Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. Buddhist Shaolin and Taoist alchemy differences

    A few quotes from Master Wang Xian Zhai "Like a student of Zen, who starts with religious discipline, becomes skillful in quietude, has an insight, finds evidence of the fountainhead of one's spirit, comprehends the void and then finally reaches the highest achievement; only then can one learn the Tao. What Zen is, the martial arts are aswell." - p7, The Right Path of YiQuan, (2001) "The top of the head as if hanging from the sky (the head... when this vertex is like suspended... the 'white clouds can naturally gather to the peak', and a bit of miraculous brightness hangs from the vertex, this is also the basis of Zen)." p16, The Right Path of YiQuan.
  2. This spring makes me mad!
  3. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

  4. Dragon Shaolin Tea

    A super-tea to turn this into this
  5. Are there any written references on the Gao Hung?
  6. This spring makes me mad!

    the video in the first post is titled Spawning Time
  7. This spring makes me mad!

    It's just that springtime increases two great physiological needs: 1) the need to fight (enhanced aggressiveness, killer instinct, desire for combat) 2) the need to mate (thinking at Queen Vagina all day looong) No surprise that married joeblast people cannot feel springtime that much
  8. Does the inner smile cover Emptiness practice?

    Inner smile probably isn't a purely daoist invention as Mantak Chia claims. Instead, it's imported from India and it's part of the BrahmaVihara Dharma of buddhism. This is important to understand its functions and its limits. You know that buddhist meditation has two branches: samatha (stability, dhyana, etc) and vipassana (insight). The BrahmaVihara Dharma develops loving-kindness, compassion, altruistic-joy and equanimity and it is said that you can reach the third jhana with them (with equanimity you can reach fourth jhana). They are for samatha practice, not for insight, not for enlightenment: this is why Chenrezig/Avalokitesvara is a bodhisattva and not a Buddha in mahayana, although tibetans say that if you have unlimited compassion you should be enlightened. So they say Chenrezig is a Buddha. Traditionally, the Brahamavihara dharma is considered the best way to work on samatha because it frees the mind from many burdens without even beginning insight. But one should understand that the emptiness that one can reach trough samatha is a "false" emptiness, a trick of the mind and not the ultimate Wisdom. Personally, I would not recommend to focus your attention on a single organ without an understanding of true emptiness because this may create imbalances in Qi-flow. Better to work on each organ in a cycle. Best to work on the traditional Brahma Vihara (just google to find dozens of complete manuals on that) which doesn't involve focused attention on a single organ.
  9. Feminist thread

    ... and what if men should rely on psyco-trick (alpha-beta.gamma --> Hulk) because they cannot retain enough energy to arouse raw sexual desire in women?
  10. A few words on Tai Ji Quan

    In this world full of great experts on "what Taiji Quan is", I should really bow down. But please, take the time to read this little article in which the Great Master Wan Xiang Zhai talks about Tai Ji Quan. As masters of the original ‘Taijiquan’, I should recommend the Yang brothers Shaohou and Chengfu. They are also old friends of mine, thus I know that this boxing really has some knowledge of mechanics, but out of one hundred persons not even one gains its essence, and even if one can gain it, it is still one-sided, because the basic skills of intuitive perception already died out a long time ago, thus their lower bodies have no real strength to speak of. Originally this boxing consisted of three fists, also called the "old three cuts", Mr. Wang Zongyue changed it into "thirteen postures", and it was later changed into as much as one hundred and forty or fifty postures, this is the major reason for the distortion. For health preservation, it restrains the spirit and mettle, and brings discomfort to the practitioner. For combat, it harms the practitioner’s limbs and trunk, and causes the useful body to become a mechanical and stiff thing, it also disturbs the student’s nerves, and is nothing more than wasting one’s time. As for its method of training, a punch with a fist here, a slap with the palm there, a kick to the left, and another one to the right, that is pitiful and laughable. As for dealing with an enemy in a fight, against a master-hand, please do not even consider it, if the adversary is not stiff and sluggish, even the famous masters of this boxing have no chance to apply their skills. These abuses are so big that ‘Taijiquan’ might soon become just a mere form comparable to a chess manual. For the last twenty years, most people who have studied this boxing have not been able to differentiate right and wrong, even if someone has been able to differentiate them, he has not been capable of putting it into practice. As for common students, most of them use their ears instead of their eyes. So ruined is this boxing that it has become useless, this is really deplorable. I wish that the powerful members of this school would promptly and strictly clean it up, and attempt to develop it in the future. When the day of success comes, they will be held as the bosom friends of all the boxing fans. I dare to say that I understand ‘Taijiquan’ deeply, those who do not agree, can notify me or lay the blame on me, only the wise ones might understand. At the same time, I suppose those who have really gained something in their study of ‘Taijiquan’, when they read this, they will nod in agreement and cannot help laughing. You can find the complete interview here
  11. A few words on Tai Ji Quan

  12. A few words on Tai Ji Quan

    Yes, if anyone thought that he was teaching non-sense, they could freely have a fight to see in practice. After some time, the condition was "if you can win against the elder disciples, then you can fight with the Master".
  13. A few words on Tai Ji Quan

    He openly criticized those schools because he was open to any challenge. None was able to win. In addition, he was a recognized expert in all the discipline that he criticized. He didnt' talk about karate or judo because he wasn't an accomplished master in these disciplines.
  14. A few words on Tai Ji Quan

    No no
  15. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    When you say "Taoist Immortal" I'm thinking that no daoist source speaks of humanity made of immortals. Instead, to abandon society and cultivate the Way imply that "humanity" has definitely a very very marginal role in this affair...
  16. Chundi mantra

    Yes, but don't forget that it's enough to avoid glasses for some months to experience a slight improvement of the eyesight. I used rasterbrille for 3 months and experienced something similar.
  17. A few words on Tai Ji Quan

    It's a well known fact that Master Wang was able to project his energy and to throw his enemy away without efforts: it's enough to think at the Great Master Sewai who cannot defeat him and became his disciple. That said, I think that modern practitioners should consider his view carefully because to examine martial art theories was the goal of his life... and if he said that the idea of filling the dantien with Qi is a misunderstanding, there is some truth in it. Yes, this requires self-criticism because some people today consider QiGong as the way to be a 2nd Jesus... "Therefore, using strength is a great taboo in combat science. As for the theory of the dantian qi, from the theoretical point of view, field tests, and my own perception from experience and observation, this theory does not seem proper. Within the abdomen there are the intestines, the stomach, and the liver, there is no place to fill with the qi. As for the functions of force, they are all effects of the opposite power, the explosive power, and the power of the universe combined, and exerted together with breath that makes the body bulge and undulate, open and close, and the body and spirit being integrated with the atmosphere in one's mind. That has nothing to do with what the people call the qi of qigong. They always take a potbelly as dantian qi, that is just extremely wrong. One must know that when exerted, the strength must be issued evenly and completely. In order to be entirely free from worry and to gain strength, one should also be at leisure and natural, that is just being reasonable. The students of modern times do not understand this truth, they spend dozens of years working hard, and instead of gaining lively bodies and minds from the training, they become machines. Is that not a great pity!"
  18. A few words on Tai Ji Quan

  19. Chundi mantra

    Did you ever meet someone who healed his eyes and abandoned glasses through meditation ?
  20. Primordial qigong aka Tai Chi for Enlightenment

    To be enlightened means to understand in the most profound way the three characteristics (impermanence, no-self, unsatisfactoryness) and see them 24 hours a day in each single dharma (phenomena). From this understanding, one learns perfect detachment from objects, actions and fruits of action (wu-wei). You see, stilling the mind in some wuji-like state may help, but it will not do it. You can find all of this in the earliest sutras and in TTC.
  21. Primordial qigong aka Tai Chi for Enlightenment

    Because to say that playing weird movements can produce enlightenment imply that the Buddha was a stupid thick guy with strange ideas about stilling the mind and doing insight. To say that taiji is not a martial art is quite funny by its own without additional comments. Nonetheless, I admit that moving slowly and gently with mindfulness has a definite benefit on the body-mind. This is the basic principle behind the hundreds of qigong form. But the "magic" is not hidden in how one moves...
  22. A few words on Tai Ji Quan

  23. Primordial qigong aka Tai Chi for Enlightenment
  24. spontaneous selfless service

    I think that it's not about you: she has the power to get money from people. Probably this is how she lives... I've heard of a gipsy girl who can use hypnosis, but maybe this is not the case.
  25. spontaneous selfless service

    Tell us something about the dialogue and maybe we could give some psychological explanations