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Posts posted by TaoBee

  1. the water shortage information scheme is not based on collectible water from precipitation.


    They're saying there is not enough water stored in the ground, lakes, rivers etc to meet demand.


    The total stored in an on the earth is minuscule compared with collectible rain fall.


    Also there are many deep water reserves have been discovered with radar.


    The lakes mention in AZ are two of them and it was discovered these lakes tributary to many others

    around the world.


    The earth is a living being. She balances her self. So do we.


    The void source or Tao of the earth is much larger than our own and she is achieving enlightenment



    From the University of Arizona


    My link

  2. Hmmm since the topic of oil seems to make people think of scams....


    What does this make you think?




    Or am I going to hear more of the don't manipulate nature rhetoric? Isn't that what we've done...simply by ignoring, not thinking and being greedy?


    Water= A basic human right?


    Nope...like everything else in this world...ITS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY.

  3. I'm just curious how many folks here are here because life did you in in some way. Most of the younger people, I wouldn't expect that to be the case. But maybe the older ones? In my case, it was alcoholism, pure and simple. I merely had to find a way to live comfortably in my skin without booze to mask the feelings, which for some reason I was always afraid to experience or emote. It required changing my thinking about life 180 degrees. That brought to my attention the spiritual path. It was 1981 when I got sober, and I had to go through an obnoxious born-again Christian thing at the beginning. The evolution has continued since then.


    Any other examples of seemingly bad becoming seemingly good?


    Good Morning Manitou-


    Part of the reason I ended up here....life handed me a childhood of various forms of abuse, and then I managed to marry a man who abused me then my daughters in the same way I was abused as a child. He (and his entire family) are Bible thumping Christians. Anytime I argued about what I felt was wrong with what we were subjected to in church...which I did often, ended up in week long arguments. Then the day I found out about my girls...I turned my back forever on organized religion. Between the Catholicism I grew up with (after a very young childhood of being exposed to Zen Buddhism by my Japanese side of the family- going to Catholic church really perplexed me!!) and the hypocritical "church family" from my marriage...DONE.


    Once I broke free, I found myself thinking back to the Zen Buddhism. Little by little, I started exploring other studies of spirituality. Looking back now, I went to what IMO was as far as I could from christianity to basically Paganism. Lol silly Bee thinking I was so HA take that! It took a while to just finally realize that I needed to find me. In doing so I found my way to amazing things. A new life with my children. A real love. Even to this day, I am still finding myself. The TTC has helped me with that. It helps me, everyday. To finally let go of residual anger. To open my eyes and see. I came to it because part of me was Tao without ever knowing..and knowing now is just AWESOME!


    Peace and Love



    • Like 2

  4. There is a very large cyclone forming up and heading for North Queensland :(

    Severe Tropical Cyclone Yasi

    and there isn't really anywhere "safe" that it could be deflected to. So if anyone is good at manipulating weather trying to de-intensify this would useful.


    If Yasi arrives as a category 4 or 5 as predicted that will be very bad :ph34r:


    Cyclone Anthony, category 2, hit land last night (~100km southwest of me) and while it caused a fair bit of damage we are use to cyclones doing that this time of year. 2's and 3's can be very destructive but 4's and above basically blow everything off the map :(


    So prayers to your favorite deity that Yasi causes the least amount of harm possible are appreciated _/\_



    Category 1 with strongest wind gust measured at less than 125 kilometres per hour. Usually causes minimal house damage but may cause damage to some crops, trees and caravans and water craft may drag mooings.


    Category 2 with strongest wind gust measured at 125-170km/h. May cause minor house damage but significant damage to signs, trees and caravans, and heavy damage to some crops. There may be risk of power failure and small craft my break moorings.


    Category 3 with strongest wind gust measured at 170-225km/h. May cause roof and structural damage, destroy caravans, cause power failure.


    Category 4 with strongest wind gust measured at 225-280km/h. May cause significant roofing loss and structural damage, dangerous airborne debris, widespread power failure.


    Category 5 with strongest wind gust at more than 280km/h. Extremely dangerous and causing widespread destruction.



    While I am no weather manipulator, I will send positive thoughts your way...for a small storm (I've gone through some nasty hurricanes in my time) and for everyone's safety.


    Be well, stay safe!


    Peace and Love

  5. If Zeitgeist is too much for folks here...maybe just something that is gentler....kid friendly even. A little Wall-E to let you know that our world is heading there...all that garbage created by people with their wants, wants, wants...with how many things made of OIL???


    We've hit peak oil and peak soil. We cannot continue to stick our heads in the ground and ignore whats in our face. I know...you think...what can I do? Or worse yet..why should I bother? Nothing will happen in MY generation.


    Fear will get you no where.


    Peace and Love

  6. Within the last couple of decades a great yogi has said that the next great war between good and evil will be waged over the battle field of health. (food/medicine/poisoning)


    That war has already started and you have already chosen sides!


    What side are you on?


    Poll: check one


    I'm a Greed _____


    I'm a Green _____


    If you have any difficulty deciding what side you are on look at you dinner plate.


    There is only one way to fight this war.


    It is said that the meek shall inherit the Earth ... but the Greeds won't give up without a fight. A highly toxic one.


    The Monsanto Rag


    Millions against Monsanto


    edited for spelling



    I am most definitely a Green. And unfortunately we do have to battle. Ever watch Food Inc? If you go to Monsanto's website, they attempt to justify what they have done to farmers, how "safe" their GMO seeds etc are...


    Greeds is right...call them like you see them.

  7. Is it just me or has anyone noticed the moon being unusually bright tonight? I mean its seriously LUMINOUS tonight, staring at it I'm almost worried that its going to blind me like the sun :lol: , but seriously its not much less bright right now then the sun. Maybe its just from where I am, idk? Perhaps its because I practiced Ya Mu's Gift of the Tao DVD today and it really did put me into a higher state of awareness with heightened senses seeing things more vividly, I guess if no on else notices this then the qigong is obviously the answer lol. I would take a picture of it but I doubt it would come out very good


    The moon was stunning! I wish pics of the moon would come out better...every time I try, they just do not do the moon justice. She is truly a stunner :wub:

  8. I was once in a supervisory job that I found extremely stressful and left the company to take another job with less money and less stress, the new company could see my potential and I was upgraded once again to assistant manager, unfortunately I failed miserably due to my wish to remain friends with the staff and the higher managers. I was unaware of the Tao back then and often wonder if I would have had better judgement had I known of the three treasures that Lao Tzu spoke of.


    Chapter 67 sums it all up.


    Everyone under heaven says that my Tao is great and beyond compare.

    Because it is great, it seems different.

    If it were not different, it would have vanished long ago.


    I have three treasures which I hold and keep.

    The first is mercy; the second is economy;

    The third is daring not to be ahead of others.

    From mercy comes courage; from economy comes generosity;

    From humility comes leadership.


    Nowadays men shun mercy, but try to be brave;

    They abandon economy, but try to be generous;

    They do not believe in humility, but always try to be first.

    This is certain death.


    Mercy brings victory in battle and strength in defense.

    It is the means by which heaven saves and guards.



    Its all the responsibility. I despise being responsible for when Tom, Dick or Jane muck something up. Or having to fix everyone's issues. Responsibility blows. :angry:


    Yup having a tough day. Bah.

  9. No the beans are kind of mashed up somehow ... you can tell I'm a cook.


    These are even nicer pasteis de nata




    Portuguese Custard Tarts! Yes, totally had to look it up. Hmmm looks yummy!

  10. I'm not surprised you didn't! After doing all that I'd be exhausted!


    I think scones were your big mistake. Way too energy intensive and not sexy at all! Try these next time:


    Uncooked Chocolate Bars


    60 grams butter or margarine

    200 grams dark chocolate

    3 tablespoons golden syrup

    250 grams digestive biscuits, crushed


    Place butter, chocolate and syrup in a saucepan and heat gently until melted. Stir in the biscuits and mix thoroughly. Turn into a greased and lined shallow 18 cm square tin and smooth the top with a palette knife. Leave to set, then cut into bars. Makes 16.


