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Everything posted by Clarity

  1. Yuen Method?

    Weaknesses get strengthened just by identifying them. Instead of doing a general reading of your weaknesses, maybe you could tell us something specific that bothers you a lot and we could correct it? For example, in the six life supports it's I would start with fitness, relationships, and life purpose because these three are the weakest. And just by identifying these, they got stronger. Heading out for the rest of the day, I'll check back this evening. Sincerely, -Adam
  2. Yuen Method?

    This is true. And for teaching purposes it's important to understand that the problem is almost never what you think. For example, most of the headaches I've cleared didn't come from the head at all. The same is true for back pain, neck pain, and so on. Many weaknesses get referred to different parts of the body. For example, you might feel a pain in your right lower abdominal region when it's really coming from the left lung. A pain in the lower back could be referred from a non-physical cause, or a structural problem in the rib cage or sternum. It is also possible to use numbers and percentages to get a better idea of what's going on with a person. For example, someone says "I want to get rid of this pain" but when you test you find they only have like 20% support for doing so. So then you get busy removing all of the blocks that interfere with their stated goal. Once you clear some of the blocks, you test again until that number comes up to 100% with infinite potential. Sincerely, -Adam
  3. Yuen Method?

    I have found this to be true also. But Yuen Method isn't just a specific. General corrections are also very helpful where you strengthen entire areas of a person's life. Here are some of the general areas we look at: Six level of influence - physical, mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual and psychic Six life supports - fitness, relationships, career & purpose, money & finances, aging & time, health Negative life experiences - trauma, karma, limitations, fears & phobias, past illnesses, and spirit attachments Life pentagon - ancestors, descendants, spirits, multiple personalities, and collective influences There are also a number of very important triads to consider (here are a few): body, mind, and spirit issues, triggers, and choices needs, wants and desires In my experience, when people come to me for help I often see specific weaknesses that need to be addressed. But if you ignore larger areas of their life (like work, relationships, money, etc), old patterns can creep back in. So it's important to address a person from the perspective of wholeness and not just focus on specifics. However, there are times when a single correction will resolve the issue and it even seems to 'require' that level of specificity. This is especially true if the issue is very specific (like you feel bad ONLY in a specific situation). It's also true that people will often need more then a single session to get better, especially when they have a huge load of negative life experiences or a lot of accumulated karma over the years. Sincerely, -Adam
  4. Yuen Method?

    Please explain how attacking me is intelligent and warranted? I didn't start this thread but you seem pretty determined to derail it. Also, I've not received a single PM or request from anyone that I somehow behaved in an inappropriate manner. When people come to the forum and ask for help and advice openly, they are giving their consent. Having said that, often I perceive weaknesses but don't correct them because it does not feel strong to do so. There is no manipulation involved, it's just a matter of correcting the weaknesses. Seth, I'm not asking you to believe in anything, but you are obviously having a big reaction. You might look at all of your experiences around manipulation and false teachers since it seems to bother you so much. And calling me stupid is an insult, plain and simple. I'm sure the moderators would agree. SIncerely, -Adam
  5. Yuen Method?

    Aaron was asking for help, otherwise he wouldn't have started the thread: And I did correct his co-worker and him for their experiences of trauma. There's not a hint of argument or annoyance there. You are entitled to say you don't believe something works, but that doesn't mean you have the right to engage in personal attacks by making general statements about someone that aren't true. And how do you know it hasn't worked? I felt the energy shift and that's all I need to confirm that the correction did work. How it actually manifests is another matter and that's not up to me in the least. People say a lot of things that I don't agree with, but I don't judge them and ridicule them. And on that note, I corrected your weakness around judgement and ridicule. Your ancestors had a weakness around being ridiculed and you had a weakness around other people judging you. Sincerely, -Adam
  6. Yuen Method?

    That manual is very dated but still useful. I don't think it's available on the Yuenmethod web site since it's designed to be part of the level I course. I learned YM by taking all three levels with Dr. Yuen and then reviewing them. I'm also a club member and listen to the monthly club teleseminars which I find very helpful. Another option is to take the course with a certified instructor. As Chris mentioned, the MP3s on the Millionairehealer club site are chalked full of very useful information. I know that Elma Mayer also has her own course which you can purchase on her web site.
  7. Yuen Method?

    Seth, if you are going to make statements like this, you really need to back them up with facts. Who are the people that argued and where did I get annoyed and tell people they were really screwed up? It's true that some people ARE really screwed up and just a few corrections won't relieve all of their perceived 'symptoms'. If someone is asking for help and advice, there is no need to ask any further. I only speak in terms of the weaknesses, not diagnosis. So I have no idea where you are getting this information.
  8. Yuen Method?

    Yes, of course. I have used it on myself, my wife, my cat, my friends, clients, family members and total strangers. The method is extremely effective, especially for chronic conditions where people are in pain or have had pain for a long time. One of the first clients I worked with had chronic neck and shoulder pain. Her physician and chiropractor weren't able to resolve her pain. It took about three sessions to clear up the neck and shoulder pain and it hasn't come back. I have many stories like that, including a total stranger (never met her, a friend was asking me to help her) who had been sick for about a month with some kind of lung infection. 15 minutes of energetic corrections and the next day her symptoms had cleared, 90% better according to her. The method was initially developed to help get people out of pain. However, it can be used to clear any kind of energetic weakness. Final example, a young Australian woman had travelled to Italy as an au pear for a family she worked for. When she got there, she became anxious and had trouble sleeping. Nobody would talk to her and everyone seemed really unfriendly. In her case, she had war karma with Italian people and weak energy where she was sleeping. A very nasty karma, something close to a curse. It took about 5 minutes to clear her weaknesses and then I heard from her mother that everything had changed and she had even made some Italian friends. What this method does is shift energy from weak to strong. It's like each answer has it's own vibrational frequency to turn the energy from a weak to strong state. There is also a protocol for deleting the effects of any weakness so it doesn't come back. So it's very fast, very efficient, and very effective. Sincerely, -Adam
  9. Yuen Method?

    It's a system of Chinese Energetics developed by Dr. Kam Yuen, a grandmaster of Shaolin Kung Fu (Northern Praying Mantis if memory serves). It is based on the principal of neutrality. It is a powerful non-touch technique blending anatomy, physiology, applied kinesthetics, structural analysis, energetic technique, and quantum physics, to quickly locate and shift imbalances and blockages on all levels. When 'weak' energy signals in the body are identified and optimized (made strong), you can experience immediate relief from physical pain, emotional issues, relationship problems, unproductive behavior, etc. I have been practicing Yuen Method for about three years now.
  10. Thanks, just got it. I asked your brother for some information, sent him my e-mail address. Too confusing to do it via PM's using your account.
  11. Well, that's a first. Nobody has ever accused me of being a dualist before. There is unity and multiplicity. To say that the ten thousand things are all the same thing is not really true, even if they come from one source. My comment about 'ruining the fun' was not meant to be condescending at all.
  12. Agreed. I would go even a step further. Some meditation practices will actually trigger energetic weaknesses, especially those coming from our spiritual experiences. This is why it's so important to have a good teacher, and/or find someone with expertise to resolve the weaknesses directly.
  13. I thought I should mention, the answer of 'lack of Jing' comes up as a wrong answer and misinformation. When people talk about chakras being blocked it doesn't resolve the weaknesses, so it's not a real answer. It speaks more to the symptoms than the causes. What I would do for your brother is to start deleting his negative life experiences, beginning with his fears around death (surprise, it's actually a karmic issue of murdering others in their sleep). If you prefer to do this via PM, that's fine too. Sincerely, -Adam
  14. Yin deficiency

    Insisting that you can resolve this with exercise, food, and physical practices alone will only make things worse. This speaks to a weakness in your misinterpretation, misinformation, and misidentification triad. When we insist on an answer that does not address the weakness, it makes it harder to resolve. Also, your false tools hexagon needs to be strengthened (suppression, denial, lying, numbing, forgetting, shutting down). That hexagon is weak for denial. When human beings persist in denial of the cause of their pain that also makes thing worse. You are using your thinking to address the symptoms instead of looking to resolve the underlying causes. The problem is we don't get answers from our thinking, we get them from our insight. Please see a professional for help! Sincerely, -Adam P.S. This is not guessing or opinion on my part either, the answers I'm giving you are a result of energetic testing.
  15. Yin deficiency

    When I tune into your energy, it tells me you either need a good acupuncturist (as in Five Element or a really good TCM person) or energetic corrections. You won't resolve this with food and exercise. The words combat and alone are both weak for you (meaning there is weak energy around those words). Combat brings up something along the lines of struggle and all of your experiences of struggling (this can be corrected). Alone and all of your experiences of loneliness also need a correction. Speaking of loneliness, there is also a karma of making other people lonely (abandoning others) which we can resolve right now by deleting all of these experiences from your spirit (that's a correction). I also feel some weakness around spirit attachments which can be corrected. In terms of meridians, you need several corrections: Lungs, pericardium, liver, gallbladder, and conceptual vessel. It feels to me like the energy going down is blocked at the solar plexus. You might also try this free healing video (it seems goofy but it works!) if you cannot afford professional help: So what I'm saying is you want to go after the energetic weaknesses to remove all of the blocks in your energy field. Sincerely, -Adam
  16. Is violence justified

    When I check on Aaron's co-worker, I get a lot of karma around being traumatized. He is trying to resolve that karma by traumatizing and threatening others. He also has a big weakness coming down from the ancestors around threatening people with violence (it's a karmic issue from his ancestors), corrected and deleted. Aaron, you also have a weakness around being traumatized, so this guy is kind of resonating with you and asking you for help, albeit in a very inappropriate way. So I'm correcting your spiritual experiences of being traumatized. There is also a wandering weakness coming from your mind and spirit, also corrected. Finally, there is also some indirect karma between the two of you which we can even out and delete with an energetic correction. Sincerely, -Adam
  17. Transgender HRT and Jing

    Very interesting post, thank you for sharing this.
  18. In my experience, it's not so much the computer itself that's the problem as it is sitting all day on our rear ends. Sitting for extended periods of time without breaks or conscious tensing will weaken the sacral/tail area. I saw this in myself, I see it in others, I see it with my clients. It's a kind of hyper-relaxation that weakens the CNS. To counter the effects of all the sitting, I took frequent breaks, practiced Taiji during the day at work and tensed my buttocks and midline. So it's not the energy field of the devices that weakens us as much as the hyper-relaxation from sitting which can be countered.
  19. Not to ruin the fun or anything, but there is: Energy Information Consciousness So technically speaking, energy is not everything.
  20. Curses

    While curses and spells seem like the work of fiction, I can tell you from working with people that they are real at the energetic level. However, just because someone 'curses' another person, it doesn't mean that person has a weakness to the curse. In terms of resolving curses, the few I've come across have been linked to karma. For example, I corrected a client's parent for a curse around poisoning people (coming from other time and space). I don't really believe in curses either but I recognize it's not a matter of belief. The same is true for foreign implants and we could argue the point all day long and get nowhere. But in terms of resolving energetic weaknesses, implants, curses, spells, and karma are all real enough. Luckily for most of us, they do not come up as common weaknesses. There's nothing wrong healthy skepticism, but just because we do not believe in a thing does not mean it's not true. One key point I'd like to make around energetic weaknesses. Human beings commonly assume that any weakness we might have comes from our genes, environment, childhood, or experiences from this life time only. I can say with 100% certainty that human beings have many weaknesses that do not come from the mind or the body, they come from the spirit and our spiritual experiences. These experiences are not limited to our current existence and time either, they can come from other time and space, other dimensions, and other energy fields. Energetic weaknesses can come from the past, the present, and the future. I can say this because I have resolved curses, karma, and foreign implants using Chinese Energetics. So I am speaking from experience. For those of you who doubt what I say, that's fine because my ego did not believe the answers either. But when you resolve these kinds energetic weakness and people get better on a consistent basis, you can't just chalk it up to coincidence.
  21. You would want to address the non-physical causes of your weight gain. For example, worrying about finances and being 'desperate' would need to be corrected at the energetic level. Also, in order to lose weight, you really want to be strong to elimination. Your mind is weakening your ability to eliminate (specifically the large colon). Your husband needs some serious karma clearing, this is why he's having so much trouble finding work. So my suggestion is to forget about talismans and find a good energy worker to help clear the blocks.
  22. Bad Memories and Love

  23. The Cost of Success?

    Energetically speaking, you have a fear of doing the wrong thing. That fear is being fed by a punishment karma which is coming from your spiritual experiences of punishing others, which has now been corrected to 100% with infinite potential, zero to the power of minus infinity. In a nutshell, the karma was feeding the fear and the fear was weakening your thinking. Attachment to dualistic thinking (e.g. reward and punishment, winning and losing, profit and loss) only limits us and prevents us from realizing our own Infinite Potential. Really, you want to get away from using the conceptual mind to solve your problems and connect to your insight and spontaneity. In Fourth Way terms, this would be your higher intellectual and higher emotional centers. Real answers come from our insight, not from our conceptual minds. I say 'real' because the answer has the necessary energetic information to resolve the issue or problem. Sincerely, -Adam