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Everything posted by SiliconValley

  1. Starman returns

    Starjumper, What you say makes sense. But what really is its relevance here? There seems to be no proof of Max either shocking someone like you described or implanting something within.
  2. Starman returns

    I thought it was the burger and coke!
  3. Get to know the real Procurator

    Exactly what I was thinking!! Proc already back on the board in a different avatar?
  4. Get to know the real Procurator

    Hugs brother... Hope you feel better ...
  5. Starman returns

    I am not sure why people scorn at Theory! Of course, theory cannot replace practice or assume greater importance over practice, but it certainly has its place. A solid theoretical background is a good foundation and if someone discourages that, I would smell fish. Not really saying this specific to Kunlun for I have not read those bundles of discussion in the past, but relying only on direct experience! Especially when a lot of this "experience" is an object of the mind which is a hallucinating monkey? Nah nah for a beginner The following is the classic Upanishadic characteristic of a teacher, which I don't think is irrelevant if quoted here: shrotriyam brahmanishtham. The teacher is described as a shrotriya and a brahmanishtha. A shrotriya is one who has "heard" the teachings from his master. Hearing is in two ways: through his lineage of masters and through the scriptures. Thus, this accounts not only for his theoretical knowledge, but also for his capability to lucidly communicate the same to his students. In fact, this instruction precedes the practical instruction. Every category of teaching, except the actual experience of the Divine itself, which really is not the path but the goal, is meant to be included in this category. And then the second characteristic is brahmanishtha, which literally means "stationed steadily or unceasingly in the brahman or the self", which practically means the one who has practically experienced the fruitification of the technique or teaching in consideration. In simple words, he is a Siddha or the "accomplished one" in terms of the technique in consideration. Now, for a student trying to choose a teacher, the first is easier to gauge than the second. The student chooses someone based on the first and gives a little time to experience the second. Both these characteristics are considered important in a good teacher.
  6. Starman returns

    Someone's a kid here...not able to determine who though at this point
  7. Hsin Tao, I'm curious..

    None...picked the video, read the book and started off! I have to admit though that this is the first practice I did not learn directly from the teacher. Ratziel repeatedly tells one not to try too hard ... that seems to be the trick! From speaking to a student of his and reading his books, I do not hear anything about a transmission being involved, unless he does something in his workshop and does not speak about it. He does say that the techniques in the video are enough for most for the entire lifetime and can take them places.
  8. Starman returns

    So are the facts coming or....
  9. Hsin Tao, I'm curious..

    Ah okay, gotchya
  10. Hsin Tao, I'm curious..

    Well, till you have practiced something, how can you dismiss or conclude about an entire system based on a short clip you have seen? Moreover, what is shown in the video is just one simple movement which constitutes of a really small percentage of the system! Let's get real here and stop concluding based on "what we think"! Study, practice for a while and then share the experience... does that not sound better than speaking from nowhere? Rain, Did the video finally reach you? A friend in Ireland waited for about 3 months for his video... and probably still is..
  11. Get to know the real Procurator

    Who's calling you names on this forum, like Procurator did? May be we should not generalize this issue and stick to this particular case!
  12. Hsin Tao, I'm curious..

    I meant Hsin Tao is awesome! That's all ... based on a little of what I have been practicing so far! The confusion regarding the origin, and all that, I kind of ignored as also the marketing that accompanies the technique, based on a tip from Xienkula and stuck to the practice. This has been the find of this decade for me... Kunlun, I don't practice so I have nothing to say about it. I just mentioned that for some reason and it was probably irrelevant and out of context.
  13. Hsin Tao, I'm curious..

    Not sure about the origins and stuff! This seems to be going the Max and his students' way but the practice is awesome...
  14. Michael Winn - Opening the Microcosmic Orbit

    I just saw this video and here is what Winn says: The video can be bought here.
  15. Brainwave entrainment for Kunlun

    Bum, Scotty, Joeblast or others, Any one used these? I use Gamma-2 [i guess thats hypergamma] and that till date is the only one I have found useful. I have tried, holosync, hemisync etc and have only felt drained. Have not heard much about lambda and epsilon ...
  16. PMR and Mindfulness - Downloads

    There are quite a few full-length audio clips from Jonathan Smith for download here. Some of you may find them useful.
  17. best burial practices

    The mainstream Hindu practice is rather Burning the corpse. It is called Antyeshti. Ishti means a sacrificial offering, done through the fire. Antya means the Final one. The last ritual, which is the offering of the body to the fire, is a very important one to every Hindu, and is an elaborate ritual. When I say Hindus, I mean those following the Vedic religion taught through the eighteen-fold scripture, which is primarily a Fire-centered path. When done correctly, it is a highly spiritual experience and can offer glimpses into the other worlds. However, when renunciates or Sanyasins depart, the bodies are not offered to fire but cremated ritualistically, after a peculiar act of breaking their Crown chakra open. Then a Samadhi or a memorial is built. There is one class of society who do not follow the fire rites and do not have necessary initiation and they bury as well. After death, for the next thirteen days, there are rituals performed to guide the now free soul to find its next destination, when the soul did not depart through the crown or the third eye.
  18. Should Li Jiong be banned from Tao Bums

    Kay, just started typing and u said it!
  19. Kan and Li

  20. Should Li Jiong be banned from Tao Bums

    I thought you could use that option as well and ignore this thread... Trying hard to laugh....cough cough ...... someone find my lost sense of humor please .... No offense to anyone, just trying to ...hmmm.... get into Tao should I say? Keep smiling
  21. White Skeleton Meditation

    What is the alternative practice comparable to WSM for those not very good at visualization? I know each person is different and stuff, but on a generic note is what I mean ....
  22. White Skeleton Meditation

    Yeah, having spoken to Santi on various occasions, I have got much more stuff from him than most courses and teachers. And, I have not paid him anything or even taken a class.