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Posts posted by TaoBee

  1. I will not "go to my room" (what a fucking annoying thing to say) until I'm given a legitimate reason for my suspension.


    This is not just about me, it's about fairness in moderation here. Sunya posted 4 direct insults, as well as harassed me, and nothing has yet happened to him. I've been "provocative" and have been suspended just as long as someone who posted 29 direct insults.


    The moderation here is fucked, and I'm not going to respect it until it's deserving of respect.


    Wow you haven't changed much since the last time I was here...Why do you think you can bully your way around in here? Oh I know...because you got away with it the last time you were insulting people (StrawDog,Tyler)...you were banned and yet you got to come back under the name Scotty. You do deliberately provoke people, insult them, and then throw down the whoops, my bad attitude and expect to be forgiven.

    • Like 2

  2. I ended up having to endure his "love" for nearly two years. I say "love" because that's what he called it, he was "loving" me. To say that it ended up confusing me to no ends is an understatement, in fact it made it almost impossible for me to truly understand what love really was.




    You are very brave to share all that you have in this post. I completely relate... I was sexually abused for 7 years as a child. By a man who I was led to believe was my father. He too described it as "loving" me. My mother to this day, just sees me as a tool to use. The devastating impact that has on the victim is simply hard to explain...but I see you do understand. I'm sorry for your loss of your childhood. It should never happen, to any child. I do not understand the monsters that lurk, I never will.


    I understand about the child you saw...that inner child. My lost little girl still lives in me. She has finally learned to come out and play, into the light. However, I have many lost years in those 7 that I cannot/will not? remember. Flashes here and there. Smells, like it did for you, trigger for me. Small movements that seem to familiar. I did not find a healthy relationship until I was nearly 40..and even then I still had to heal and grow. I know this much...you appear to have dealt with yours more so than I. Mine are boxed tightly. Sometimes with a wicked control. I am terrified of what will happen when it all spills out and I have to confront it all head on. I also know however, that I am better equipped to deal with it now at this stage in my life...because I love myself.


    Peace and Love-



    • Like 1

  3. BREAKING NEWS: The Pity Train has just derailed at the intersection of Suck It Up & Move On, and crashed into We All Got Problems, before coming to a complete stop at Get The Hell Over It. Any complaints about how we operate can be forwarded to 1-800-waa-waaa This is Dr.Sniffle reporting LIVE from Quitchur Bitchin'.

    • Like 1

  4. TaoBee,


    You could try actually reading what I wrote, and get up to speed on the conversation. That would show a little intelligence. No one thinks strawdog made a threat.


    And you could also do away with the personal vendetta against me. That's only making you into a bully. In an ideal world, there'd be no problems between us. Totally your choice.


    I did actually read what you wrote...what I was saying is that SD should not be suspended because he did not threaten anyone..you did. Which is WHY you were suspended...so why should SD be suspended as you are? This is not a personal vendetta...like you or not I wouldnt waste my time responding to you if I didnt think it was warranted. When you say something I disagree with (or anyone who posts on TTB for that matter) I respond. Not liking you is an aside.

  5. Mal,




    That's totally fine by me, but what about the other forum rules which you went by in your decision?


    "posting any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane."


    Are those things fair game in the pit, and only "threatening" not allowed?


    What if others feel just as strongly about such things as harassing, or posting hateful and defamatory posts...as I claim strawdog did?


    As long as I'm suspended, I say he should be suspended as well...because we BOTH broke the forum rules.



    Strawdog did not threaten you...you were suspended for threatening him. But I guess you arent REALLY suspended since here you are...still posting.

    • Like 1

  6. I am not pleased.

    No Mangas.

    No Anime.

    No Console Games.

    From Japan.


    REALLY?? You are not PLEASED??


    Because you may not be able to get cartoons and games?


    How can you be so obtuse?

  7. Good Morning All-


    Please keep Japan and her people in your positive thoughts...for myself I have family there-Japan is my home country. I am devastated watching the news. My uncle and his family live in Sendai. The last time I received an update they were safe. I am hoping they have evacuated by now. We are unable to reach them (since Friday)...


    Peace and Love

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