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Everything posted by SiliconValley

  1. Should Li Jiong be banned from Tao Bums

    Oh my God! So not Tao!!!
  2. White Skeleton Meditation

    Michael, Thanks for sharing this link. There seem to be other good audio tapes as well. In fact, everything there seems good. Would you recommend anything else from these guys?
  3. Michael Winn - Opening the Microcosmic Orbit

    Santi, Anything particular from his bunch you recommend? I mean my exposure is to Primordial Chikung alone. Something else that you would recommend from his bunch of practices? Appreciate your inputs, as always...
  4. Should Li Jiong be banned from Tao Bums

    I guess so...and while doing that, I do not see anyone getting far. After all, we are talking about Freedom of Speech. Sean is always there to decide finally, and like always, he took the right stand this time as well. May be sending loads of love to Li Jiong will make him feel better and help him move over from constant dwelling in "disaster domain" and planning for or against it. Last time I spoke to thich nhat hanh, mindfulness was all about being in the present.
  5. Should Li Jiong be banned from Tao Bums

    I think the issue is being misdirected here. The issue is NOT about paying money here. - The issue is about he promising a refund and not sticking to his word. - The issue is about tall claims and threats. Where did Chris (Mantra) or Santi or Spring Forest guys (I dunno if you were talking about Drew; if you are, please note that he is not commercially associated with Master Lin and it is sheer blasphemy to even compare Master Lin with this guy) do anything similar? Advertising is NOT the issue here. Of course, I don't want him banned either. I didn't want Patrick banned either
  6. Brainwave entrainment question

    Anyone uses Jeffrey Thompson's Gamma meditation suite?
  7. Why is payment necessary for learning the Tao?

    The money part, yeah agree. But cultish thing, warnings of doom blah blah...similar to this character ...thats what I feel from reading his books
  8. 30 days free trial

    Ha ha good one! Scotty your new avatar is cool! ...
  9. Why is payment necessary for learning the Tao?

    Who are you? God? or Li Hongzhi cloned?
  10. 30 days free trial

    Yeah do it now! By the way do you understand that Tao Bums is the most read forum on www and by now what you did to rookie is known to hundreds? Your business has been already shot down mister. I doubt if Wuji can save you from this disaster
  11. Burning palm experiment

    Smile, thanks for posting this video. Finally there is someone here, right on this forum, who can actually demonstrate stuff and is willing to do so... Not sure if Buddy is still around? Would be interesting to see if this changes his perception ...
  12. max and the SF kunlun workshop

    I already saw and sensed that
  13. max and the SF kunlun workshop

    Well Taomeow, You talk, usually in lengthy posts, way beyond my sane understanding at times, and some seem to like it; good for them. I am sure my limited Grey matter prevents true appreciation of your writings. Nothing personal here really Well, not a great preamble, but let me go on a bit more, now that I have started. I would have asked, or tried to explain" - that there is no "Hinduism", or that there is no limited scope for the same - that there is what is called Sanatana Dharma that is defined by the four Vedas and other systems that originated from this Vedic thought till their culmination in the Upanishads - or the necessity of the varna and ashrama for someone to be called a "Hindu" and that I perfectly understand that it has nothing to do with a country - And that the geography, though not restricted to a country, is still a decisive factor on who can be called a Hindu (vide Manu Smrti) - and that the British who divided the Indian Sub-continent decided to capture this Vedic thought or way of life within a sectarian word called Indus or Hindu, a term which none knew till then - or asked where exactly a practice such as the one involving bulls and roses or something similar is taught in "Hinduism" But I am sure it would make no difference. The reason being that the people who confidently speak of the scope of Hinduism have no clue whatsoever about what they are talking. This is true even with scholars like Max Muller, so what to speak of others who assume they "know" Hinduism. The word Hindusim is used insanely and the Indologists have written at length on this topic; there really is nothing new for me to say in this regard. After all, the Veda says ekam sat vipraah bahudhaa vadanti - One truth is stated variously by those who know. Of course, "Truth" and "those who know" only "state" is the key Hey, sorry, just remembered you hate foreign languages! Hope that doesn't extend to foreigners as well At this point, I would really like to sit back for a moment and ponder over what Mat Black or the Upanishads (which are really the official torch bearers of "Hinduism") would think about the word "foreign" and my current inability to progress in that direction is what permits to continue with this post! Everyone is learning and it is perfectly fine to err or make an incorrect statement or a statement reflective of partial truth, as long as one admits he is learning. But, When someone tries to push personal ideas or pass confident judgments based on rather poor understanding of a subject, all one can say is - "whatever" and move along! Which is exactly what I plan to do now :-) By the way your posts seem to have gotten shorter? Kunlun effect? Oh and your search for "simplicity" in everything (ok, I am assuming stuff here) is good! Hope the same is reflected in your posts as well. Just kidding...hope the sense of humor is still sticking around ...bye and take care
  14. Hoshin Fest 2008

    Santiago, Cool Videos... Thanks... And my friend is so damn impressed with your KAP, esp Tummo.... he keeps going ga ga ga ga about it... great going !!! Need more people like you ...
  15. So true....difficult, harsh at times...but TRUE ...
  16. max and the SF kunlun workshop

    Hindu practices? Because a Hindu taught it? No offense, just asking out of curiosity! I thought Hindu practices used only Camels and Elephants .... Poor Patanjali must be turning in his grave
  17. MT

    Totally! She is from a different world!!!
  18. Once Enlightened, One Can Fall? - Kunlun Question

    "Flashes of the self are continue with steadfastness...but not Enlightenment. Enlightenment is liberation that never ceases or changes. It seems to always increase without bounds and so does the associated joy". - Aurobindo. There is a similar statement in Katha branch of Yajurveda but I cannot recollect the exact verse at this point. It is the mind that "experiences" and "separates" and "recollects". But once it is dissolved, which indeed is enlightenment, it cannot re-surface.
  19. I-Doser

    Bumgrasshopper and others have shared experiences with Brainwave Entrainment but this one is a little .. hmmm ... Here's what some doses claim: Anyone who has actually used any of the doses? While the claims do sound outrageous, the forum seems to be filled with success stories! There is one dose named Hand of God, that seems to be the most discussed among the lot!
  20. I-Doser

    Okay! I tried this one last night, after downloading the application from torrents. I tried the Chakra one and really did not feel anything. Jeffrey Thompson's Gamma meditation seemed to induce a much deeper state for me than this one.
  21. Both the volumes are wonderful. But it seems to me that it can take a great deal of reading and analysis before one can extract practical instructions/tips from these books.