Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. Becoming one with the Tao has a wide range of meanings because the REAL TAO cannot be expressed by words. Achieving Tao means long lasting and never ending because when you reach the Tao, then you understand the inner order of balance inside apparent caos of creation. When you see it, you can flow with it as the Heaven does. And flowing means never end. Achieving Tao means to see your true face, your true nature in a place where your idea of being does not exist. But this is only one of the early stages in taoist cultivation according to the few practical text avaliable. It could be approximately similar to the culmination of the four buddhist dhyanas. From that point on, taoist cultivation have different objectives.
  2. Taoist Approach to Dating

    A taoist always try to remain centered in Tao. When you are dating, you are polarized in order to get sexua...ehm a lovely relation. If you have desire for dating, then you have not attained the Tao. In this case, a true taoist will meditate until the Tao of Wu-Wei is achieved and then follow the natural flow of nature that could eventually lead to a relationship... or not. The important thing is Wu-Wei. So, there is no taoist approach to dating... but "being in the Tao" which is wordless.
  3. Codex Sinaiticus- the rival to the bible

    Wonderful! They've found my early diaries at the end Talking seriously, I'm very excited for this discovery which is extremely important for those who never give much emphasis to old dead written words. The others will just ignore
  4. the book of nei gung - c.k.chu

    Yes I strongly suggest "The way of Power" and "The way of energy" by Lam Kam Chuen... instead of this one. I'm sorry for the autor of the "book of nei kung", but next time call it basic gymnastics which fits better. Frank Rudolph Yung is another guy who presents much more effective exercise for overall wellbeing. But it's not nei kung please. Books of gymnastic...
  5. the book of nei gung - c.k.chu

    I've read it. It appears very basic, nothing astonishingly. It show some exercise and some poses... I'm not sure the autors have actually tested that routine before publishing.
  6. Capoiera

    The guy in the video is amazing... I think that if you are not a big deal, capoeira cannot make you a great fighter. For this, you need muay thai
  7. The problem here is that there are a lot of words as "maya" "non-existing-ego", realisation etc... This stuff have a practical meaning only at a certain level... for guys like me, it's just dogmatic belief. Walking 400 km in that way will surely change you, but into what? Is that enlightment? Living 20 years in a tropical island will change you also. Enlightment is beyond my comprehension, so I go on one step at a time. Achieving siddhis like talking with spirits and so forth is a wonderfull step towards enlightment from my point of view.
  8. I became enlightened

    Very very nice! =)
  9. Nocturnal emission question.

    This is true for urines, but semen is not a waste material. Things are quite different. While you cannot stop yourself from producing urine,it is possible to stop the production of semen and uses the energy involved, in a different way. This is the theory behind the methods that prove a man can stay for long periods without sexual activity. I'm totally agree. Those people deny sexuality and this same power take revenge by driving them mad (phedophilia...). But there is someone who want to preserve (not deny) his/her sexuality and use it for different purpose. This is not evil.
  10. Nocturnal emission question.

    I suggest to let things flow. If your body (physical or energetic) need a discharge, then it will trigger those things, your testicles will be tense at any time and you will feel a subtle discomfort peeing (this can easily go worst). The best thing you can do is to let "natural celibacy" eventually occur. This happens when your mind is purified (no porno movie, no erotic fantasy, etc...) and your sexual energy is required for something else (MCO and storing for esample). When your sexual energy is actually in use and not stagnate, the urge to ejaculate will disappear ... naturally. Until you chase the tiger flirting with girls =) If you are not using the excess energy, there is no reason at all to undergo this torture because you have to teach your body how to use it. Your body will continue to put sexual energy in your groin area until finally you release, if not teach properly by meditation. Please never sleep on your abdomen also :-D
  11. The trickery of demons

    I like your thoughts because they make sense. Unfortunately, very few people test their comprehension on this topic and they decide to be happy with some praeter-natural phenomena. For some,spirits and ghosts cannot lie. This the case of John Chang as Kosta Danaos reported. For others, they should undertake some tests in order to verify their identity and check if they have the proper knowledge. For example, you can ask them to write their names in astral matter... it is said that a spirit cannot write the name of another entity, unless it is strictly related to him. In order to do this you can use a black mirror or a crystal ball. What I think it is best is to have a spiritual ally, a guide or a deity that you can trust and ask him to check the spirit. This is the way of the shamans. SO, the most important thing is to have a qualified "link" to an entity you can trust. A guru, a master shaman, a taoist wizard... and you should learn from them the way to interact. In the case in which you are forced to interact with a spirit and you don't know if he is what he claims to be, then you can only see if it produces positive effects in your life or not. That's the way of the newagers... sometimes it works. =)
  12. Phosphenism

    Phosphenism is about yoga-oriented practices that lead to spiritual experiences. They talk about experience and tecniques that mix visualization with light hallucinations...
  13. Lucid Dreaming anyone?

    I'm intrigued with lucid dreaming since 2007. I consider this practice as a "gateway" for perception of subtle reality, the spirit world, the astral plane... from which -ideally- our physical matter come. There are different approach for achievement and what I find that works best is energy system of qigong. If visualization is involved is much more better. Visualization activates the pineal gland which is the real DEAL for exploration of other worlds. Someone suggest to create an astral double for projection. I believe that this method works only because of the strong visualization involved. The key for success is named pineal gland.... which is in some way related to sexual energy.
  14. Central channel in the body

    Interesting! Thanks! In the picture that you posted with the MCO, I can see that there are different points from HT Chia's system. For example, sperm palace is not present. The reason is that Chia try to integrate water path MCO( inside the spine) and fire path MCO (along the spine) ? There's a specific form of qigong shaped for the opening of Chong Mai channel? Or It is a natural process that eventually occurs when the fire path is cleared? Thanks
  15. Central channel in the body

    I think that an advanced practioner of Qi-Gong can learn from a book (or even a damaged audiocassette) everything about an esoteric practice like Tummo. That's because He can feel clearly his energy moving and he is deep in touch with his inner self and his body. A completely beginner can only do exactly what masters teach, hoping that masters can see what he's moving and how. He haven't a good sensation of his energetic body. For this reason, practice could change slightly from person to person .. because practice is not God's word, but human's method. I'm interested in the safer method that can open tummo's channel . Because in this way we can comprehend clearly if the vajrayana's central channel is the spine or not. I believe it is the spine, but monks visualize it in front of the spine. Thanks
  16. Central channel in the body

    Thanks juju !
  17. Central channel in the body

    Did you learn tummo in a 3 years retreat? Do you think that tummo can work even without ngodro-ing for months before and during retreat?
  18. Central channel in the body

  19. Fun conversation from

    This is just fantasy: working with sexual energy is about "reverse" the natural flow, not enhancing a natural flow in relaxation. The practice of karezza is usefull for increasing pleasure of the ejaculatory orgasm and to prolong the sexual intercourse. You can also connect with your partner... but, if you do not ejaculate in these practice you could have some problems. In sexual alchemy you need orgasm energy from both: women in gnosticism cannot have orgasms... where I can take female ying energy in this way?? The proof of uselessness of gnostic sexual practice is a friend of mine who plays this stuff from 2008. He cannot even astral project (second chackra siddhi, almost basic thing)... He told this to me. Altough he is going on this practice with faith... Gnostic talk about a Sacred Church in astral dimension which no one -of them- can reach ! ok... there's some egomaniacs who claims to have all kind of supernatural power, without demonstration obviously
  20. Fun conversation from

    The final goal is immortality. In the pathway you must develop self-sacrifice to reach a higher state. Samael stuff is waste material from outer source. What a daoist qi-gong practitioner can see immediately is that Samael tells his disciple to practice retention during sexual intercourse... the problem is "what about the channel?": you should open your psychic channel first... and they should be greatly open! Otherwise dense sexual energy cannot pass. Samael never speak about channel to open... just do the practice until one day you get sick... The other things from Samael are pseudo-esoterism: ritual taken from O.T.O., fantasy about tibetan masters and a mythical lineage from which Samael claim to attain his knowledge... ask Dalai Lama, about him... and then laugh loudly! That is not esoterism
  21. Central channel in the body

    Thanks for the reply! Can you tell us something about tantric buddhist qigong? Very interesting!
  22. hypothetical speaking sidddhis as a metaphor?

    Siddhis are not metaphors. In vajrayana, the old masters had these kind of supernatural power: es. Jigmey khemnpo. One of the greatest siddhi that you can find today is the "breath control"...
  23. Best book on Tantra?

    Tantra is a method that focus on using the power of desire (the most powerfull force in the universe because desire gave birth to the universe). The power of desire is used to attain spiritual development and liberation through body exercise (similar to Qi-gong... but, from my point of view they are lesser refined and faster in attaining results with a little bit of risk), Mantra repetition used both to move/cultivate energy in the body and worship divinity. Yantra is a visual technology in wich you focus on divinity (related to a specific type of prana -or qi-) and do worship. What you can find in tantric practices more than in qi-gong is the God/Goddess worship methods including mantra, yantra and so on... By these type of things, you can do magical works, healing and faster your own growth. But you need trasmission by a living master (more than in simply body exercise transmission) because the master can connect you with the force of the God/Goddes for the tantric worship. Sorry for bad english Hope to be usefull
  24. How repair of loss of Jing is possible ?

    Non-dual spiritual status is to have a feminine inside us in order to create balance? Or it is a rigpa-like status?