Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. Soma - Plants and the Divine

    From Wikipedia: In low doses, nutmeg produces no noticeable physiological or neurological response, but in large doses, raw nutmeg has psychoactive effects. In its freshly-ground (from whole nutmegs) form, nutmeg contains myristicin, a monoamine oxidase inhibitor and psychoactive substance. Myristicin poisoning can induce convulsions, palpitations, nausea, eventual dehydration, and generalized body pain.[15] It is also reputed to be a strong deliriant.[16] Fatal myristicin poisonings in humans are very rare, but two have been reported: one in an 8-year-old child[17] and another in a 55-year-old adult, the latter case attributed to a combination withflunitrazepam.[18] In case reports raw nutmeg produced anticholinergic-like symptoms, attributed to myristicin and elemicin.[17][19][20] In case reports intoxications with nutmeg had effects that varied from person to person, but were often reported to be an excited and confused state with headaches, nausea and dizziness, dry mouth, bloodshot eyes and memory disturbances. Nutmeg was also reported to induce hallucinogenic effects, such as visual distortions and paranoid ideation. In the reports nutmeg intoxication took several hours before maximum effect was reached. Effects and after-effects lasted up to several days.[15][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29] Myristicin poisoning is potentially deadly to some pets and livestock, and may be caused by culinary quantities of nutmeg harmless to humans. For this reason, it is recommended not to feed eggnog to dogs.
  2. Chundi mantra

    Thank you for the feedback. I'm really skeptic about this practice: it seems just like a prayer to an exotic deity. It's like changing Jesus for Buddha, one name for another...and the substance is the same.
  3. Treating everyone as a Buddha

    There's a similar thing in Christianity as well ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Just religious stuff in my opinion.
  4. Soma - Plants and the Divine

    I wouldn't encourage this... it could be a psychedelic experience. I'm not kidding.
  5. Animals and Enlightenment

    Frog with third eye open. She's enlightened, you're not
  6. Soma - Plants and the Divine

    Nothing is as strong as nutmeg ...
  7. Soma - Plants and the Divine

    The yogis are famous for their rigid health discipline, with postures and exercise to improve the body conditions. They know what to avoid in order to keep their spiritual discipline. It is very strange to think that those people (who cares for their health so much) could make use of something that is harmful to the body... Yet, they smoke... heavily.
  8. Pure sources of Kabbalah

    I think that it's commonly accepted that the Kabbalah was used for dozens of different purposes: from magical ones to spiritual cultivation. For example, the christian qabbalah handled by the GD is fundamentally a magical system. Crowley was well-versed in using qabbalistic associations to identify timing and garments for rituals. Qabbalah was used for magical-oriented meditation, to conjure spirits, to visit other worlds. Qabbalas symbolism was often used to create a "set" of grades in esoteric orders, etc... So, qabbalah is a wide variety of layers, one on the others, merging in a way that it is impossible to grasp the origins of a particular set of associations. Jewish kabbalah on the other hand, was much more on spiritual cultivation (as we see in Aryeh Kaplan's books) with less emphasis on magic and much more focus on "emptiness-like" meditations. What's the original purpose of Kabbalah? Is it a purpose fulfilled by the totality of kabbalistic traditions?
  9. Chaos Magick

    My favorite author is Alan Chapman. Free e-book here http://www.thebaptis...eStepsEbook.pdf
  10. BaGua Help

    What is really strange is that apparently, bagua movements are so un-natural that one should train for a long time with a good teacher to be able to practice. Usually, when something is not natural, it is not even daoist...
  11. Spiders

    Spiders are very different from us.. like aliens in some sense. There are no such things as vileness and wickedness in spider's world. Those things exists only among humans and nowhere else in this universe. That monk just feared that animals... and he assumed that if he dislike something, that thing is -at least- evil. Or worse, he was just putting labels on reality. Tibetan monks are like catholic priests.
  12. I think that this is part of the "physical side" of Axe effect.
  13. Interview with Bruce Frantzis

    It's hard to say. In fact, it seems to me (based on physiognomy) that BKF's personality is much more balanced than Suzuki's. I think that there's a "special way" in which the true teaching can pass through guys who (maybe) don't embody it in its fulness. Otherwise, we should admit that teachings like those of Milarea have been lost with him, since none today can do what he did.
  14. kunlun confusion..

    What's kunlun energy?
  15. Maybe I'm superficial, but when someone try to teach some physical exercise that allegedly promotes health and well-being (stuff that go hand-in hand with spiritual growth), I just look at his physical appearance... Obviously, Bruce Kumar Frantzis is The exception that proves the rule.
  16. Reincarnation?..

    This video goes directly into my favourites! Miaoo! :-)
  17. The method is based on: 1) dhyana (one-pointedness, etc...); 2) prajna (right understanding of emptiness); You need both. There are different gates to cultivate those two aspects. When there's not a single thought in your mind, that is dhyana. When you can let go of everything, that is prajna.
  18. Yes, there are many gates to reach that result. The Master said "If you want to know the theory, lust is empty and emptiness is lust". I cannot say more. This is just the core of the hua t'ou practice of reversing the light. Ask yourself "Who you are". Check Lu K'uan Yü 's book "Secrets of Chinese Meditation" or "Ch'an and Zen Teachings" or "Practical Buddhism" to understand the method. This cultivates both dhyana and prajna.
  19. Chundi mantra

    Thank you for the informations on this mantra. I've found the cunti dharani sutra and it looks like the famous yogic texts about mantram and magical power.
  20. Chundi mantra

    I imagine there are no signs...
  21. Holy Guardian Angel

    Another way to see the HGA is as "the future magical self". It's like meeting yourself after you become a realized being who transcends space and time.
  22. Bodhisattva

    Tons of spinach every day!
  24. Enlightenment - the Short Way

    This is not of help. You are basically saying that compassion is a feeling which is empty... so, if we cultivate emptiness we achieve compassion. Well, even anger is empty. It works in the same fashion. To solve this problem, you add that there is two forms of compassion: the relative and the absolute. To which I reply that there are two forms of Dharma: the absolute and the relative. The absolute is that which leaves everything, even compassion. In addition, another problem arises with compassion: Avalokitesvhara himself! He is a bodhisattva, he doesn't see trough the illusion yet. He's not a Buddha. For this very reason he has compassion. This means that compassion is relative! If you cultivate the absolute, you cannot get the relative because the absolute Dharma is that which leaves everything. Many vajrayana monks went mad about this, so they decided that Avalokiteshvara is a fully realized Buddha and not a bodhisattva.