Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. Why LonemanPai is just another fake alchemy website

    Where did you read that? There's a YouTube video where he says exactly the opposite: exhale, inhale, hold.
  2. Leading Qi to the teeth

    It would be great to hear testimonials of actual teeth regrowth produced by Qigong exercises, but evidences so far point to nothing. If you like to hear marvelous stories, probably you've read of the 250+ years old wandering daoist herbalist who appeared from the mountain and met many important personalities. There's a great book translated by Stuart A. Olson with all the details of the story. An actual photograph of the old man can be seen on Yang Jwing Ming book. The herbalist (who probably knew everything about powders for teeth rejuvenation, etc) claimed that his longevity was the result of diligent daoist practices, but unfortunately he had no teeth and he was completely bald. My conclusion is that even if your qigong is so good that it can prolong your lifespan, it may be not enough to regrow your teeth.
  3. Valentine's Day Sucks!!!

    What's more important : to love or to be loved?
  4. Could people start contacting their clones?

    Jesus was the son of one of the Elohim. The greek word for "God" is Theoi and it has roots in the greek word for "guardian, observer". Elohim was not a single individual, but many; Elohim were leaders of nations. The face of Jesus is not like an Elohim because is half-breed. Elohim created a lot of issues on this planet. Jesus was actually a person that went from the heavenly system call-center office (lifetime telephone marketing device operation office) to the baby program. Every clone of Jesus usually holds 6th rank higher clergy rank after 66 years(with at least 49 (7*7) good consecutive years on the evaluation). Sometimes he get violations on his evaluation. Jesus was remotely killed by Alexander the Great. The Alexander operation that the call-center office has on the server. Alexander the Great killed Jesus so he could be named "the great" like Charlemagne. There were a number of individuals named "the great". They all come from the same heavenly office. Did you verify with your phones or tablet ?
  5. Could people start contacting their clones?

    Reading the history of Siddhartha Guatama, I see that this person was definitely a little bit unconventional, but I'll surely verify that with my phones. I love the history of Siddhartha Guatama. Shiva/Elohim are 303 different individuals, Shiva being one and Elohim being 302 different gods. They created a lot of things and paths on the planet. The only things that exist for sure are the yellow eyes/orange eyes/white eyes and the sleep levels. All of these paths involved moving in a certain direction. The movement builds muscle mass and purify the body. Jesus got thrown in jail just 200 decades ago for being the leader of a bloodthirsty messianic movement by using the illusion office from the heavenly system. He usually calls in the mass ritual. This person is an issue for the minds of many; he went bad a long time ago. But I love the history of Siddhartha Guatama.
  6. I'd like to be an Enlightened Immortal Healer Sorcerer Wizard, but not an Enlightened Immortal Healer Sorcerer Shaman Wizard.
  7. Are you a Snowflake?

    I have the impression that the army can turn literally anything into real soldiers.
  8. From a neurological perspective, this is the act of consciously triggering tactile sensations between the eyebrows and causing subtle muscle tensions in the area that are used as a meditation object. Basically, you're stimulating an area of your brain that has nothing to do with visions and eyes. To open the third eye is not as easy as concentrating on a body part... the process requires the exercise of visualization and memory to stimulate the proper areas of the brain. The so-called feeling of internal energies is totally irrelevant in third eye development.
  9. Are enlightened people impotent?

    Yes, I've heard people talking of tantric deity practice as a form of controlled spirit possession in which the personality of the practitioner changes slowly over the years. Before manifesting actual magical powers, one needs to practice consistently every day for months or years. In certain occasions, it's necessary for the act to acquire the typical traits of traditional shamanic possessions, such as in public healing rituals, etc... Generally, nothing dramatic happens and one has plenty of time to discontinue the process. The practice introduce the concept of cultivation of magical powers through a sustained effort on a disciplined ritualistic path in which visualization, intent, concentration and trance states are simultaneously cultivated from day one to the days of death. Daily practice has a critical role. The devotion segments of the mind are naturally cultivated. You end up believing it deeply after some time. No escapes. Generally, tantric practitioners balance themselves by adding more deities to their personal practice. It's an highly effective approach and tantric magicians tend to be quite powerful, but it's really too demanding for people like me.
  10. Are enlightened people impotent?

    This is a good point. The hare Krishna devotees follow the philosophy of theistic vedanta which is not as cool as advaita vedanta and therefore less known. Rather than taking Krishna as an example ( like the Christians do with Jesus who shared a dogmatic fully human nature), they consider themselves like the gopi (milkmaids) who's sole purpose in life is to convince God to have metaphorical sex with them... In tantric Buddhism, there's a peculiar component that it's called taking the form of the deity... that could be traced all the way back to a form of spirit possession. Actually, in many forms of tantric Buddhism, it is still spirit possession. Those enlightened deities have sexual attributes and a lot of pictures seem to emphasize the fact they are sexually active. Heretic Islam still needs to be recognized as Islam. Better not to talk too much about it...
  11. Are enlightened people impotent?

    If you look at certain tantric deities, the so called yab-yum couples... you may notice that they appear to be fully functional. Those deities are supposed to be enlightened. So, if you get tantric Buddhist enlightenment, you're given a lotus seat, various sun and moon disk mandalas and a consort for sex.
  12. Karma/Kidney connection

    Frequent urination appears at a certain stage of the cultivation practice. It' ll pass by itself (as a symptom. Probably evolving into something more subtle to detect) , but I'm not aware of anyone who actually investigated the causes. Before talking about karma, I think it's better to consult a physician.
  13. Let's Scry!

    It's not going to work without the coned hat. Remember how Saruman ended his hatless Palantir experience.
  14. Karma/Kidney connection According to various self-help medical sources, it's probably a symptom of inflammation in the urinary tract. It's common for meditators of the chakras/Kundalini styles.
  15. Neidan ( all experiences and opinions wanted)

    This is the spirituality megastore where your soul's needs for fancy concentration exercises and intricate pantomimes will be taken care of. Just pick the system that sells better.... errr... the system that resonates with you. If it resonates in a quantum manner, it's the best! You'll have plenty of time to try many of those cultivation systems, so you might as well start with the cheapest.
  16. Was the Buddha a Genius?

    Over the course of the centuries in Asia, anyone who came up with a brilliant understanding was often asked "Who taught you this thing?"... and the answer was inevitably "the Buddha, you don't need to question the validity of this idea. The Buddha said so, it must be the truth, just accept it". We used to have something similar here in the west. Have you ever heard the expression Ipse Dixit?
  17. Helping ignorant spiritual people

    Hi, I'm Joe and I have ISPS (ignorant spiritual person syndrome). None has the spiritual knowledge that I want and I don't care how spiritual things should be done. The important thing is that my spiritual side serves my life well. Also, I think that you don't understand compassion at all. You don't have to be compassionate because it will help Jesus to love you more. You can choose to cultivate the emotional feeling of compassion because it can grow stronger than the most pleasurable sensations that you currently have. It doesn't really matter to have compassion for everyone: the important part is how strong your compassion is. Actually, to have an uncontrollable feeling of compassion for everyone is a subtle mental disease.
  18. There's too much reality for a single philosophy to explain everything.
  19. Why do so few qigong masters radiate vitality?

    Yes, there's qigong for cancer... but it's secret and none knows about it
  20. Why do so few qigong masters radiate vitality?

    ...aaand it doesn't work. No, they don't. You don't really need to do anything to appear considerably young until 40. The real feat would be to appear in your 20/30, when you're over 50. Before delving into miracles, why not cure myopia and baldness with qigong? Because it doesn't work.
  21. Why do so few qigong masters radiate vitality?

    An old master (50yrs +) who looks young (20/30 years old) could prove the efficacy of his methods by his mere presence. Maybe in 10 years or so, we will have one... but for now, there's no such a thing as qigong for longevity, IMHO. As for vitality, it's a matter of good diet and normal physical exercise ( jogging, etc). You can't find exceptional vitality in qigong masters.
  22. Why do so few qigong masters radiate vitality?

    One may ponder about the general effectiveness of qigong and taichi ... ...but if at some point, one starts to think that a legion of dark yin-qi wizards has taken over the industry, that's just too much