Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. to become a ninja

  2. What would you do if you saw a freezing child?

    Beautiful girls in that country
  3. Trul khor

    Trul Khor in klingon means Probably... :-D :-D :-D
  4. Meditation infographic

    Into the mind of a meditation master
  5. Law of Karma is not for damn anyone.

    As Captain Mar-vel said, it's about cause and effect. To be a buddhist, one should firmly believe in the law of cause and effect. But, from a practical perspective, this law applies only for a couple of cases: people who do bad deeds DO NOT necessarily receive bad things. Therefore, this so-called law isn't true. It's just a philosophic interpretation of reality. Sticking to this interpretation, we need to say that all causes have to manifest effects... and if the life is too short to manifest the consequences of our action, then we suppose that there's another life! Hence, reincarnation is a fundamental belief in buddhism, something that is deep inside the mind of traditional buddhists, something that they assume to be true. The parallel is that the idea of God in westerners is similarly patched in the brain: ask anyone about "religion" and he will tell you something about God. Sorry for bad english. Need to go back to school hahah
  6. Law of Karma is not for damn anyone.

    Yes, but this is not karma. This is morality. :-)
  7. Law of Karma is not for damn anyone.

    Karma has to do with reincarnation. Evil people may enjoy happiness in this life and good people may even die very young. What's karma? It's to believe that they will have what they deserve in future lives. Also, you should believe that it's annoying to continuously reincarnate... even if you can't remember a dime of your previous lives :-D This is blind belief. It's not very different from believing in God the creator...
  8. What would you tell a student?

    I'll teach a couple of Mopai levels, I'll recommend to write on taobums about their visionary experiences and complement that with quotations from The Magus of Java and The Lord of The Rings. Then, I'll teach that women are evil and they want to get sexual energy from males. If time allows, I'll prepare some weird theory about the dan tien as the center of the cosmos and the chakras spinning around as planets. For a couple of them, I'll set a non-duality philosophy so that they can challenge dzongchenpas and vedantins on the board. But the MOST important teaching beyond words, will be a secret for everyone
  9. Law of Karma is not for damn anyone.

    When a christian decides to embrace buddhism, he's told "You fool! How could you believe in one omnipotent God who rule the earth?". Stop blindly believe in things which you cannot test for yourself, now you're buddhist! Let me teach you about karma One is truly buddhist when he no longer blindly believe in God, but he blindly believe in karma . At the end, it's all about faith. There's God? There's karma? None really knows...
  10. What would you ask a master?

    Ask him how it is possible to heal myopia with meditation. I mean... if you can set things on fire, a simple self-healing should be really simple, or not?
  11. Micro-cosmic orbit - a question

    Every form of meditation is supposed to still the mind. According to the ancient daoists, the mind mounts on Qi. SO, when the Qi flows properly, the mind is still. From here, you have two approach to meditation: 1-working on Qi to still the mind; 2-stilling the mind to make the Qi flows properly in a spontaneous way; The latter is considered the best method.
  12. A true and false saying

    It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything. (Tyler Durden) It's true because we naturally avoid risks and when we have nothing to lose , it's easier to try new things. ... but it's only when one have huge amounts of money that he can do anything he likes.
  13. Mahayana Path

    Yes good.
  14. Mahayana Path

    The bodhisattva path is the path of compassion.
  15. taoism enlightenment?

    The fact that the idea of daoism that we have today in the west is born out of a partial diffusion and a peculiar interpretation of the teachings. It's not something that comes from the ancient time, but a modern philosophy. Therefore, I consider a true daoist to be one who belongs to an original daoist trasmission. You may say they're all frauds if you like, but they were called "daoists" long before daoism was known in the west.
  16. taoism enlightenment?

    I'm not aware of this multitude of disagreements. Maybe is it something kept hidden ?
  17. I love you ( mantra's )?

    I tried the focusing on the heart chakra and it caused me great pain after a short period of practice. In the solar plexus I found the love feeling we're talking about, but it lasted for a very short time... then it turned to pain. I gave up chakra focusing techniques :-P
  18. taoism enlightenment?

    Nothing special. He just pointed out that he learned such and such things in a recognized daoist lineage that he belongs to... and since I studied on a couple of translated book, my understanding of the real thing isn't something substantial. What I think should be daoist or not is irrelevant since this comes from my "view" and not from the "view" of the ancients. The teachings of the ancients are preserved in schools and lineages, not in best seller books. :-(
  19. taoism enlightenment?

    Not that far. I do not have basic principles separate from absolute non-resistence
  20. taoism enlightenment?

    Chinese Taoist Association
  21. I love you ( mantra's )?

    Please, can you share the source of this viewpoint? I think this really makes sense: I think that for the practice of self-love, one firstly separates himself into two... and then, the two parts start to seek unification by means of love. I don't like this practice very much: there's a lot of clinging to emotions and sensations...
  22. taoism enlightenment?

    This is exactly what I firmly believed: I read dozens of books, spent time in retreat on the mountains, studied the best available translations of the I-Ching and Dao De Ching ... ...then, one day I met a true daoist and I realized that "my daoism" was just my artificial creation.
  23. How to find a Vajrayana teacher

    Many vajrayana teachings originated from enlightened beings, the problem is that for some reason, it's not that easy to find people suitable for the actual realization. Therefore, the transmission should remain pure and unbroken because most of those who transmit cannot realize in the present lives... but when a person with clear eyes will meet the authentic treasures of knowledge, he will see the truth. The intentions of the vajrayana practitioner is to benefit others to the highest extent possible with the present conditions: unless he's a super-practitioner who can speak with dakinis and develop superpowers easily, it's better to rely on a qualified teacher because if he'll teach anyone in the future, he'll teach something that comes from the enlightened masters. Without compassion, one cannot understand those things. And without compassion, one cannot realize the fruits of vajrayana. bye
  24. taoism enlightenment?

    I would love to be a true daoist, but it's hard to find a legitimate lineage here in the west.
  25. Mystical Buddhist Readings

    It seems that there's a great deal of mystic elements in vajrayana... maybe too much to be real.