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Everything posted by pennyofheaven

  1. Hubris

    Yes, we are still in touch with it in one way or another. Just not in its entirety when all the things and concepts are present.
  2. Hubris

    Yes indeed it is. So delusion or illusion that is our reality. Our perception of what is. Therefore no one is out of touch with it. Just perceiving it in a different way. Well I never heard of the word. So its been useful for me.
  3. Akashic Records

    I have not experienced non liner, fast yes. I have a few friends that have though. Haha could be a cosmic package! I don't know?What is a K-active?
  4. Expand! Learn about yourself

    Cool! More power to you and your expansion!
  5. The Importance of Context

    Yes agree.
  6. True Self

  7. The Importance of Context

    Actions do speak louder than words. On a forum it applies to. Except the action is the way in which we post. People only ever behave in accordance with what they hold to be true within themselves. If they take discussions out of context it may not be an intentional thing. Their reaction or response is only a reflection of what they have within. Taking a post out of context means they are making their own conclusions based on what they "think" the other is saying. When really these conclusions come from their own parameters of perception. Not necessarily the conclusion that the writer or speaker had in mind. It is more useful to ask instead of assume or conclude before replying if one doesn't understand fully what is being said in my view. Compassion does not require one to not share their understanding. Compassion is understanding that whomever you shared with may not see it the way you do regardless of whether it is valid or not.
  8. I don't know the terms you are referring to but what you say makes sense to me.
  9. I do agree. You cannot have one without the other. You can however synchronize the two. In saying that they are not really two haha
  10. Words from some Old Coyotes

    What is death except death of the illusory "I". Unless one clings to the "I" only then will one constantly keep the inevitable in mind. Living in the moment is far more useful. Our yesterdays are gone and tomorrows not yet here.
  11. Words from some Old Coyotes

    Oh if thats what he means I do agree. Although I wouldn't quite term it as legion or schizophrenic.
  12. True Self

    Why long lived god realms and formless bliss do you think? You are not taking the perceptions with you? They cease or go back to their original state and what is eternal is just that. Nothingness with potential.
  13. Ok if thats the way you see it.
  14. Perhaps you might like to see read my response to xabir2005? So making distinctions is not duality? I understand that there are no distinctions but making them is duality.
  15. Yes I can see that expansion. Although I am yet to fully understand particle and wave theory.
  16. True Self

  17. Akashic Records

  18. Akashic Records

    Oh then the message is understood in the lucid state just a bit sketchy in waking state. It might surprise you (or not) that you already have digested what the records had to say. Confirmation of which will come when you experience something. Connecting the awareness of the effect of this knowledge though may not happen immediately but it will.
  19. Hubris

    Hi Taomeow. What a pleasure to see you! Wondered where everyone is at? Slowly making those connections haha! Yes exactly. Reality is. How can one be out of touch with it?
  20. The opening poster asked for distinctions. They are distinctions. Distinctions are duality. So what is your point? Care to elaborate?
  21. Hubris