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Everything posted by Clarity

  1. More strengthening for misinterpreting what it means to have a 'spiritual life.' We are body, mind, and spirit. Meaning, we are spiritual beings with a mind, on a physical journey. So it makes perfect sense to strengthen the body and the innate intelligence.
  2. Dantien in Middleast (go to page 228 for information about the Lataif)
  3. Probably another topic for another thread. A good point though because it's not really about belief at all. Belief is just a limitation.
  4. By finding the weaknesses, then strengthening and deleting them. This is what Yuen Method is all about. What this means is you make the weak energy strong and delete the effects of that weakness. The strengthening and deleting takes place on the midline or centerline. This is the way into our bio-computer, energy field, or holographic matrix (call it what you will). For example, when I ask about your ancestors, I can feel a weakness (especially for the male ancestors) around rage and not being in control of their lives, strengthened and deleted. The relationship weakness I mentioned has more to do with the men's relationships with women, trauma comes up as the first weakness. Just by identifying the weaknesses, they do get strengthened. A better way to see how it works though, is for you to give a specific example of something you know bothers you. By deleting the weaknesses, this makes you strongly neutral to it. Yuen Method is based on the principal of neutrality.
  5. There is no judging about the weaknesses, it's about feeling not judging. But you are correct, I am he who is always wrong. The six harmonies is the six life supports of fitness, relationships, career & life purpose, money & finances, less aging & time, and health. We call them the six life supports. The six levels of influence are physical, mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual, and psychic. You stated quite clearly you thought it was impossible, how is that not making up your mind? Non-physical influences from your ancestors weaken your current relationships in life. The first tool you use to deal with painful situations or situations you don't agree with is denial. That's true for you and your ancestors experiences of denial. In terms of emotions, the ones that weaken you the most are frustration and anger. I say so because you have a weakness to both. The point being it is not difficult or impossible to connect to people at a distance. Time and space are not the barrier we think they are, but limitations coming from our mind and spirit are a different story.
  6. First, I would just go ahead and change my handle to "not willing" because "willing" brings up all of your experiences where you were "not willing". These experiences have the flavor of judging and criticizing others, both at the mental and spiritual level. Judging is weak for your ancestors as well. The leading weakness in your six harmonies (like many on this forum) is relationships. For example, if I think about you and getting along with others and then think about not getting along, there's a weakness there (again it's weak for your ancestors). The OP asked a real question based on people's actual experience. What are you adding to the thread if you have made up your mind in advance and think it's all a bunch of BS?
  7. Tuning into a person's energy over the Internet is not a big deal. An e-mail or forum post just becomes a kind of surrogate or conduit to the person. It's not guessing and empathy isn't required either. Empathy is more of a psychic connection; I can't tell you how many empathic people I know who resonate with other people's problems, making their own life a mess.
  8. Question about food?

    If you are strong to the five rules of eating, then there would be no concern about it. You would just eat when hungry. That is 1. Eating a lot of food 2. Eating a little food 3. Not eating 4. Eating quickly 5. Eating slowly You are strong to that pentagon effect. However, the weakness around eating is coming from the collective weakness (humanity) around eating and not having enough to eat, coming from the past. So we strengthen that weakness so it has no connection to the future. Now you can eat what you like, whenever you like, however you like. No problem!
  9. Golden Flower Study

    Thank you, this is very succinct, very clear.
  10. Emotions database

    And not just issues, but issues, triggers, and choices. So for any issue that is weak, you look for weakness in triggers or choices and the relationships between them. Then you can strengthen the time triad so there's no weakness coming from the past or the future. Weaknesses can come from you, from others, from your ancestors, descendants, multiple personalities, spiritual experiences, and collective influences. To strengthen a triad the three need to be strong in coming together and strong in separating. Strengthen the internal dynamic, the boundaries (inside and outside) and anything coming in from the outside gets deleted. Yuen Method is just a different way of processing information. It's simplified logic and insight in action. To connect to your insight, you need to be strong to your feeling (of strong and weak), perception, and intuition, which is the insight triad. You can strengthen any weakness by going to your midline and feeling for the weak energy behind the problem. You make yourself strong to downloading answers quickly and to being neutral; mindless, spiritless and empty. To strengthen a weakness you hit the midline with focused mental energy. You do the same when you delete the weakness. If the weakness doesn't go down to 0, you find the next weakness and delete it. Just keep following the weakness. Delete, delete, delete.
  11. Emotions database

    Wow, that database is chalked full of limitations, good find. Edit: A bit of a misnomer to call it an 'emotions' database though.
  12. Taoist Lineages

    Taomeow, you are throwing fuel on the fire with this last statement. If you have a problem with deci and her statement about lineages, I would suggest you take it up with her via PM or drop it. Your stance is untenable, it will not hold. Can we please stop with the name calling and the passive-aggresive behavior which you are now displaying? This thread is now seriously off topic anyway.
  13. Was working fine as of the 3rd (last Thursday). Checked my settings and I have e-mail checked for all notifications, but not getting any for PMs or threads I'm following. Anyone else having the same issue?
  14. Acceptance of death

    Why not just exorcise the thinking? The sage does not rely on belief or opinion. Acceptance is seeing reality, without reasoning from the perceptions. If you let go of your attachment to conditions then there is nothing to transcend. You can delete the cumulative effect of loss and death from your negative life experiences.
  15. Spontaneous Suffocation

    Nothing wrong with seeking medical advice. However, to go against the grain here....there are weaknesses coming from your spiritual experiences (as karmas) which can be cleared. You're welcome to PM me if you would prefer discretion.
  16. Audiohealing, PM me if you would like some assistance clearing the karma behind these thoughts and the shame you are experiencing.
  17. Turn the light around. Do not identify with the thoughts and emotions. Go to your center and be a witness. Watch how the movement of mind influences your thoughts and emotions. When you park your awareness in in your center, you can observe the passage of thoughts and emotions, like so many clouds in the sky. The field effect is real enough, but it's not about 'controlling' your thoughts and emotions. The other thing you can do is delete the thoughts and emotions, and send your conceptual mind away. Once you do that, look and see what is left. Human beings have many experiences of struggling and trying to overcome their weaknesses. Best to delete those struggling experiences. Who says people can't read each other's minds?
  18. Four Main Types of Energy

    That is more or less the idea, yes.
  19. entity issue, advice needed

    Here's the thread on Yuen Method.
  20. entity issue, advice needed

    Hi Josama, No need to wait and no need for an exorcism. Since you are clearly asking for help, I used Yuen Method to clear these weaknesses I found yesterday while I was waiting for a flight home at the airport: 1. Demon-being weakness cleared (not a simple spirit) 2. Source of the weakness is karma, a summoning weakness 3. A sacrifice (sacrificing animals) weakness These weaknesses went back 2500 years to some kind of ritual blood cult. The karma is what gave this being rights of access to your energy field. Sincerely, -Adam
  21. Not receiving e-mail notifications

    Hi Sean, OK, so far nothing has come through. Going to go post to a few topics and see what happens. Will keep you posted, thanks a bunch! Update: Now getting e-mail notifications for 'liked' posts. Auto-following posts is not working, will reset and try again. Update #2: Auto-follow topics is not working in personal practice area. Have to manually follow the topic. Messages seem to be coming through now. Thank you again! -Adam
  22. Hi, So when I get an e-mail from the forum that someone responded to a post or liked a post I made, there's a URL to the post, this is normal. Unfortunately, the last few e-mails I've received have a different URL encoded than the one hyperlink listed in the e-mail—it takes you to another web site entirely. This seems rather suspect, see below: Thanks, -Adam
  23. Wow...

    No more affliction or infliction for you, Mithstrike!
  24. Four Main Types of Energy

    Hi Jeff, Yes, in my experience, it does extend beyond the body. The mind and spirit extend even further. Belief is really not required for anything. From my perspective, belief is a limitation because it clouds our ability to connect to our perception as long as we cling to belief. As long as we continue to cling to anything, we create karma. The purpose for the energy work is to remove obstacles or karma. What I find important about energy is how we use it. Here's a story about removing obstacles or difficulties: Sincerely, -Adam
  25. Four Main Types of Energy

    I work with energy every day, still don't know how many types of energy there are and really don't mind not knowing. It seems infinite to me because every answer has it's own energy. In terms of human beings, the body, mind, and spirit do resonate at different frequencies. It's so easy to get lost and not see the forest from the trees. Not entertaining belief, how would one have anything to say about miracles? Perhaps a miracle is what happens every day. Edit: spacing