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Posts posted by TaoBee

  1. I'd just love to be able to remember my youth at all. I've never been able to.


    I'm sorry to hear that...I'm in the same boat..I remember a bit of this and that but that's it.


    I didn't really get to have a childhood (sadly lots of people did not get theirs) and I think that is why I try and have a young mind. Why I play, why I am silly. SillyBee! I have this penchance for dancing around to music I hear in my head. Too bad other folks couldn't hear it...they just might dance too :lol:


    I will say this- Taoism has helped me with a young mind. I am quite a bit more fearless than I was before.


    Peace and Love <3


    Interesting topic Twinner!!


    And this definitely looks like an interesting book. I agree with SD that civilizations have long existed before what is recorded. I also believe what people may put off to aliens in our past history could simply be early human civilization. Or it could be aliens :ninja: because who is to say we are the only ones? After a trip to Kennedy Space Center it would be hard to believe we were!


    Peace and Love <3

  3. Merry Christmas to all!!!


    And since we're on the topic, I'm cooking some lovely biscuits; shortbread base with a caramel filling and chocolate toping.


    Enlightenment in a biscuit, I think you'll agree.



    Great now if you'll just send some of those my way...nommy nommy!


    Off topic indeed :rolleyes: lol!

  4. Interesting topic. And I think it is along the same lines as Devoid's recent thread.


    Internet communications is difficult because all we have is words. Therefore it is very important as to which words we use and the manner in which we use those words.


    I try to keep my posts short and simple. This is based on what Cat said above.


    We will not all be in total agreement all the time. That's a given. But we need respect what others have said even if we totally disagree with what they have said.



    Good Morning!


    Unfortunately any written form of communication does not come with the benefit of what the speaking word has...facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice...you get the idea. I believe we lose something without those things. It is too easy to misinterpret what we are reading. On the opposite end of that is the fact that for some people the written word (and the "anonymity" of the internet) gives them the courage to say the things they would not say in person.


    I sometimes feel that written communication is quite hindering :blink: But then again that might have something to do with having gotten in trouble regarding my emails before (work)!!!


    I agree with Twinner "It seems like we live in a world where being right has become more important than caring and understanding what other people are trying to say." The need to be right...not very Tao IMHO.


    Peace and Love <3

  5. I just love you, TaoBee! You are adorable! What a wonderfully free spirit.


    My question - did it help remove the residual homophobia? I would think this extreme imprint to the opposite would go a long way. Very creative therapy!!


    Why thank you...I resemble that remark :wub:


    You are very intuitive...which I knew from reading your posts...as I said before I had been watching and reading for quite some time before joining and I just love reading yours :)


    TTB is a learning experience for me....for sure!


    Love and Peace <3

  6. Thanks, Manitou, but I actually was behind the camera on this one. I produce and edit all the vids, but we take turns being camera op.


    Here's a short one that I'm in. Practiced facing my lingering homophobia by cross-dressing and going strutting on Beverly Hills' Rodeo Drive:


    Lol song is stuck in my head now..."I taste just like candy"!!


    Love the hot pink hair :lol:

  7. Yeah...I forgot just how poignant that show was.

    Now that I am older I see how Tao has kinda' always been there.

    Just never realized it before.


    I remember being a child watching that show..I watched it because Grasshopper was half- asian and american, like me. Growing up where I did I had no one to relate to, so the show fascinated me. Seeing the clips now- wow Tao everywhere!

  8. :lol:Young Mind :lol:



    In our western society we are taught, at all costs,

    to hold on to youth. we are inundated by advertising

    constantly reminding us of the importance of being



    It's no wonder that as we age, we look for meaning

    when, before as youngsters we were to busy to care.


    From the Taoist perspective, this is an interesting concept

    to me. Being young is more than a physical determination.

    One can be young in the sense that they have cultivated

    the openess of a young mind.


    Even as the body begins to fade the prospect of a youthful

    mind is a comfort. We all have it, even it it exists buried

    beneath the mess that is life, it's there somewhere... just look for it.


    What is a youthful mind?


    To me it is a mind full of awe.


    The awe of new eyes upon a world that is fresh and uncorrupted.


    It can be said that unfiltered optimism, is a type of awe.


    Like the awe of a day when the sky is bright blue, and the clouds

    are reminiscent of types of animals, like a great zoo in the sky.


    Or the awe of finding the Love of your life, and looking into their

    eyes and for the first time feeling you have arrived home at last.


    Awe is to me inspiring, magickal, majestic, humbling and hopeful.


    It is sad that, as we are brought up in society, much of the awe of

    our youth is lost to the hurt of lessons learned.


    Disillusionment of what we desired as the youth we were, in

    conflict with the reality our lives become, is common to us all.


    Does this mean that the spark of youth is lost?


    As we age, how is it we can preserve this "young Mind"?


    I can usually tell when I am in my "young mind" mode, it happens

    when I am interested in something or talking about something of

    great interest, and I catch myself being negative about what I was

    thinking about moments earlier as being great.


    It is the voice of "experience" (age) saying

    "wake up you fool, it will never work!"


    Should I blindly listen to this voice?

    Or should I temper this voice with the knowledge that sometimes

    the voice of our present "reality" is a limiting factor of our future?

    Limiting our actions based on past fears, is the outcome of any

    decisions made when this mind occurs.


    I believe it is an incredible resource within ourselves to tap into

    the optimism and uncorrupted nature of our youth, and bring some

    of that "mind" into our everyday lives.


    It is this mind that makes it ok to be silly and say yes to something new,

    something the voice of age and reason would say no to.


    So, get in touch with that young mind, let that silly nature return,

    look at that giraffe in the sky and say giddy up! :P


    It can certainly do us no harm.



    Peace and silliness!



    Silliness Rocks! :P


    Optimism gives one a different view of the world. It gives you the ability to see past all the garbage. Being an optimist myself, I have been told in the past that I am "unrealistic" (I noticed that pessimists often label themselves "realists"). I do not view myself as unrealistic...merely positive.


    A youthful mind can be found at any age...I have seen it! Its an awesome thing to behold.


    Let the silliness begin!


    Peace and Love

  9. Peace and silliness, indeed! :)


    Oh, how sad it is that "maturity" has taken on so much mis-meaning. It should be "centered, humble, patient, open-minded, etc." But it also picked up all those unfortunate negatives, like "don't be foolish, don't play like a kid (or with kids), don't look at things from strange angles, don't, don't, don't ...."


    The "don'ts" are about appearing mature, of course, and have nothing to do with actual maturity.


    The genesis of this, as I see it: kids realize soon that adults have all the power in the world. So kids start cultivating their internal idea of what an adult is like, and try to shape their newfound egos in that direction. But a kid's-eye-view of adulthood has "don't" and "no" written all over it, because that is what they so often experience. That is why, if you watch kids playing with dolls, you'll often hear them giving the adult dolls dialogue like "don't do that", "be a big boy", "that's not allowed", etc. Even between kids, you'll often overhear some of them taking on the adult roles, and telling their peers that they "can't do that", "it's against the rules", etc.


    As we grow older, we pick up more of the actual meaning of maturity, but what tends to really matter (in terms of how people interact with us) is whether we've mastered the appearance of maturity. So we naturally keep playing the role of "mature", and we become boxed in by our "don'ts" and "no's".


    That's part of the reason why part of my practice has been to make play with adults an important part of my life. I have been creating play videos of various types with dance friends of mine for the last few years. Often I bring some kind of props to dance with me, and then distribute them afterwards, while people are still energized and youthful. The play that arises is unplanned and undirected, and becomes the raw material for my videos. For example:




    Oh how I love the video :P


    "Adults" should always remember to play...to have a happy mind. Maturity is often overrated. You are correct, unfortunately maturity is confused with Do Nots.


    I am often asked "and how old are you again?" because a moment of silliness overtakes me. Some days the silliness happens often!


    Have a happy mind!


    Peace and love!

  10. A rainy morning...love that sound :wub: I have been reading and watching TTB for the past few weeks and have finally decided to join. Yay! It's been interesting-reading all of the different topics, the responses.


    I am "new" to Taoism...but sometimes I feel I am not.


    Everyday for me is a learning and growing experience.


    Peace and Love!