Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. There's nothing strange in you. This is perfectly normal: to love a woman, one must feel the uncommon need/desire for that woman. Since sexual desire is already fulfilled, there are no "strong forces" there to help in producing love. imho
  2. Is Testicle Breathing dangerous?

    Hi helixer, there's a chance that you're loosing jing trough your bladder since depression is a clear symptom.
  3. Yidams in Vajrayana

  4. Intense pleasurable feeling in my right hand

    Did you practiced something specific to achieve that result?
  5. Yidams in Vajrayana

    No, the Lama is almost inaccessible. Anger can be used for magical purposes and I understand why certain yogis may benefit from it, but it's not good for health on the long term.
  6. Yidams in Vajrayana

    In my case, practicing with a wrathful deity produced a sudden increase of anger (I'm a calm person by nature).
  7. Yidams in Vajrayana

    Nice article The yidam practice produces a strong connection with the Guru. Even if you're not 100% convinced about the "qualities" of the Guru, you'll end up worshiping him as a Buddha. Therefore, be careful about your Lama. Then, I want to ask a question. According to taoist healing arts, the negative emotions shorten lifespan. What about the wrathful deities who work with negative emotions? Imho, it's not healthy, unless one know the "trick" to use the power of the negativity without being afflicted. Lets' talk about anger, for example... what's the trick?
  8. Tibetan Yoga of Breath

    It seems quite interesting Maybe there's something on you tube Is this related?
  9. How deep should sitting/emptiness meditation get?

    DOn't like the internal focus and trance-like states are a side-path. Keep it simple bro Imho, suzuki's instructions on zazen are inspiring.
  10. The importance of Bodhichitta and compassion

    SOrry for this little derail, but I hoped that someone could point some articles/books/etc (or posts)... which can clarify (easily) the opinions on Tsongkhapa's madness. Thank you
  11. Does full lotus help conserve jing?

    One can have dozens of children by sitting in full-lotus hahaha The only thing that can sublimate jing is ... emptiness. The way you sit doesn't matter that much.
  12. Rasputin - How did he heal the Tsar's son?

    I've heard that he had access to the knowledge of tibetan medicine from a monastery in Russia... but since I think that to live a long life is quintessential to stay away from tibetan medicine ( ), I think that probably Rasputin never understood why his healing worked well... he just knew how to do it: probably a very simple method. my dvúshka
  13. Your deities?

    I take both
  14. Longchenpa on the Avatars of Vishnu

    yes, but the actual link is just a myth/story. Apart from that, it's hard to find connections. The same goes with Krishna and his alter-egos
  15. Longchenpa on the Avatars of Vishnu

    Sometimes, it's not very clear how two different deities are considered manifestation of the same being: think about Chenrezig and Mahakala....
  16. Longchenpa on the Avatars of Vishnu

    What's the counterpart of Krishna in buddhism? I know that there was at least a tantric version... I know of the Krishna Yamari
  17. hatred vs. apathy

    You're so lovely
  18. hatred vs. apathy

    To understand the relation between love and lust means to be able to control one's own sexual energy. you're not supposed to be able to do so. :-) Often, people misinterpret "attachment" for love... especially when it's about relatives. That sound like a sort of psychosis :-D Hatred is not something that "you suffer"... that thing is called frustration. No, the "sense of duty" is an emotional state. Something that you "feel" it's necessary to do For example, when you feel that it's important to pay taxes... or generally to give money to those who "deserve".
  19. hatred vs. apathy

    The opposite of Love is Lust. More often than not, they coexist in different measures. The opposite of hatred is the Will to protect. The opposite of apathy is the sense of duty.
  20. The Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit is the "Power", the "function", the propulsive energy for preaching and teaching. If you read the gospels, you see that it's the most fundamental thing: Jesus started his messianic activity after receiving it, and the apostles also began their mission AFTER getting the holy spirit at Pentecost. This shows that the Holy Ghost is the hidden power of christianity. To say bad things about Jesus, the doctrine, the apostles, etc... means that you don't like the way they did things, but still you may fundamentally appreciate the intention of the Holy Ghost of spreading christianity and supporting this messianic message. If you don't like the activity of the Holy Ghost means that you don't want to take part in this messianic movement... and the original teachings stressed the fact that the only sin that cannot be forgotten is the one in which you actually leave christianity. Practically, once you're out of christianity, you cannot receive another baptism to come back. Therefore, blasphemy against the holy spirit means the factual intention to leave christianity.
  21. Movie Shaolin Secret.

    The secret of discipline and life-long dedication :-D
  22. I think that this story is mostly fictional delusion... We always tend to find the "extraordinary" in ourselves because we want to be special: this is especially true in tibetan buddhism with all the theories on tulkus, karmic connection and profetic dreams. Vajrayana was intended for tough people with solid spiritual roots...
  23. how to love someone unconditionally ?

    Good questions. If you sincerely and unconditionally love a woman, this doesn't mean that she'll love you as a potential partner.... unless, she's very frustrated with her life. The techniques come from the Metta Bhavana of theravada buddhism
  24. I think there has been some misunderstanding here
  25. Relationships: help or hindrance of path

    Yes, a specular reflection ... meaning the exact opposite Even Lao-tzu observed those who cannot understand the Tao and he even described their behaviors...