Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. Is Jesus it that cannot be named in Tao?

    I talked about greeks... well, Socrates. He was a spiritual man, nobody exploits its figure to make religion goods... but he was a spiritual guy.
  2. Shift of the Ages - the Mayan message

    Thank you!
  3. Is Jesus it that cannot be named in Tao?

    Jesus spoke about tons of things. Surely he talked about love, yet the dialectic of love was already present in greek philosophy... and in a more valuable way, so valuable that was then copied in its entirety by later christians and it was integrated in more complex doctrinal system. Those system was attributed to Jesus. Surrender was the common men's approach to the Gods. Nothing new under the Sun. This is somewhat daoistic. The meek usually don't engage fights and, if they are wise too, they fly when troubles come. There is a chance that if something remains to be inherited, they will get it.
  4. WOW!! Thank you Suliman for sharing this text. This is very important and non-denominational, in my opinion. If you want to learn "turning the light around" which is the same as fasting, you can see instructions in the Chuang.tzu (fasting of the mind). But, since you are in buddhism, why don't you try the Hua t'ou techniques which (Masters said this) is the same as turning the light around ? Also, check the Surangama Sutra which is excellent in this topic. The secret of the Golden Flower is about 3 kind of fasting (as far as I can see now) and I guess that to complete one fast is enough to realize all the other... at least, I hope so. If you are an immortal, please instruct me about this matter. OT ---- Did you heard of the the Han Shan's commentary on the Dao Te Ching? I can't find an english translation
  5. Is Jesus it that cannot be named in Tao?

    Historians say that Jesus was a man with a great culture and probably could speak some Latin. The vatican is in no way an "authority" on the bible, yet they keep a very old version of the new testament Greek/Latin. I don't like the translations that they make from latin, but I'm quite sure that things like "you are that which cannot be named" are not present in this passage in any good historical version of this texts. In my opinion, comparing Christianity with Daoism is like comparing some naive new-age movement with the old religion of ancient Egypt... Daoism was old stuff at the time of Lao-Tzu: he speaks of "ancient sages" and Christianity is so naive....
  6. Is Jesus it that cannot be named in Tao?

    I don't know what kind of translation it is. The original latin texts say: When Jesus went into the region of Caesarea Philippi he asked his disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" They replied, "Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets." He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" Simon Peter said in reply, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." Jesus said to him in reply, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. Tu es Christus, Filius Dei vivi means You are the Christ (holy person), the son of the living God Directly from the vatican website
  7. Internal Cultivation Gradation

    Thank you Li Jiong for sharing this information Does your Neigong system belongs to a particular cultivation school or Daoist sect? I'm interested in your Yiquan Kung Fu course. Can you describe it?
  8. Secret of the Golden Flower

    I agree. Please, can you quote this Bodhidarma's saying?
  9. Secret of the Golden Flower

    Once, I thought to be able to understand this text in his entirety. But now I admit my ignorance. But I dare to ask: Since there is an entire chapter on confirmatory experiences both in Cleary's and Willhelm's versions, then who had experiences is the man who practiced the correct method of immortality. Am I right? Who had these experiences ?
  10. Hermetic Alchemy

    I want to ask if someone studied the Book of Lambsprinck and what you can say about the author and his science.
  11. NeiKung Master throwdown of all showdowns

    Famous last words... Here a video of the dynamo guy who put his hand trough a solid glass... this is astonishingly.
  12. NeiKung Master throwdown of all showdowns

    Can you explain the trick at the beginning of this video?
  13. NeiKung Master throwdown of all showdowns

    Neikung YES, magic tricks NO Where magic reaches its limits, neikung is there Imagine a guy like this who can put his hands trough a hard glass to pick a jewel... in front of your eyes... Imagine this guy saying "I'm Mopai, level 34". The only difference from this guy and JC is that this guy say "It's a magic trick". But it is really a magic trick?
  14. NeiKung Master throwdown of all showdowns

    I'm serious! He performs a lot of tricks (check youtube), but the things that he can do with glass are not human at all! Search dynamo magician on youtube
  15. NeiKung Master throwdown of all showdowns

    If you want to see a REAL neikung skill ... I don't think that this is a trick. He is a glass-siddha :-D Look at the faces who actually see him walking trough the glass
  16. Immortals (Xian Shi)

    Yes! :-)
  17. Secret of the Golden Flower

    Yes, bump
  18. Practice, lifestyle, and personal preference

    In daoist common sense, spiritual and material is the same thing. Daoists teach that a healthy body is essential to attain the Way. In western thought, we have an immortal soul that temporarily lives in the body. No matter what happens to the body, the soul will live forever and it's development could be completely isolated from physical transformations (even if a lot of christians saints had supernatural abilities). I feel in my gut that the daoist idea makes more sense.
  19. Hermetic Alchemy

    What is the most ancient and accurate text on western alchemy?
  20. Pure sources of Kabbalah

    I'm not a wise Kabbalist, but I understand that it is often a good idea to expand our view of a thing as much as possible. By including every tiny details, we can let our wisdom grow day by day. For this reason, I want to suggest a book that can give a nice taste of the kabbalist ground. What is really cool in this book is the portraits of the real Masters of the art. After reading this book, I matured a very high opinion of the level of attainments that this science can give. Not for the miraculous stories, but for the teachings itself.

    I don't think that all the amazing things that you saw are done for you. Rather, I think that you have been made out of (and for) the amazing things of the world.
  22. White Skeleton Meditation instructions

    This meditation comes from the buddhist tradition and it was considered so good that even taoists began to cultivate in this way. In brief, this meditation is part of the buddhist contemplation of the 32 body parts (koṭṭhāsa) to develop jhana and a little taste of vipasyana. In the buddhist sutras, Buddha does not mention the details of putting your skull in your ribcage. This is a chinese variation.
  23. Have you ever...

    I have this feeling if I have access to wilderness... which is quite difficult in Europe since we tend to transform every forest in a big park.
  24. No More Mountains

    Guess, we had the same dream
  25. No More Mountains

    To roam freely ... inexhaustible flying legs are needed. To abandon "society" "civilization" ...we must cut our roots: since we are born in society's womb, civilization is our mother. Who dares to abandon his mother? To live naturally... we have to learn how to do it, from people who can do it. Who are them? Everything has a price... and no tax receipt. What is left?