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Everything posted by imonous

  1. dark nigth of the soul? enlightenment?

    Yes! I love these. When you feel sadness or depression you heal it by "soothing" in it. You don't "redirect" it or some other foolishness. Feel the sadness of everything. The earth going to shit, society going mental,being alone, fear,women not wanting you, whatever is there that stirs your heart, feel it all. This is a natural mechanism from the depths of the soul. This turns the entire body cold and stills the mind like nothing else. Also purges desires.
  2. Gender identification

    Gladly, you should take note that these are insights from my own path which could vary for others. I would like to start first with a little background on the chakras. The lower chakras which are physical in nature are literally a persons backbone/ground into this physical world. These relate to how your individuated energies come to manifest. During energy work it is always advised to start and stop in these energetic areas (i.e. lower dantien). The higher chakras which are more sensitive to thoughts are usually more adept at being self-regulating especially the 3rd eye which is almost pure thought-form. This is also why it is advised to be very cautious when running energy through this area. Our thinking draws energy here automatically from the lower areas and if you arent careful can easily become overexcited leading to overthought and "living in the head". Now, what does that have to do with a man and his sex "lessons"? Well, energy naturally wants to move to this lower area. Its a natural balance to your head. Ever notice how clear-headed you are after sex? It is up to "you" to evolve how you think and relate to this area and to find a constructive balance. One that allows you to experience and guide energy to these areas in a way that is SATISFYING. What a lot of people here fail to realize is that over"spiritualizing" this area leads to stagnation and actually FEEDS desire, yet too much physical stimulation here leads to drainage. It is up to you and only you to find a path/method that allows for a healthy relationship with sex. Want to know the health status of this chakra? Easy, go to a very public place and pay attention to how you see women. If your lower chakras are undernourished you will tend to see them through the eyes of lust. Your thoughts will tend to be drawn to this area more than you might like. Even conversing with a "pretty" girl could be difficult. At the level we currently live in it has to be stressed how individuated our energies are at this point. Different people will require different levels of balance and at different times in their live's. You need to tune into your body to know what balance is right based on what feels right for you. (yes the physical body people like to ignore and say doesn't exist ) It is vital for a man to pay attention to his OWN thoughts, feelings, desires and current perception of reality in order to more successfully discern problems in this area. Youd be surprised at how much of a mans issues stem from sex. One of my favorite techniques to balance this area (for me anyway, because i tend to overthink and draw energy upwards) is when meditating think of the horniest/raunchiest images you can. Whatever opens this area are your "keys" no matter how disgusting your mental images could be. This is how your mind has learned to associate these energies and you MUST start HERE. Whatever makes you genuinely horny works. Hell even the girl in the miniskirt you saw at the mall will work. Feel this energy in your lower areas, use your mind to play with it, not hands . Pure sexual creativity here. Rock & thrust the hips, move the energy between the tailbone and pubic area. Relax into it and enjoy, have sex with your mind afterall sex is a brain experience . There will be a point where the energy will suddenly dissipate, like a mini-explosion and the area will feel very empty. The more you do this, the more energy you are able to experience before that 0-point. This is also the key exercise for all of you just wanting to screw your girlfriends for long periods of time lol. If you can master this technique physical sex will begin to become "obsolete". You get to experience great sex, exercise/strengthen your creative mind, and clear blockages in this area at the same time. <---Hint hint for all you transmutation folks. To progress this technique start having mental sex all over your body, even the heart is receptive to this. Mastering this technique along with cultivating emptiness/silence=god, and provides an enormously strong flow of healthy energy to the rest of the energy system (key to developing psychic energies) and bodies. I truly believe this combination to be one of the highest paths available to us, yes even up there with paths of love. And i can say this through my own experience (which may not mirror yours btw) For more info research sex with eros. Or here's one of my favorite links The "ideal-type" lover image mentioned here is the same concept mentioned above, whatever mental image get's you fired up. See it/her entering and pleasuring whatever chakra or body part you may be working on. Non i hope you in particular are reading this, may be very helpful to people like you who just can't "let go" of sexual urges, you can satisfy them instead. p.s. Didnt have a lot of time to write this, will proof-read later. : )
  3. End of the world is May 21st.

    Or they may think youv'e converted to nudism.
  4. Tonights Full Moon

    The land of google images. This just happened to be the one that stuck out to me.
  5. End of the world is May 21st.

    ooohh we get to have a countdown...PARTY IN THIS THREAD!!!!
  6. Tonights Full Moon

    Im praying it only keeps getting stronger for the duration, as ive had some pretty interesting chi phenomenon going on these past few days and would love to see where this cycle leads.
  7. Gender identification

    I just thought of an interesting analogy: -Even if one self-identified with the universe aka the great IAM, you still are your separate self as well. "You" are the entire universe yet at the same time you are not. -Even if you self-identify with both male & female. Which i agree is true at some level. You are still you, whichever gender you happen to be born into for whatever reason.
  8. Gender identification

    Definitely yes. It doesn't matter who you "think" you are. You are what you are. Your body was created for "you" to inhabit. It is your 3rd dimensional physical self. Identification with anything other is an "idea" that resides in the mind. On the path to self realization once you get rid of that thing called the mind, you realize that you are who you are. Men tend to have a much easier time cultivating awarenss/conciousness than women. Think being cold/distant/unattached. As a man it is best to purify this aspect and move to an energy/emotion practice. If you can "master" your sex lessons you are most of the way "there". Never forget that you create, and hold the very seed of life itself. Women as shakti stated tend to be in more tune with the energy/emotion aspect. For you it is best to start here and work towards the cultivation of awareness/consiousness. If you can master non-attachment then you're most of the way "there", but its hard not to get attached to things when your emotions are so strong But of course having some twisted identification will not harm your practices. But if you can open up to yourself and embrace your physical body and its attributes you stand to increase your personal chi/awareness substantially. Your body is the tool that you must use, it is your map.
  9. Hi bums, so today a close friend of mines showed me this video which has me feeling, well rather wtf'ish right now. Try to tune out the Armageddon vibe its quite ridiculous. And before any of you say it, i know, nothing exists. During one portion there's a guy giving a "warning", my first thought was "oh he's faking it". But ive served 9 years as a military interrogator and i am well trained in psychological/vocal profiling, this guy definitely sounds authentic. Im sitting here trying not to even rationalize this but the monkey is running. I don't subscribe to the alien stuff but i can't help but give it second thought. There was once a time when i didn't even believe chi/body energy existed. Now, being the enlightened people you guys are, i'd like to hear your opinions on this. In the meantime im trying to catch this monkey of mines.
  10. No need to fear though, we have tools such as spirituality & meditation that allow us to become masters of ourselves and afford us the ability to examine and choose our beliefs. Thanks for the input.
  11. Perfect example of why i don't subscribe to the alien stuff. I find media such as this one extremely difficult to believe for obvious reasons.
  12. I think you are definitely on to something here. We indeed live in chaotic times where multiple "truths" and realities seem to be colliding or squishing together. People seem deeply committed and rooted in what they sense is "the truth" or reality. Which really is real for them. I feel like there is an opportunity in this for us though. Ive noticed that life seems to orient itself towards your belief and with this 2012 thing coming up we have the opportunity to move into whatever reality we feel we belong to. Some believe in destruction via natural disaster, some believe in some form of alien encounter, and some in a spiritual enlightenment. I believe, and i use that word VERY loosely, that when this final convergence happens whatever you believe will manifest. Sort of the quantum reality theory here if you are familiar with this.
  13. I think its important for us to discuss these things but lets try not to get too caught up in all of these alien "war" scenarios and the like, as they can get rather, well you know, ridiculous & complicated. I don't want to scare away serious posters from this thread. My original intent was to rationalize and relate these events in a spiritual manner. I wish to keep this topic rather loose and not too connected to the posted video as to allow a greater "evolution" of thought surrounding this matter. The video is merely an "icebreaker" on this subject matter to get the wheels turning. I came across an old text that i once read about the nature of what we perceive as "spirit". As above, so below. Just as we humans have our positive/negative aspects, so does what we call spirit. Most on these forums have talked about encountering spirit guides/extra-dimensional beings etc., which i would relate to the positive aspect. Whereas the harmful entities, which you would call ghosts/demons etc, would of course belong to the negative. By the very nature of the great dichotomy of our universe, the tao, both have to be allowed to exist or neither can. The existence of spirit guides etc, in itself proves the existence of the other side of the coin. Now, these entities require us to live. We live in a co-dependant universe, where our very awareness gives these entities existence. When you are not aware or conscious of them, they don't exist and have no life in "your" consciousness. I truly believe it would be of benefit to all to rationalize/contemplate the positive aspects rather than the negative as you could draw these things to you. Even the bible points to the existence of "angels" and goes on to further say that there are bad ones out there that are very powerful and can present themselves as light. And for those of you who may think that i am getting caught up in existence, i would say that you are caught up in non-existence to the point that you ignore the actual existence of things. And yes friend, fish & chips indeed this is fun. Thanks to everyone choosing to participate in this thread.
  14. A little 2012 story..

    War? Who said anything about a war? I think you just made a huge assumption there. Here is an excerpt from that thread: "Dainin I have no proof, but I tend to think that humans may be stranded aliens, or at least hybridized with them. They (we) just seem too different from every other life form on earth...all the extra crap that is needed for our survival, all the non-biodegradable garbage we produce, all the bizarre cultural manifestations (such as the existence of this forum, lol!). " Thats more along the line of thought i was trying to get at. I think the posters "friend" & "sloppy" in that thread are leaning towards a war scenario. Im more interested in the life of these gods, demigods, extra-dimensional beings etc., whom we either come from, or share our world with. The video posted in my thread could be those higher dimensional beings helping us to awaken. As i read your thread my mind made a connection and i found it quite intriguing that you posted this. I think you may be interested in the theories of Zecharia Sitchin, should you look him up.
  15. Good Karma + Bad Karma = ?

    Ok Dorian im gonna bite this one. I "bolded" the funny parts.
  16. A little 2012 story..

    Hey, i think you'd be interested in my similar topic on this: p.s. Did you happen to see my thread already? Or did we happen to be on the same subject at the same time? Weird
  17. Not worried, at the end of the day these beings are still made of the same essence that I am, and by extension I AM. My mind was more curious if anything. More-so earlier than it is now (i caught the monkey) As a sentient being i feel everyone owes it to themselves to question their perceived reality. And our collective reality just possibly may include "extra-dimensional" beings. I just wanted to hear your thoughts opinions on this matter than anything else. I like the idea you just gave me about Humans (i assume thats what you meant) wiping out other lifeforms. Im currently studying environmental health and it seems that this is but inevitable. Our life feeds on other life that in turn feeds on other life. Nothing to be guilty about here, natural order of things. But could there be a higher order of life that feeds on us? As in our thoughts & emotions. I'm sure youv'e probably heard of "negative" spirit entities that feed on the negative energy of people. To give you an example, ghosts or whatever you want to call them, that purposely haunt & scare psychically weak individuals for the sole purpose of "feeding" on the fear that is generated. Interesting, any further thoughts on this?
  18. Yes and it does bother me how this video is obviously structured in a way that is meant to strike fear and frighten most. But even after considering each piece on its own im still blown away. Check out the footage at 7:33. Amazing.
  19. Precisely, and one of my favorite quotes goes something like "Just because you believe something, doesn't make it true. Yet just because you don't believe something, doesn't make it not true". Ive always learned to seriously consider things before brushing them off and returning to my non-existence state. But as you have pointed out, this is rather disturbing. One statement that jumped out at me was when the guy said that these were not aliens, but extra-dimensional beings. Which really connect with a lot of spiritual text's that ive come across regarding the existence of such other dimensions.
  20. I consulted a long time friend of mines who suggested that I research Zecharia Sitchin. Anyone here familiar with his teachings?
  21. the highest masters are not in asia

    IME, it is still best to cultivate amongst society. Ive come across plenty of self-proclaimed masters whom, once removed from these "impossible" environments, find it almost impossible to return. By the time the master is done with his cultivation he becomes so far removed from others that it is very easy, and likely, that he will become an outcast. As these societies will have likely grown and changed without him. He will likely find himself not understanding and even cursing new or different social norms that he now perceives to be "against" the tao. But then again all paths lead to the same end, and they all have their advantages and pitfalls so i think we have to be careful as to what our ego's define as the "best" way. I also think we are on the same page as far as not seeking to influence, but what im getting at is that by his very presence and mere interaction amongst others this influence happens naturally. Whether he is even aware of this or not. Be it his thought patterns or energy vibrations having an affect on those around him.
  22. the highest masters are not in asia

    I felt compelled to post here today, just a few of my immediate thoughts: -If you consider yourself a "master" and feel you have to isolate yourself, then you are not a master. Simple as that. You are still trapped in thoughts which tell you to run from something or someone. -Masters seek to master their own lives and nothing more. But in mastering his own life, one finds that he has also master everything else. As the entire universe and everything in it is simply a reflection of cosm upon cosm. (Micro/Macro) -A master seeks to influence others, not necessarily "teach". Only the universe can teach as our words are limited. -This influence, in my experience, is done by his own awareness of something. Not by "him". His mere presence can completely change a situation/event. Whatever he is aware of uses his awareness to evolve itself. -Once a master has become one by removing "himself" from the equation, there is no need to be "found". Unless one wishes to make a fool of himself. The universe if infinitely personal, simply enjoy your life. -By the way, there is no such thing as a master. This is separation at its finest. Call yourself a master, feel the pride, and then let it go. "Masters" in the end move beyond this and necessarily become ordinary people. If i saw myself as a master id probably be in some mountain somewhere too, but thank the universe im not. p.s. Hi Bums! First post after years of lurking, you guys are gonna love me here i promise