Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. Primordial qigong aka Tai Chi for Enlightenment

    Personally, I believe that real meditation can improve any martial arts. As for Chi Kung, I share the ideas of Master Nan Huai Chin...
  2. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    Yes. Basically it is said that Prince Rama, who is God himself according to Vaishnava, lived in tetra-yuga Treta Yuga (Devanagari: त्रेता युग) is the second out of four yugas, or ages of mankind, in the religion of Hinduism, and follows the Satya Yuga of perfect morality and precedes the Dvapara Yuga. After Dvapara Yuga, it comes Kali-yuga, the present age. At the very least, we could argue that eating meat is not a moral issue. But please, consider my previous posts on slaughter houses and respect for life.
  3. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    Prince Rama lived in Tetra-yuga. That should be, before the so-called "fall of man"
  4. Primordial qigong aka Tai Chi for Enlightenment

    Hi, I tried it for a while, but it doesn't seem that powerful... I hope to be wrong because the idea of this qigong form is nice. As it is presented it looks like pure scam: Tai Chi is a martial art, some use it for meditation because they get tired of sitting... but tai Chi is for killing people A form of tai chi without any martial application it's not tai chi, but qigong. I base my view of this martial art on those of Master Wang Xiang Zhai. Does someone know if the original chinese name suggests some seriousness in this practice?
  5. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    I don't believe that eating meat is in any way connected to the FALL OF MAN (whatever this thing is), but I do believe that the systematical massacre that happens in the slaughter houses shows the horrible disrespect of this society towards life. This is the main line in my posts. Hence, I didn't show the "compassion of big cats", but the inherent honor and grace in the natural process of killing in nature that involves acts of compassion. There's individual suffering, but you know predators serve the preys in limiting their number and safeguarding the vegetables that they meat. This is balance and harmony. Individual suffering is natural. In a slaughter houses there's a collective suffering, artificially kept to sustain unhealthy habits of weak humans. To sustain this unnatural thing, greedy men introduced chemicals to make big money... and this causes all sort of illness. How do we serve the animals in our slaughter houses? By providing a life of suffering and an horrible death? There's no balance nor harmony in this. Hence, this system cannot self-sustain and we have chemicals, hormones and a bunch of health problems. All kind of bad things come from this systematical slaughtering from the destruction of forests to Monsanto... If you don't eat meat, you're not compassionate... but intelligent at the very least.
  6. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    I've heard that certain vajrayana masters know the way in which by eating an animal they can bless him so that he can be reborn in an higher realm and receive Dharma teachings. Basically, this should be to offer the food to the Bodhisattva/Buddha and thus bless the animal. Maybe there's some ritual significance, but I doubt that there's some definite "yogic need" to consume meat... otherwise hundreds of vegetarian yogis of india should be considered inferior in understanding to the tibetans
  7. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    I admit they are a shameful bid at a guilt trp, and now you could believe that I'm making my argument from a detached rational standpoint. Now please, tell me... do you practice some form of meditation/qigong/etc.. ?
  8. One incredible fortune cookie

    This is an oooold indian philosophy... Why not "Every creation of himself, the image of one's own thinking and believing is the creation of the person" ? Weird phrases with no practical value, imho.
  9. Past Lives Just a Myth?

    Yes, I've heard all kind of variations on the theory of reincarnation... yet, the only mean to discern seems to be "what makes sense". But dozens of different theories make sense! I don't know what to think... I believe in percentage, which is personal and arbitrary: 30 % yes there's reincarnation, 40% there's some sort of "recycling" of human components, 30% no reincarnation, nothing
  10. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    There's no guilt, nor shame, nor desire to feel superior... just seeing something wrong and don't take a role in it. It's that simple. It's possible to live a healthy life without meat and enjoying palatable dishes at the same time. If you feel that it's ok to threat animals in that way because, as my grandmother said "They're made by God so that we can eat them"... then there's nothing that I can add. Just a question out of personal curiosity, do you practice some form of meditation/qigong/etc.. ? I think that it's just a matter of a inner sense of respect for life: he feels that there's something wrong in that system of slaughtering, hormones, low cost hamburgers, illness and over-consumption of meat. But if others feel a deep sense of gratitude and respect for that... well, we humans are really curious
  11. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    In the animal world, what you call "traumatic event" is as common as toothpaste in the U.S. Almost any big cat who lives in the wild had some sort of traumatic event: probably, they would call it ordinary life.
  12. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    Do you feel a deep sense of gratitude and reverence for this?
  13. 21 day retention challenge for guys and girls

    It's 21 days of retention... or retention + sexual exercise? I suspect that they start with retention and then try to sell you weird exercises...
  14. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    It seems that this "maternal instinct" has no "practical value" in nature: what's the purpose of caring for children of other species? Usually, in nature every instinct has a purpose. Am I right? Please, plan to see that video in the future.
  15. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    It's not about Gil because I respect her so much that I'm ready to marry her (@ Gil, PM me ). It's not even about sex, but when everybody think that enjoying the body of a woman is the ultimate experience, then you know there's is something scaring in society. This is an example of respect for life This is a example of exploitation (so horrible that one should login with youtube to watch) Can you see the different attitude?
  16. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    Please, consider that your body manifests the functions of living. We could create a perfect copy of your body, but we cannot give it life. Scientists say that life is a chemical condition... but they cannot create this mysterious chemical condition: it's just a theoretical guess. Hence, in my opinion there's something behind the functions of living that cannot be explained by scientific means because they cannot replicate, nor even describe the exact phenomena. Whatever this thing is...this thing behind the function of living... some call it "soul". You share this thing with animals and trees because they are also living entities. Intelligence and personality are matter of external conditions like developing a big brain or good teachers... but life is something that doesn't need a teacher: it's internal. So, on the external you are different from a cow, but internally you are the same. All primitive hunters use to tribute respect to their prey because they respect life. Sages consider wise to respect life... but as you see, slaughter houses are the systematical exploitation of life. Now, I'm not talking about vegetarianism in particular: I'm talking about the way people play as carnivores. Don't be fool. This is insane: not caring for the internal, people live for the external thinking that it's all that matter.
  17. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    Yes, I've heard of the benefits of fire. Yet, it's an external means: tiger doesn't have to produce her fangs out of some stick. Nor nature has provided you with the ability to produce fire out of your empty hand. Hence, while it's good to cook food, it's also worthy to make some observations on how much we rely on external adaptation. I'm sure that I can live without eating a taro, but there are plenty of vegetables and fruits that my body can consume and digest.
  18. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    Well, although there is much to say, I will point just the daoist thing because many people seems to be heartless. Nature provides every living beings with the capabilities to eat the food from which they can take the best for their maintenance. Hence, carnivores can hunt and digest meat. Their stomach destroys harmful bacteria, etc... If you claim to be carnivore, then nature should provide you with everything you need to -at the very least- take your portion of meat from a dead body without external instrument, eat it without cooking and digest it. Your body cannot accomplish those tasks, except for some little birds and some fishes... try to take your beef from a dead cow
  19. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    This is an hypothesis. Scientific facts demonstrate that a vegetarian diet prolongs life and saves from many sickness. Do they suppose that by drinking mercury we could evolve further? I'm vegetarian and it is a matter of respect for life. People say "vegetables are alive, too". Yes, but to raise a meat cow you feed her with vegetables: you sacrifice vegetables + animals. Hence, to be vegetarian means much less harm. Humans were hunters since time immemorial. To live in the wild means the right to kill and to be killed. Hunter and prey is the way of nature. Today, we are out of this game. But to purposefully raise an animal for his meat is an horrible thing. Yet, this could be sustained when your animals live an happy and protected life. This is the way of the ancients: 10 animals live protected by men and in payment for this, men eat one animal once a year. Today, animals are exploited, we give them pain and sorrow to taste palatable dishes. This is the topmost madness.
  20. Chundi mantra

    I think that if the Qi can affect the eyes significantly in meditation, one should be able to heal eye problems as myopia. Qi heals every part of the body, why not the eyes? But, in reality you can see many professional monks with thick eyeglasses: from the tibetans to the theravadins, to the zenists, etc... In my limited experience, Bodri proved himself to be an incomplete (and to a certain extent incorrect) source of information on cultivation gong-fu. He's not the bible
  21. Samadhi in Taoism / Mo Pai?

    I suggest to define what is samadhi in down-to-earth words first...
  22. Chundi mantra

    I found this on yahoo answer
  23. Arhats....

    Beware of these hindrances!
  24. In my opinion, fasting is just one of the tools because it promotes purification, but it's not all the business. Otherwise, starving children in africa should be overwhelmed from compassion...
  25. Master Nan Huai-Chin Dead at 94

    An hypothesis could be that this particular death was necessary to clean specific karmas ...