: for example there are techniques aimed at producing lucid dreams that screw the energy body quite a bit.
  17. Shamar Rinpoche dies

    How could it be that he died so young?
  18. Who "Sees" the Dragon Eye?

    Yes, in fact here we arrive at the point that I originally made: meditation and shamanic trance are not the same things and this is something that cannot be measured merely by brainwaves activity.
  19. Who "Sees" the Dragon Eye?

    In my research, I've found that science doesn't really measure what it can't explain. In scientific terms, meditation is just a "relaxation exercise" and nothing more. How could you expect explanations and efficient ways to measure the real thing?
  20. Who "Sees" the Dragon Eye?

    My english is very bad: I'm talking about the reddened face of the weight-lifter, not the colors of the weights. If that would be the case, it should be possible to find the brainwaves of the enlightened state. It's not possible because they're just "side-effects" and not an efficient scale to measure meditation states.
  21. Who "Sees" the Dragon Eye?

    I've never heard of a spiritual tradition that classify the various states in that way: it's like pretending to measure weight by the colors that appear on the face of the weight-lifter. Really... there's nothing similar to that classification in authentic spiritual tradition because it's just scientific experimental language. You cannot really differentiate samadhi from vipassana in that classification, for example.
  22. Who "Sees" the Dragon Eye?

    Shen is damaged by excessive mental speculation and wondering like this "Oh! I've seen JC climbing the rainbow on a golden pony! This is really special, I'm a super-practitioner! What is the meaning of such a vision?". Jing is damaged since it is connected with Shen: when the shen is dissipated, the essence decreases. Taking plants is something different: it's like paying a visit to a spirit for a specific purpose. When you meditate and experience a spontaneous vision, it may be your consciousness that assumed that particular shape or a low-level spirit of the thousands million that roam in modern cities. In either cases, it's better to ignore the experience and go on. In any case, meditation doesn't equate shamanic trance states.
  23. Who "Sees" the Dragon Eye?

    Usually, I see palatable dishes, ice cream, spaghetti and sometimes vulvas and beautiful women As a zen-oriented practitioner, I regard those things as insignificant hallucinations. To cling, to look for meanings and explanations, to imagine angelic beings and bodhisattvas descending from the sky... All would be a serious damage to the Shen and Jing.
  24. restoring eye sight

    I tried many times and with different approaches, but it seems that there's no way to heal myopia. No qigong, no ayahuasca, no meditation... nothing. Actually, it's funny when you see qigong masters teaching how to gather the mighty QI from the planets, to project healing energies, to speak with ghosts, to see the auras and such... but none fo them know how to threat baldness and myopia I think it's a problem related with strain as Dr. Bates teach, but I think that one should take a six months retreat of countinuos sky-gazing for healing. Bates' exercises didn't worked for me.