Cheshire Cat

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Everything posted by Cheshire Cat

  1. The daoist way to understand the TTC would be to perform a magical evocation of the author himself...
  2. Reincarnation

    I tend to wrestle with the idea of reincarnation most of the time and currently I'm at 50/50 belief/disbelief. But even if we could demonstrate that a certain individual has gone through the process, we still can't assume that everyone does. From a purely pragmatic point of view, I feel that not to believe in reincarnation/paradise/whatever will make for a better existence.
  3. Determined to overcome Aphantasia

    Hi, Do you have dreams? If your mind dreams, you can't have aphanthasia. It's just that your imagination is not as vivid as you would like it to be... which is normal. Perfect visualization would imply eidetic memory that currently none has.
  4. I don't practice AYP, but I studied it. In AYP terminology, ecstatic conductivity arises from the practice of spinal breathing and deep meditation (with inner mantra). As part of the combination of a naturally occurring physiological phenomenology, natural vajroli takes place. Unless the practitioner relies on amaroli, he may never notice natural vajroli.
  5. I don't dare to venture in a philosophical discussion on the constitutive elements of human energetic systems, but I think that the idea that sex has a negative impact on body and mind is nothing more than a fairy tale. And I think so for a very specific reason: those who are commited to celibacy (monks) doesn't live longer than those who don't. That which is harmful and can produce dull mind and fragile body is excessively frequent sex. I'm familiar with this phenomenon which I investigated for many years: this pleasure arises from the abdomen if you spent a lot of time concentrating on the abdomen. I can experience it in the third eye, in the dan tien and in many other spots. When it's in the heart area, it turns into deep love which is so intense to be perceived as an emotion more pleasurable than normal sex. So, there's no male/female rule. It's significant to mention that the practitioners of AYP system deliberately cultivate this orgasmic pleasure in the spine and they noticed that it's accompanied by a very peculiar symptom which they call "natural vajroli": the discharge of semen into the bladder during meditation and daily activities. They theorize a process of natural evolution of the human bladder into an organ capable of absorbing semen. My theory is simply that an overcharged nervous system is forced to release trough the sexual vescicles which act as safety valves. This is something that may be taxing for the system. Therefore, I don't recommend to indulge in those types of mental exercices that produce this type of pleasure if longevity is important for you.
  6. Lucid dreaming and Tibetan dream yoga

    There are many different meditation techniques that help in LD. And a lot more that actually help you to sleep in dreamless states. Despite the fascinating name, Tibetan dream yoga doesn't work for LD in my experience.
  7. What is the Taoist religion?

    I've read somewhere that it's forbidden in certain schools... and it's of paramount importance in other schools.
  8. What is the Taoist religion?

    What about spirit possession in daoism? I start to get the feeling of a chinese vodoo
  9. What is the Taoist religion?

    In my opinion, it's impossible to identify a religion which isn't valid in its own terms.
  10. What is the Taoist religion?

    ... with a legion of celestial beings featuring ancient emperors, mythical monkey beings, immortals (in spirit form), ancient philosophers, impersonal spiritual energies, gods that created stuff, gods that destroy stuff, gods that resemble dramatically other buddhist gods, which in turn resemble Indian gods, etc...
  11. Not to mention that it's highly probable that a medicine for everlasting life doesn't exist at all outside of the minds of certain chinese philosophers. Many lives have been wasted looking for something that cannot be found.
  12. Taoist Immortal vs Buddha

    Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is grace. The goal of psionic wave oscillations is to plant the seeds of rebirth rather than bondage. You and I are messengers of the quantum cycle. Nothing is impossible. Humankind has nothing to lose. Who are we? Where on the great journey will we be recreated? We are in the midst of an endless flowering of truth that will remove the barriers to the stratosphere itself. It can be difficult to know where to begin. How should you navigate this authentic nexus? Have you found your path? If you have never experienced this reimagining devoid of self, it can be difficult to reflect. The quantum cycle is calling to you via morphogenetic fields. Can you hear it? Although you may not realize it, you are perennial. Bondage is born in the gap where synchronicity has been excluded. The complexity of the present time seems to demand an invocation of our dreams if we are going to survive. We can no longer afford to live with materialism. We exist as transmissions. Interconnectedness is the richness of peace, and of us. This life is nothing short of an invocation current of infinite starfire.
  13. Be Warned Satan is Copyrighted!!!

    The elements of a sequel for The Devil's Advocate! I love that movie!
  14. The tendency to think people of old were dumb

    Maybe it's some horror from the war or memories of being abused. Sounds good to forget those things, but I feel that it's empowering to keep them and develop detachment.
  15. The tendency to think people of old were dumb

    I would like to be addicted to learning, and I'm even willing to renounce my talent for forgetting stuff.
  16. The tendency to think people of old were dumb

    I agree. I also believe that if one retains knowledge long enough in his memory, understanding arises spontaneously from it.
  17. interrupted meditation session

    One is essentially the arising of the awareness of the sense of "I" in awareness. So, One is the awareness of presenting itself to the process of the arising of awareness with a sense of self-awareness. As it arises, through various mechanisms, it veils the awareness of itself and in the awareness of this process, subject and object are self-created. Quantumly. This philosophy is Cheshire Cats' bussness Here's a photo of me teaching Advaita Vedanta to a student of mine.
  18. Taoist Immortal vs Buddha

    It depends on the the traits of different schools and philosophies. From a Buddhist perspective, it should be understood that the rank of a daoist immortal is inferior to the rank of Buddha, and even inferior to the rank of bodhisattva because of an imperfect understanding of emptiness. From a daoist perspective, a Buddha neglects the cultivation of the body, thus missing an essential element to achieve perfection. According to Cha Pi Chen and his tradition, a Buddha cultivates Nature, but he doesn't cultivate life.
  19. How do you feel about vampires?

    It's better to be a werewolf: you get the same resistance to poisons and diseases, but you can walk in daylight without that annoying tinnitus.
  20. Cosmic being

    Hello Xeno, scientology has the answers
  21. Microcosmic orbit meditation and attachment

    The microcosmic orbit meditation generates transcendental positive energy or Qi within the body. There's a tremendous value in the practice of contemplative absorption which leads to greater and greater spiritual gifts. Although this meditation generates pleasurable sensations it's not a form of attachment because the Dao is the way of spontaneous non-action in activity: if attachments arise because of microcosmic orbit meditation, it will pass by itself at the proper time because of this same microcosmic orbit meditation.
  22. The simplicity of meditation.

    There are many different approach to mind training and a lot more different meditation methods to suit different needs or to achieve different objectives. To think differently is a meditation by itself!
  23. I've learned many things here and throughout my life from teachers and friends. Also, I cultivated many aspects of myself. Of all the things that I actively seeked, I feel that nothing is invaluable. Except coffee, of course.
  24. Central channel or Heart Field?

    When you get some meditative experiences on how the mind works, you start to understand what is love and how it's related to internal wind movements. You learn to isolate the emotion from images and thoughts, you learn to refine and increase the potential of your mind to generate it independently from internal or external objects. You understand that inter-personal love is nothing but a glimpse of the real thing and you also realize that because the "root" is the same, any form of love that you currently experience constitutes an ideal object to start your cultivation with. When you feel too smart to actually practice anything, you need to define a supreme form of love which is ideally superior to anything that you ever experienced. This Divine Love is not a real thing, but it's defined by mental speculation on how human reason would like things to be. Sure. Go on with it and if you succeed you'll become a beautiful big belly tibetan lama. Try what?