Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. Ambition - Be a Mountain Sage

  2. Chundi mantra

    Sometime, "when nothing is said" is more explicative than an entire article ...
  3. Chundi mantra

    Apart from Qi/physichal effects, visions an metaphysical things... who can share some experiences of "life-change" trough this mantra? I mean, something like suddenly change one's job, new wife, a monastic vocation, solving financial issues, etc... Something that really impacts the course of own's life. I've met harekrishna people who quit smoking with mantra-japa, for example. But I'm curious about the "changing fortune" aspects of this particular mantra. Thank you :-)
  4. you want to control this reality ? anchor yourself

    The old way to do things was: first attain and only then, teach.
  5. movements during orgasm and sex

    Yoga and porn... they are the same
  6. Esoteric Bible

    I looked deeply inside the bible for years and I came to the conclusion that most of the high meaning and power that we find, is inside us... we just project it outside in any important source.
  7. The way it is for those who don't know

    You think yourself greater than Foyan? This is just splashing around in the ocean of Delusion, little child ...
  8. Can you show its sutrayana?
  9. The way it is for those who don't know

    People nowadays take the immediate mirroring awareness to be the ultimate principle. This is why Xuansha said to people, 'Tell me, does it still exist in remote uninhabited places deep in the mountains?' As for Not knowing Sometimes when I question students, they all say they do not know or understand; they just say they eat when hungry and sleep when tired. What redemption is there in such talk? You even say you are not cognizant of whether the month is long or short, and do not care whether it is a leap year; whd understands this affair of yours? Now I ask you, how do you explain the logic of not knowing? You hear others say this, so you say it yourselves; but have you ever understood that principle of not knowing? An ancient said, “Not knowing means nothing is not known, nowhere not reached.” This is.called unknowing so that you people today may reach that unknown state. This is the realm of the sages —how could it be like the blindness and nonunderstanding that people today call not knowing? If you go on like this always declaring you don’t know and are not concerned, how will you communicate if someone questions you? There might be no one to continue on the road of Zen! It Wfcm’t do to be like this. Make your choice carefully! (Zen Master Foyan)
  10. Are there any tonglen-like practices in other traditions? I'm not aware of any of them: I think that tonglen is a genuinely pure vajrayana experience with no counterparts in other tantric traditions. Generally, those kind of practices are born out of some mental speculation -with superficial or no actual experimentation- on the precise effects. This practice is still in the testing phase: I would leave it for the most advanced practitioners and rely on more time-tested things. My 2 cents.
  11. Jesus was a Tao Bum

    Great Jesus fits everywhere
  12. The way it is for those who don't know

    Not-knowing means nothing is not known... Please consider that this matter cannot be explained that easily.
  13. Reliable magic spell sites

    I think that this is the hyperlink that you're looking for...
  14. Your deities?

  15. The way it is for those who don't know

    You should realize that there is someone who does not seek to know... This is what an ancient zen master said about "knowing".
  16. Two great books by Master Nan

    Sorry, my english is really bad. edited my previous post
  17. Two great books by Master Nan

    It's not that those who die sick fall into oblivion, but those who cannot sustain a pure state independent from the bodily conditions... they may fall into oblivion even if they have great purity of mind. He stressed this point many times: you can purify your qi channels for decades and achieve great samadhi states... but the minute you fall sick, your realization is gone because your stable mind is stable because of your chi channels and they are material and impermanent things. So, your stable mind is impermanent. Hence, one should cultivate a mind that can sustain adverse conditions and that it's not dependent on the physical body.
  18. Chundi mantra

    Maybe it depends on the cultural background of the practitioners, the place where it is chanted, etc...
  19. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    It's a manual and as such it is designed to be clear even if one read in a non-linear way. For example, I skip the boring parts and go directly to the things I'm interested in.
  20. Levi's Baphomet

    Baphomet... for Levi it was such an esoteric symbol, but today it's almost banal!
  21. Mantak Chia's Iron Shirt; good or bad practice

    Mantak Chia's system covers certain stages of spiritual development according to daoist alchemy. His teaching is for real the "closed door secret" of many schools, and more than that he put together various practices in order to fill every possible gap. If it were a total fraud, how much easier it would be to sell some form of Osho-like tantric sex with no health implications? Why take the trouble to convince men of the benefit of semen retention? Because he genuinely wanted to share true daoist knowledge. The fact that it just doesn't work it's not exactly because the teaching is incomplete, rather these are very elitist secrets by nature ... they cannot be popularized that easy. imho.
  22. You've been Reichroll'd.

    Reich & roll !!!
  23. The 9 bottled wind pranayam...

    Hahah I can sit in full lotus for hours in a row, but I can't do the butterfly pose