Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. What exactly is "grasping"?

    Historically, even killing other human beings was a natural condition of human existence (and still is, in some of the most primitive groups). It doesn't matter how natural and healthy it is: in the moment the eyes meet the hot chick, grasping is there... naturally. Cultivating a sexual drive is to cultivate grasping... at least, so said people like the Buddha who established communities of monks, for example. imho. :wub:
  2. What exactly is "grasping"?

    I agree. Who can claim to be beyond sexual desire? It's something that cannot be conquered easily (or maybe cannot be conquered at all). And yes, it's a form of grasping.
  3. ...

    When the cup is empty, Unbelievable things happen.
  4. I believe I can fly
  5. Chundi mantra

    Once you get used to walking with crutches, it seems unpleasant and difficult to move around with your own legs...
  6. That thing is not kundalini. If man touch his penis with a finger, he cannot say that he's experiencing orgasm. If he uses a drill, the experience is stronger than orgasm. Yeah, the feelings are in the penis... but it's not orgasm. Although it happens in the penis, it doesn't mean that it's an orgasm. Although it happens in the spine, it doesn't mean that it's kundalini.
  7. Ok, I'll try to clarify a few points. The real kundalini is blissful and it's an experience that, in case of tremendous overload, leads to the realization of the fundamental nature of reality. It's not supported by some fancy visualization, but by a state of mind. When the mind turns to mundane affairs, kundalini falls and semen is released in the bladder. The so-called kundalini overload which you're referring to, is the result of some energy manipulation. The cure is "stop that meditation/exercise". If you reach the orgasm of ejaculation, it will get worst because some energy from the orgasm will try to rise the spine.
  8. I think that if you feel that your friends are enjoying life more than you do, it's better to find a place in the world that is more suitable to you.
  9. Any Gurdjieff Enthusiasts Out There?

    I think that one of the secrets of Mr G. was the use of some drugs which gave him visions and insights: in the Belzebuub he recorded much of those.
  10. The Hare Krishna Movement...

    Yes, basically the HK cult came out of a right-handed tantric current, simplified to become a massive movement devoid of esoteric-ism: they adopted the popular chanted mantra meditation, the traditional Guru devotional yoga and the external deity yoga. A tantrika was supposed to be quite a magician with devotion as a mere "tool". In origin, bhakti was just an aspect of the path as we can see for example, in tibetan tantric buddhism (where the most popular and basic practice is om mani peme hung chanting). Thus it was supposed to be just the first step in the practice and NOT the path in its entirety... unless you were an extreme ascetic. Interesting insights on Venus But the beautiful Lady doesn't like celibate people very much. When there is so much sexual discipline, it's more about Diana, the moon goddess plus bits of Athena. In the HK practices I discovered a kind of love much more intense and so overwhelming that love itself was ten times better than sex. Literally. A breakthrough for my poor mind ... In a couple of words, he said "Do your duty that is to kill all of your enemies: you cannot avoid this, but you should detach from the fruits of your actions". Then, he explained various yogas to achieve this state, including the HK style of bhakti.
  11. The Hare Krishna Movement...

    Regarding the HK mantra, I should say that I practised it extensively for hours in meditative equipoise (so, not chanting aloud since this is experientially less effective than inner recitation... although HK people say that it's better to chant in this dark age). Apart from the meditative benefits of chanting, I experienced some "occult/magical" effects: 1) I noticed the growth of an admiration and a sincere devotion for Mr. Prabhupada (even if I didn't like him at first); 2) as a result, I started looking for his writings which I found inspiring; 3) Suddenly, I found myself detached from the "material world" with no interest in material gain... but I developed the desire to join the devotes; 4) love for Krishna; 5) I became vegetarian; 6)other stuff; To break the enchantment, I spent a day with the devotes who I found remarkably similar to catholic christian devotes full of dogmatic non-sense, with little experience in real mantra meditation... and usually with some controversial abuse stories on their back. Yes, there's some magic behind the hare krishna mantra: it was charged by the spiritual practice of this man Bhaktivinoda was aware that his humble disciple Gaurakisora was a spiritual giant, therefore he sent his son Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati to him for the initiation in the Gaudiya sampradaya. With his spiritual blessings, this movement experienced a tremendous success. Imho.
  12. The Hare Krishna Movement...

    There are harekrishna people who dislike the iskcon
  13. Good websites to help avoid fapping

    Yes, you're right. But I think it's more about love than honour and respect :wub:
  14. Good websites to help avoid fapping

    You see hot chicks Keep the image in your mind And this is what you get ---- I can't think about something more demotivating...
  15. As far as I know, the lbrp isn't an energetic technique, but a psychic one which aims to clear the environment and the mind from external obstructions like ghosts, spirits and negative energies in general. It doesn't necessarily work on Qi; it is supposed to act on a more subtle level. Therefore, this cannot substitute qigong, imho. The middle pillar instead (apart from the fact that it was probably invented by western occultists when they heard about kundalini) should work on the internal energies and on the subtler levels, at the same time. When you focus somewhere in the body, this influence Qi flow... and when you use divine names, you're acting on a level which is beyond qigong. It won't take long to become like this
  16. Nei Gong Forum?

    I think it's a better idea to look for hardcore moderators ...
  17. How tree spirits heal

  18. The Earth seems to want my sperm

    Ime, meditation on specific spots in the body may produce physical healing, but I never found the "billion-dollar point" that can make a person immediately rich ... and if it exists, I don't think that it's the rectum (although it can produce healing).
  19. Do Ya'll guys drink?
  20. Request for less disciplinary action against Apech

    Apech knows his business thoroughly...
  21. Request for less disciplinary action against Apech

    Apech, the most evil cat... Here an old photo..
  22. I like this book. I think that all this concern for saving people from information is misplaced. The only reason which I can understand for keeping information hidden, is for valuing the knowledge itself and respecting the Gurus.
  23. The dao of the shamans is not the Dao of the immortals. In Cheng there was a shaman of the gods named Chi Hsien. He could tell whether men would live or die, survive or perish, be fortunate or unfortunate, live a long time or die young, and he would predict the year, month, week,8 and day as though he were a god himself. When the people of Cheng saw him, they dropped everything and ran out of his way. Lieh Tzu went to see him and was completely intoxicated. Returning, he said to Hu Tzu, "I used to think, Master, that your Way was perfect. But now I see there is something even higher!" Hu Tzu said, "I have already showed you all the outward forms, but I haven't yet showed you the substance-and do you really think you have mastered this Way of mine? There may be a flock of hens but, if there is no rooster, how can they lay fertile eggs? You take what you know of the Way and wave it in the face of the world, expecting to be believed! This is the reason men can see right through you. Try bringing your shaman along next time and letting him get a look at me." The next day Lieh Tzu brought the shaman to see Hu Tzu. When they had left the room, the shaman said, "I'm so sorry - your master is dying! There's no life left in him - he won't last the week. I saw something very strange-something like wet ashes!" Lieh Tzu went back into the room, weeping and drenching the collar of his robe with tears, and reported this to Hu. Tzu. Hu Tzu said, "Just now I appeared to him with the Pattern of Earth - still and silent, nothing moving, nothing standing up. He probably saw in me the Workings of Virtue Closed Off.10 Try bringing him around again." The next day the two came to see Hu Tzu again, and when they had left the room, the shaman said to Lieh Tzu, "It certainly was lucky that your master met me! He's going to get better - he has all the signs of life! I could see the stirring of what had been closed off!" Lieh Tzu went in and reported this to Hu Tzu. Hu Tzu said, "Just now I appeared to him as Heaven and Earth - no name or substance to it, but still the workings, coming up from the heels. He probably saw in me the Workings of the Good One.11 Try bringing him again." The next day the two came to see Hu Tzu again, and when they had left the room, the shaman said to Lieh Tzu, "Your master is never the same! I have no way to physiognomize him! If he will try to steady himself, then I will come and examine him again." Lieh Tzu went in and reported this to Hu Tzu. Hu Tzu said, "Just now I appeared to him as the Great Vastness Where Nothing Wins Out. He probably saw in me the Workings of the Balanced Breaths. Where the swirling waves12 gather there is an abyss; where the still waters gather there is an abyss; where the running waters gather there is an abyss. The abyss has nine names and I have shown him three.13 Try bringing him again." The next day the two came to see Hu Tzu again, but before the shaman had even come to a halt before Hu Tzu, his wits left him and he fled. "Run after him!" said Hu Tzu, but though Lieh Tzu ran after him, he could not catch up. Returning, he reported to Hu Tzu, "He's vanished! He's disappeared! I couldn't catch up with him." Hu Tzu said, "Just now I appeared to him as Not Yet Emerged from My Source. I came at him empty, wriggling and turning, not knowing anything about `who' or `what,' now dipping and bending, now flowing in waves - that's why he ran away." After this, Lieh Tzu concluded that he had never really begun to learn anything.14 He went home and for three years did not go out. He replaced his wife at the stove, fed the pigs as though he were feeding people, and showed no preferences in the things he did. He got rid of the carving and polishing and returned to plainness, letting his body stand alone like a clod. In the midst of entanglement he remained sealed, and in this oneness he ended his life.
  24. Handstand on Mt. Huashan

    This is the new frontier of female seduction Do you want to seduce that guy? Go on mount Huashan and perform a headstand: everyone will fall in love