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Everything posted by Procurator

  1. Dissolving inner/outer difference?

    you gotta first ask what the "blockage" dissolves in? when u stare at it there is just you, yr stare and "it", so where does it go?
  2. Master Wang LIping's seminar in SC

    Walker, that is correct ; as are the rest of yr points. However, one crucial matter remains glossed over in this discussion: namely, his claim to be associated with Longmen in any capacity. Be it a holder, transmitter..whatever those mean. Without an independent verification, not to speak of recognition by the main taoist body- those remain self-appointed titles. He is not necesserily an impostor ( miracles do happen , after all) but he is definetely no more than a pretender to those titles.
  3. Master Wang LIping's seminar in SC

    WLP is not recognised by Chinese Taoist Association (Chinese: 中国道教协会), founded in April 1957, is the main association of Taoism in the People's Republic of China. its an equivalent of claiming to be a catholic cardinal but failing to mention not to be recognised by the pope. Or failing to mention that there is a pope. on his page he is very careful not to claim any endorsement by the Taoist Association or to refer to it at all. Obviously, being wise involves to be precise about who not to mess with.
  4. largely becouse that the posited question is irrelevant to the topic at hand, as well as meaningless in itself.
  5. Enlightenment

    i dont think so. the ppl simply dont know what they r talking about . as u noticed u asked them a straight question and they answer in obfuscations. yes that is correct.
  6. Enlightenment

    good questions. and as usual those r answered with nothing but nonsense. for starters u need to understand that "enligntenment " is a false construct. a misunderstanding , a fake western wordconstruct. there is no such word in the original teaching. further, the end result of buddhist trainig is to stop suffering. hope the benefits of it are obvious.
  7. no, this ridiculous concept is a perversion of buddha's words about cultivating the self. it was perverted in the West by the western newagee "gurus" to mean that one does not need a teacher to receive the secret method. This perversion a) helps to sell what they peddle and 2) justifies them not having a transmission themselves.
  8. any and all buddist ideas are based on the tripartite model of the human consciousness: 1. unperturbed true nature which is wrapped into 2. the ordinary human mind, defiled by 3. the 6 senses. the end goal of training is to disassemble and remove the layer no. 2. At that point the trainee will no longer identify himself with suffering mind no. 2 . Instead he will realise that he is in fact the undestructible mind no. 1 which will make use of the senses without suffering from the desires and pain caused by the senses. as to actually reaching that goal - you cant do it on your own. the method is secret and (as all these links with nothing but hot air show) is not available in the West in an open transmission.
  9. same thing as suchness, the true undefiled consciosness which is wrapped into ordinary mind defiled be the 6 senses.
  10. becouse a human bodymind has no other way to sense, just these 6. Any other phenomenon has to be converted into one of the 6 stimuli.
  11. those r good and deep questions, commendable of uto ask. the answers r simple too, except not many pple know . The suchness is the consciosness undisturbed by the 6 senses.
  12. The cultural Revolution

    shrug. right. Secret of the Lusitania: Arms find challenges Allied claims it was solely a passenger ship By Sam Greenhill Last updated at 1:16 AM on 20th December 2008 Comments (0) Add to My Stories Her sinking with the loss of almost 1,200 lives caused such outrage that it propelled the U.S. into the First World War. But now divers have revealed a dark secret about the cargo carried by the Lusitania on its final journey in May 1915. Munitions they found in the hold suggest that the Germans had been right all along in claiming the ship was carrying war materials and was a legitimate military target. ...Americans were even told, falsely, that German children were given a day off school to celebrate the sinking of the Lusitania. .............Read more: Read more:
  13. The cultural Revolution

    its pretty easy to know. just connects the dots they prepare to bomb iran now - so they lie to you about iranian atrocities. they were preparing to bomb irak 8 yers ago - so they were lieing to you about irak' wmds. they ware preparing to bomb afganistan 10 years ago - so they were lieing to you about taliban atrocities. they were preparing to bomb china 50 years ago -...............can you connect the dots?
  14. The cultural Revolution

    its a myth created by the western propaganda machine, there was no "destruction of daoism" or tibetan buddism for that matter . your government lies to you about pretty much everything, including (surprise!) the world history.
  15. potential Buddhist "immortality"

    that is a question and answer that is false premised and falsely deduced correspondingly.
  16. How does Taoist immortality work?

    all the 3 texts are chock full of references to them. its always fascinating to see a fairly literate person reading a text and literally refusing to see what is spelled clearly there in black and white. destiny in action.
  17. .

    yes please by all means and thank you very much.
  18. What's the deal with hexagram 21-22

    Hi Pietro i am not getting paid for my reasearch and dont have a degree in the field so not a scholar. Also no independent oral tradition, which unlikely to go back 3000 yrs anyway. for a sample of sources indicative of modern understanding of the history pls look at these links: the history of Yijing starts with oracle bone divination back at Shang dinasty, then it was wiped out by upheaval of Warring States and Qin dinasty cultural sea change. The meaning of oracle bone lines which constitute the basis for the book was forgotten and misconstrued in subsequent centuries. So , the modern scholarshp that slowly re-discovers it based on archeological finds is my source. E. g. note where the "pairing " of hexagrams comes from: Paired divination charges were complementary (Keightly 1988:373), "We will receive millet harvest", and "We may not receive millet harvest,"(Keightly 1988:374) suggesting the Shang diviners were dualistic in their worldview-"auspicious and inauspicious", "victory and defeat", "life and death", "good and bad" (Keightly 1988:374). It may also suggest that the divination ritual had more credibility by embracing both possible outcomes of either good or bad-a sort of metaphysical equity (Keightly 1988:375). Overall, this paired, complementary approach to the divination charge suggests an early yin yang view of the universe (Keightly 1988:377).
  19. 同志们你好

  20. Lu Dongbin's 100 Character Stele

  21. Knowledge, Belief, Faith

    fools be fools heh? yeah dude u play on yr nintendo in english, the gods talk to u. every time one thinks the fools cant get more ridicurous they up and do. ~~~ TheTaoBums Moderation Team ~~~ User warned: ad hominem attack. - Trunk ~~~ Mod Squad out ~~~