Da Le
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Everything posted by Da Le
Hi Shen! Congratulations on beginning your training! Should you sometimelisten to Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier, it may sound strange at first. No one has ever written music quite like it, before or since. But this music does what it does regardless, which is go right into the soul and spirit and "put Humpty-Dumpty back together again"! - Da Le
This music pretty much restored my nerves and mental health years ago after a major breakdown (child-PTSD-related). For once thing it's "vertical music"--reaches right up to the "Immortal Realms"; and also it puts Order back into the heart-mind and nervous system. So it's still my Musical Food.
- Da Le
to continue a bit more
-- the main keyboard instruments in Bach's time were harpsichord and organ. Aside from the metal-stringed harpsichords, there were gut-stringed "lute harpsichords" - like a keyboard guitar! - and harpsichords with foot-pedals. I just ordered the Well-Tempered Clavier played on a pedal-harpsichord! [cont.]
[cont.] Then he did it all over again 20 yrs later, so there's Bk I and Bk II. The word 'clavier' means any keyboard instrument; 'well-tempered' means able to change Keys without stopping to re-tune.
SO...I found a correlation of the 12 Keys with the 12 Zodiac Signs, and now I have GREAT music for any Sign, such as my natal Sun in Virgo! - Da Le
Hi! I spent my day...listening to JS Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier, called the 'bible of western music' because everyone from Mozart to John Lennon has studied it, since it does so many fantastic things with music. In it Bach composed music for all 12 Keys (Major and Minor scales = 24) [cont.]
Hi Shen! I just tutor (or mentor) as informal opportunities arise. You have a fine goal; I know you'll be of value to many people in your life. You can think of yourself becoming like a word or glyph that's cut into a silk screen; and Spirit will press through that (through your soul) to print itself on your world and the people you meet, for ultimate Good. -- Da Le
Thank you for your update, Shen! I'm glad to hear your DVDs arrived. It's pretty frigid here, too, right now. My Qigong work is going quite well, with definite benefits. I've also been teaching Taoist meditation and some Qigong to a young friend (about 29) who is a chief instructor at a Taekwondo school. I enjoy that.
Da Le
In Taoist alchemical/healing work, there are 5 major "Shen" (Spirits) that correspond to the Kidney/Lung/Liver/Heart/Spleen. They each have a quality/color, ruling our mind/emotions. They are our soul's "Committee". You can see them as your 5 Dragons, under your core soul Dragon (Ling Shen). - Da Le
Your inner Dragon will plough through any old inertia behaviors!
And even if sometimes you don't feel like getting up and doing, you can sit and watch for a while, or practice movements in your mind. It's Yin and Yang and it all flows together and works together toward your goal. -- Da Le
Hi Shen! Let's see, the FP qigong meditations continue to relax me and give me more energy. Otherwise, I feel a deepening of my rapport with the Bodhisattva Puxian (it's his sacred mountain where the FP was revealed, and I feel he led me to FP).
-Da Le
P.S. I hope you didn't mind my "subjective" report. I found FP just 2 weeks after a long prayer talk with Puxian (not about Ch'i Kung at all), so I feel he led me to it. On more "objective" fronts, I'm feeling much more calm lately. I won't be annoying you with frequent comments, just occasionally check in. I'm averaging 2 hours of FP daily, and will keep th...
Thanks! I'll report something here, but not on the main board. That DVD of Grandmaster, though I haven't learned it yet (still on Terry's DVDs), it makes me joyful just to watch the GM. And now when I meditate on Guanyin or Puxian, I've begun to spontaneously see the GM in their Hearts.
- Dale
Morning' Shen! I hope the remainder of your weekend turns out fantastic.
I have lots of Qigong to do today; I try to do 2 hours on weekdays, and more on weekends. I'm feeling definite benefits; I'll be eager to hear reports from you as you get into your Gongfu/Qigong training. --
Da Le
...In Buddhist traditions, the bodhisattva ("wisdom-being") Guan Yin is the ruler over all dragons--the 2nd of her 33 manifestations is LONG TOU GUAN YIN "Guan Yin Chief of Dragons". I've done Kuan Yin practice for decades--meditation and chanting.
The upper part of that character LE for "joy" actually has a water-molecule structure like H-O-H; it's the di...
Taking a quick break before more Qigong!
I've picked up a lot of knowledge--and a little wisdom--from having focused on Buddhist/Daoist traditions for over 30 years. Recently started Qigong because like many meditators without a physical/energy practice, my health started to suffer. The Shaolin tradition is Buddhist-based, though all Chinese Buddhism has Daoist influences (cont.)
I made it back after all!
Though soon I'll go practice Qigong, meditate, and read a bit.
I'll be one member of your audience for any YouTube you decide to put up later.
Finally, I wanted to ask if I may send you the three Chinese characters for "Shen" [spirit, Body, Smile]. They are nice to meditate on. And if so, do you prefer by Yahoo or Hotmail? (to send y...
One last thought today!
I looked at the site for your Gongfu/Qigong program, and it's impressive. A tip that works for me with DVDs: often I watch an exercise many times and let it soak in--then I find I learn to physically do it myself more easily. So just watching--with attention--is never a waste of time; it can aid the learning quite a bit. I'll talk with you again soon...