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Everything posted by Clarity

  1. Pain in the lower back

    I'm not saying you are wrong. Every case is different. This is why it's so important not to make assumptions about the sources of pain. And my bad for quoting you, I didn't intend to do that. In my experience, when someone tells me about a pain they have it almost never comes from where they feel it and it's often not even a physical pain at all. Sincerely, -Adam
  2. Pain in the lower back

    I would not assume the pain is physical or that it's coming from your back. This is the first law of energetics, you must find the root cause to eliminate the pain. Your pain comes up as a non-physical weakness at the spiritual level. The primary weakness is trauma coming from the upper chest cavity on the left side of the body, corrected and deleted. So it feels to me like the meditation triggered (also corrected your issues, triggers, and choices triad) these spiritual experiences. There's also a weakness to "turning your back on others" from your spiritual experiences, corrected and deleted. You could also try this free healing video. I know it may seem goofy to some but it does work. SIncerely, -Adam
  3. jing

    Guys and gals, the OP has been to the hospital and is getting help for his condition.
  4. Resolving My Relationship With My Father

    Having a clear mind would also mean that you have some neutrality. The number one issue I feel around not being neutral would be a fear of rejection. By going to your centerline, we can make you strong to any rejecting experiences. That would be your experiences of being rejected, your experiences of rejecting others, and your experience of other people rejecting each other. Then we delete the cumulative effect of all your rejection experiences. Also, your experiences of rejection and acceptance would need to be even as well, so we do the same as above. Having no expectations is a good way to get around any kind of disappointment. Clearly it's painful to lose a parent when we are young. When you are writing that letter, you might remember that you don't have to send it. That would help resolve any fear of saying the wrong thing (that's a correction). Say what you need to say, then decide what you really want to send him. Even if it's just something simple like, "Who are you?"
  5. It's not so much about being rational as it is using common sense and connecting to your insight. Having said that, you do have a specific issue that I would like to clear. You have a karma (from your spiritual experiences, other time and space) of cheating and scamming others. This is why it bothers you the way it does. So we just make you strong to all of your experiences of cheating, scamming, and lying to others, 100% with infinite potential. Then we just delete weakness down to zero to the power of minus infinity. Happy trails!
  6. Confusing experience.

    Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents. From an energetic standpoint, you have a karmic issue with Master Lin. That would be your ancestors on your mother's side and his ancestors on his father's side, corrected and deleted. That karma would also interfere with any 'healing' you might have received. My feeling is that 45 minutes to an hour should be plenty of time for this practice. 2 to 6 hours is too much or overdoing it. You want to balance your meditation practice with your life experiences so they are more even. Some meditation practices can really trigger spiritual experiences, so that's something to watch out for in the future.
  7. Genuine Schools

    The Sufi way is to be in the world but not of the world. Real inner work can be done anywhere at anytime. Every drop counts and it adds up. What good is it if you can meditate on your ass for 4 hours in silence but break out into road rage the minute you get into a car? For me the real question is can you have some semblance of neutrality in the midst of chaos or unpleasant circumstances? For example, have you ever tried to put your mind and breath in your LDT and keep it there for a few minutes while you wait in line at the grocery store? Now back to the original subject of this post. What makes people assume they would even know a real school if they saw one? Or a real teacher for that matter? The most important thing is to separate the apparent from the real. This is something human beings have struggled with for thousands of years. Without this discernment, there's no point in even talking about real schools. In terms of inner work, the idea is we use the present to repair the past and prepare for the future. The idea that we have to meditate for hours on end to achieve some kind of future reward does not resonate with me. Now, having said that, I spend a lot of time practicing having no-mind. If my mind is full of thoughts, words, or memories, how can I ever hope to perceive reality? My former teacher (now departed) used to say that Life is the greatest teacher. We have something to learn from every situation if we are open to it. It's very hard to be open if we are stuck in our heads, unduly influenced by dogma, or having some kind of mental reaction. Now, having said all this (more words than I care to use), I can say with certainty that when a student is ready, the teacher will appear. This happens out of necessity; it's a question of time, place, and person. It's also best to not make any assumptions about the form the teacher or the teaching will take because that's just another way to limit our experience. Rumi had a great saying, "If you really want something, increase your need." In other words, if your need is great (not borne out of ego), Life will answer. The Sufi's also had a great saying, "Take one step toward Allah and he will take a thousand steps towards you." Thank you, I'm happy to leave my ego at the door.
  8. Estimating Tai Chi

    If these are really your goals then it's perfectly suited. Professor Chen Man Ching (my teacher's teacher) says that for the time invested, there is no better exercise for health than Tai Chi. He also emphasized just how important it is for women. I took up Tai Chi to improve my health after I got out of the hospital a few years ago. I can safely say that with daily practice your health will improve. I know this has been true for me. My teacher also teaches Tai Chi as a real martial art, so we do the application (pushing hands) because it really is the only way to know if you are doing the form as intended. I never had a real interest in the fighting or martial side of it, but it's a good litmus test for your form. The principles of Tai Chi (following, yielding, sinking, advancing and so on) is not just for martial application, it can be applied to your everyday life too. So Tai Chi has application for body, mind, and spirit. It is very deep. There's a good reason the Chinese call it 'Grand Ultimate Fist.'
  9. Feng Shui

    I should probably mention, when I say 'karma' to clear, it's not what people typically think of karma in the West. In order to do the work I do, there has to be no judgement or there's no neutrality. Karma is not fate or destiny or doing wrong things alone. It's an uneven energy. That energy often manifests as "I owe you, you owe me, or payback, revenge, getting even and score to settle." The weird thing about karma is the weakening effect does not have to come from one's own personal karma. It can come from the past, present, or future; it can come from our ancestors, descendants, our spiritual experiences, our multiple personalities, or the collective human karma. Karma is more like the consequences of action and reaction and has a kind of sticky energy to it. So there's no judgement, no gloating, no blame. Having said all this, I agree that people tend to misinterpret the real meaning of karma. Mind you, I did not grow up believing in karma, but it comes up at the energetic level a lot.
  10. Menopause

    Getting angry isn't the problem so much as suppressing it. That's true for negative emotions in general.
  11. Menopause

    Zanshin, you're very welcome. And watch out for suppressing emotions, especially anger and frustration. That can weaken the liver and increase internal heat.
  12. Feng Shui

    Thank you, Taomeow for your enlightening explanation of Feng Shui. I find it very interesting because it seems so much in line with much of the work I do at the energetic level. Your description of luck is very helpful too. A few months ago, I was doing energetic work for a friend's client who has brain cancer. After connecting to her and completing my work, I told my associate, in not so many words, "She has Chinese bad luck." That was the first time I'd ever come across that kind of "luck" weakness. Yes, there was karma to clear but even after we had cleared the karma there was just this feeling of a weakness at the level of luck that could not be corrected. Now, it seems that in the West, we rely too much on a superficial understanding of Feng Shui. It's worth noting because the energy in a room, building, or location can be corrected directly without moving objects. It's also not necessary to be present physically in the location to feel the weak energy or to perform the energetic corrections. Your story, of course, illustrates this perfectly.
  13. Menopause

    I'm no expert on menopause, but there's some truth to -K-'s comment about liver fire. However, what I feel is a weakness coming from your spiritual experiences around fire and burning. It's the cumulative effect of all your burning experiences. So we just make you strong to it and delete the effects of those burning experiences from your body, mind, and spirit. Also, your sensations, emotions, and reactions triad needs firming up. That's better now.
  14. Feng Shui

    Spot on! And it's not really a question of belief either. Does that mean you are now giving Feng Shui consultations?
  15. Asthma

    You guys laugh but your insight is spot on! There's a drowning karma that needs to be resolved; it's a karma of drowning others coming down from the ancestors. That's an energetic correction. I also feel some weak energy around the wind. It feels to me like when it's windy, the asthma kicks up. Hurricane weakness, losing relatives and loved ones. There's also some spiritual grief and sadness mixed in there which needs to be deleted. Click, done. As an anecdote, I recently worked on a friend with bad asthma. In her case, there was a crushing karma (like a building had fallen on her chest) coming from another time and space and the non-conscious spiritual programming. She got off the steroids and was much better the next day. My wife had several bouts of exercise induced asthma. The answer there was her spiritual experiences of being chased by predators. In her case, it only happened when she was riding her bike. Now that's some out of the box answers! I agree about the triggers but not the causes. You can test on the causes with muscle testing or applied kinesiology. Or you can just feel if it's strong or weak. I might add, those kids got better not just because of the exercise---the water itself had a lot to do with it.
  16. An Epiphany about Self

    Seems to me you pretty much hit the nail on the head. Nice post, thank you for sharing.
  17. Intuition

    Who said anything about thinking? We were talking about intuition. Intuition is something I understand from experience, since I use it everyday. My ego may think from time to time, but it does not mean that "I" believe it or live from it. Besides, as far as intuition goes, what we say about it is pretty meaningless because it operates outside the realm of thinking and words.
  18. Intuition

    Actually, intuition is your sixth sense. Everybody has it, it's like a tool that we all have that is just waiting to be used.
  19. Need a healthy reminder...

    In your case it feels less like a spirit attachment and more like a personality attachment, cleared. Feels like the cord is centered right around the heart. Also, you two still have some unresolved karma. I get an energy of "you owe me" from both of you toward each other, cleared.
  20. Intuition

    The method I use to clear energetic weaknesses (Yuen Method) uses intuition. It's based on learning how to feel strong and weak. For example, when I tune into your energy what I feel is a weakness around thinking. Your thinking interferes with your perception and your feeling. You need more separation between your thinking and your feeling. You also need that quickness of perception. When faced with a choice you want to rely on your feeling of strong and weak, not your thinking. You have to get your thinking and emotions out of the way, or there's no neutrality. So I'm saying it's possible to develop your insight. Insight is a triad of feeling, perception, and intuition. Insight is what gives us answers.
  21. Acceptance

  22. Weird Nasal/Pulmonary Issue ?

    I would try a good acupuncturist before I relied on Western methods for this kind of problem. I had allergies for years, took nasal steroids, antihistamines, and so on. All they do is address the symptoms. Herbs will mostly do the same. I don't take any allergy medication anymore. So you would need to address the real cause of the problem. For example, at the energetic level the weakness is not coming from your sinus. It's coming from the descending colon, sigmoid colon, and rectum. There's definitely a straining weakness involved. That would be holding your breath and straining. That could be from doing #2 or from something like lifting weights, or both. I also get both emotional and spiritual causes and there are triggers involved. When you suppress or deny negative emotions (confusion, frustration, anger, and so on) eventually there will be a price to pay. So a correction for negative emotions is in order. You would also want to eliminate any triggers. Even just a simple case of feeling confined or trapped (that's a correction) can contribute to the reaction.
  23. The perfect sleeping schedule

    It's eat when hungry, sleep when tired. Speaking of perfect, that's a weakness for you and just about everyone in this group. Because when we talk about things being perfect, it triggers all of our experiences of being imperfect. So I'm saying there is no perfect sleeping schedule. It's a myth because everyone is a little different and each situation is different. It's really a question of time, place, and person.
  24. Haiku Chain

    A birdsong vocal Illuminating essence The emerging sun
  25. Does Magic Exist ?

    Arthur C. Clarke used to say that any technology sufficiently advanced would appear to us as magic. So it depends on how you define magic.