Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    The best thing that I got from that book is the Min's version of "The secret of the golden flower". A version that the golden-flower Masters that write non-sense here, claiming enlightenment ( ), are not even aware of.
  2. OM

    I would choose a mantra that can be repeated all the time, even in the midst of activity and it seems to me that OM is more suited for contemplative sittings rather than walking or working in the fields.
  3. Try to meditate on hard rock without a cushion and you will understand why old masters suggested full lotus... Today people meditate on fluffy pillows, but you should sit on yang to get a ying body
  4. Doubt should be threaten differently based on the meditation's method that one's uses. For example, if you practice a certain set of visualizations aimed at a particular goal, it may help to listen to those who have reached that result.
  5. You cannot get any complete (and coherent!) doctrine out of the scriptures. We can comment only relating to a particular tradition which interpret things based on something that transcend the scriptures. For example, Catholicism claims a spiritual lineage linking them with the apostles and thus they transmit teachings that are not expounded in the Bible.
  6. Dead in Christ means those who are dead as baptized Christians since at the time almost anyone could (and shall) perform the communion ritual. Priesthood wasn't established yet, according to historians. Christians believe that Jesus is the same with the father (God), so people know the father by mean of the son. If there's no God, then there's no Jesus. God is thought as being three persons in one: the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. They are one, yet distinct. This is something that the human mind cannot comprehend. To summarize, communion in Jesus is communion with God himself.
  7. If you do HS like this guy It will be cardio until you master the stance. Then, you can try another extreme posture. Maybe on one leg. As I said in a previous post, there are two ways of doing HS: medical and martial.
  8. Does this guy have his third eye opened?

    Partecipants are pre-selected and the thing is tried over and over.
  9. Controlling sexual desire

  10. Controlling sexual desire

    What do you mean by living life more fully?
  11. Controlling sexual desire

    Obviously, I referred to the lusty attention
  12. I Want This;

  13. Controlling sexual desire

    Yes, maybe you're right. This was just a theory and it requires that the male have a very healthy sexual energy.
  14. Controlling sexual desire

    A nice theory about this "cold draining" phenomena. The girl puts her attention on you, thus sending energy to you. ---> ( ) This energy takes your shape... ---> ( ) ...and comes back to the lady as soon as she start fantasizing about you. ( ) <--- If your mind is not trained, you will unconsciously identify with this shade... ---> [( ) ] ...and when she has you in mind, you have her in mind. Where the Yi of intention goes... <--- Of course, other powerful forces play the game, but this is what you feel as "qi going outside" and "noticing the woman shortly after". Mantra means protection of the mind and it prevents your mind from identifying with the shadow
  15. Buddhist Shaolin and Taoist alchemy differences

    This is interesting. Can you link some sources on this?
  16. Controlling sexual desire

  17. Controlling sexual desire

    You know, to accumulate jing one needs celibacy + meditation, according to all daoist sources. A married man generally can't do this, especially in our modern society where the lady will say: "No sex, eh? Ok, divorce!" Sure, there are men who practice meditation and have no sexual discipline claiming that sex has no draining effects on them. But this is because the human body is highly adaptive.
  18. Controlling sexual desire

    I'm aware that people cannot digest this This is just for those who are really devoted to practice.
  19. Controlling sexual desire

    This makes sense, but drew wrote that he had this experience even without being aware of the female around. He noticed it after he felt the internal orgasm... In addition, married men usually don't have any sexual discipline which allows the jing to accumulate.
  20. Controlling sexual desire

    Do you have an idea of the actual mechanics of this kind of draining?
  21. Yes! But it should be the martial horse-stance because the medical one (knees bent very slightly) will not do the cardio training. Martial horse-stance has 3 step: 1) riding the horse 2) holding the ball 3) then, there's the highly secretive Nei-Gong of Mount Heng which combines both: it's called 使馬吞下球, make the horse swallow the ball
  22. I always thought that daoist recluses used to walk for hours every day... in the mountains with hard climbs, etc: that would be enough cardio exercise
  23. Controlling sexual desire

    Hi, please, could you say something more about this? Thank you
  24. Role Of Deities
