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Everything posted by imonous

  1. Any recomended concentration meditation?

    I'm surprised noone has mentioned listening to the inner sound, IME its the quickest way to "ensnare" awareness and completely turn the mind inside out. It is very easy for the mind to become obsorbed in sound.
  2. The return of the body light

    +1 Very nice post My personal opinion is that as long as we are "alive" we cannot completely stop from "losing" or "spilling" light energy as it is the substance of life and everything requires it to generate "awareness/experience". I should add that the goal is not necessarily to stop the leakage (although it helps to slow), but to increase the rate as well that it is "attracted" to you. More of an input/output equation rather than a collect & store as much as possible paradigm. There also becomes a point when the light in you collects "fast" enough that it begins to direct your consciousness, instead of the "physical you" doing the work. After this life is all just letting go into the experience and literally witnessing the birth of your own godself. Life itself becomes very much alive for you.
  3. I fell into the supplemental calcium trap

    I'm very glad you brought this to my awareness. I take a once a day multivitamin and there is 100-120 percent daily value of every vitamin. I took a look at the label and I was shocked to see that despite the borderline overdose levels of everything else, it contained only a measley 1% of the daily recommended dosage for magnesium.
  4. Thoughts On Brain Sync?

    Personally, I swear by these things. This one in particular is amazing, youll need to listen to it twice, but after the first listen you should start to notice the effects, just make sure you use headphones. When I listen to this I can actually "feel" my pineal gland opening as well as my eyes relaxing, most of the time I do not even realize that I'm holding tension there.
  5. I wouldn't be so quick to mock this guy if I were you, it is possible to recieve guidance from "other wordly" beings. Some of us do but often do not even realize it, coincidences can be one of those forms of communication. Higher spirits, masters, aliens, spirit guide, higher intelligence, subconcious, extra-dimensional beings are a few names ascribed to them. In my direct experience it is possible to ask a question in and of oneself and have it answered by an entity outside of what is considered the concious thinking self. As far as the most "important" energy center debate goes i would say that no one point is more important than the other as they all have a wide variety of functions as well as an inherent intelligence capable of activating/manipulating the others. But on another note if I absolutely had to choose one energy center to be "most" important it would be the feet.
  6. A Vivid Dream

    Yes dreams can definitely help us on our paths but when interpreting them we have a real tendency to color them or make what we want them to mean. If you are looking at a dream always remain conscious of what you are desiring from it. What makes you excited about the dream? What are you expecting and so anxious about finding? Detach from that and look at it from another point of view. I find it interesting that not only was the head of the buddha detached, but the head was actually standing in your way of finding true knowledge.
  7. I Opened my Kundalini, But I did it to Early!

    Don't worry about this, just a sign that energy is actually reaching & working the higher centers. When this used to happen to me it was very sudden and out of nowhere at random points in the day. Id be doing something and then it would start, it sounds exactly like "amplified silence" if that makes sense. The ring gets really strong and if you zone out and tune into you can actually "feel" it pulling you into a "space" or void. If this annoys you too much try wiggling your ears while you urinate and feel that tingle rise and release tension in that area. Edit: It would be most beneficial to you right now to practice emptiness meditation. This will ground your mind and allow very rapid changes and development in you and your life.
  8. I Opened my Kundalini, But I did it to Early!

    Go do this and thank me later. Take off your shoes, lie down and relax your entire body. Now wiggle & convulse your toes. Send all of your awareness here and try to feel that "sweet" energy here. Keep wiggling. Imagine water dripping from them. Do this for 30 minutes at a time whenever you feel too "out there". When the energy is most intense where does it originate? And do your ears sometimes ring all of a sudden?
  9. Are morals really any better then no morals?

    hehehe...i know this may sound cliche, but there are no such things as morals. p.s. don't let the common folks in on this though
  10. Are We Being Turned Into Robots?

    No ive included dogma in this assumption. Your statement itself is an example of what im talking about. Dogma is something that has historically & currently led people astray. Especially in the political, scientific, and religious arena. People like you are starting to "see" dogma in its various forms on a larger and larger scale. At least now humanity has an anti-dogma consciousness to it constantly seeking to expose lies. There is a small portion of humanity that is successfully evolving to see past these corrupted illusions. The only question is whether this "new conciousness" will spread to the masses and grow to apply "change" to what is "broken".
  11. Yes some users are obviously too pushing/insulting when it comes to the language in their posts. Freedom of speech has the price of knowing how to use it. Properly and effectively.
  12. How to create the real dan-tien?

    There are many ways depending on the person. Question is, do you create it? or is it already there and you just need to train the awareness of it?
  13. I haven't opened this thread since page 3 and im absolutely amazed that this has gone 12 pages. An no i didn't bother to read anything between.
  14. Are We Being Turned Into Robots?

    I would even go on to say that a "successful" culture can ONLY come from one that didn't work. Without failure i don't think we "know" what a human culture should even begin to look like. Without failure all we can do is just walk, in whatever direction we just so happen to walk. At least this culture has given way to people like us who now know the conditionings and trappings of the mind, habits, pleasure. I would say that the minds of "most" have indeed been taken over and run in a "robotic" manner. From birth we are taught to see in a rational manner and create realities based on the truths and beliefs we are fed by various sources. The society we have created has created us.
  15. Are We Being Turned Into Robots?

    This is something ive found myself contemplating often. There have been so many developments going on in the world that seem to undercut humanity. Everything from our sedentary lifestyle, tv, religion, internet, monotonous jobs, culture, music, weather, etc. I can understand why people say that groups like the 'Illuminati' are real because it almost seems as if theres a conscious force conspiring to create our current world and its well beyond the point of being beyond our control. Our current world has been created "quasi" spontaneously, even our "flawed" operating system. Noone sat down in day and said hey this is how our country/culture will operate. What we see today is the result of generations upon generations of change, even things such as laws we create in good intention conspire against us. Its all too easy to blame ourselves, but being the ignorant beings we are, are we just conditioned to create failing cultures? I mean look at those of the past, they destroyed themselves same as we are doing now. I mean, how can we, in our current state as limited universal beings that don't know sh*t about the universe create something meaningful? All we can do is hide behind our science and keep pushing random buttons to see what they do while praying we don't blow ourselves up. It really is a miracle that we've survived so long in this state. And everyone being suddenly all loving sounds like a nice solution but is it a realistic one? We all have our own minds and in a group of 100 i can almost garauntee that at least 5 will have selfish intent that will spread like cancer to the rest of the population. Sound familiar to you guys?
  16. Tonights Full Moon

    In all my time of gazing ive never felt the moon emitting this kind of dose. There is definitely a new energy among us and it is strong. Can anyone confirm this?
  17. Tonights Full Moon

    no worries bro, i can see your intent on posting the 'original'. plenty of oops too go around on these forums
  18. Tonights Full Moon

    Thanks but thats still not the source of the one i posted. p.s. this one is undeniably cooler anyway
  19. Tonights Full Moon

    Sorry, its actually this one:
  20. Dont worry i got ya hmmmm, you look a little "sweet"
  21. The greatest teacher is oneself.

    I like this. Also be warned that your mind has the sneakiest ways of tricking you, or coloring reality so that you see things a certain way. The only way to avoiding this is "keeping it real". You can lie to the world but you can't lie to yourself. If you feel something isn't "right" or a belief rubs you a "funny" way, it is your job to shine your light on it.
  22. The greatest teacher is oneself.

    Glad i can help Im getting the feeling i should charge myself more for the use of myself. My awareness is a valuable tool you know...
  23. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    So i jumped out the shower and proceeded to the kitchen to make breakfast with nothing but a towel on. Roommate comes down stares and goes "oh my god, what the f*ck dude!". My reply? "Well if you can't stand this heat, get the f*ck out the kitchen". You guys may not get it but we couldnt stop laughing.
  24. The greatest teacher is oneself.

    Yes, this is true. But who is oneself? It might be easier from a western point of view to see an inner self and an outer self. The path is a delicate charade of balancing and assimilating experience/knowledge from both sides of existence. It is really a gift to realize the correspondence of happenings inside correlating to things that happen around us. Im sure we've all experienced strange coincidences that jump out from time to time. The is like a ring from the cosmos causing us to really question who "we" are. So yes, listen to yourself, life is only between you and yourself. Noone else needs to be involved with the process. No guru or master. Just you and your own discernment.