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Everything posted by Procurator

  1. Hi Ken, i would love to learn so i ask for a clarification 第七法 调养真息 Tiaoyang Zhen Xi is there a very specific phenomenon that happens to the body and to the breath at this stage and if so what is it? Thank you.
  2. for many be called, but few chosen
  3. white crane qigong uses this concept
  4. Taoism of Western Imagination

    Yes. please provide a reference to a text advocating such a practice. please provide a reference to a text advocating such a practice.
  5. Taoism of Western Imagination

    yes, read and translated. wrong. apparently you never heard two key phrases 1."bones of a xian" 2. " has destiny - transmit to him even if he is a stranger on crossroads, does not have destiny - do not transmit even if your own son". everything that has been written about proper practice is conditioned on this.
  6. Taoism of Western Imagination

    many obvious concepts are wrong. this one is wrong because a) "success" is a function of destiny there are many grades to success and c) finding a master is easier than popularly thought but it depends on destiny as well. your assumption that "most Daoists were confused about meditation and all sorts of nonsense was being practiced " is wrong - those people did what they were predistined to do and achived what they were predestined to achieve in that lifetime. Thinking that they were practising nonsense is just hubris. Do you think that they were stupider than you?
  7. Taoism of Western Imagination

    so do you think this "incorrect practices" did not have their own "classics' which criticised other texts?
  8. Taoism of Western Imagination

    one can only marvel at hubris and self delusion ppl are capable of now days.
  9. Taoism of Western Imagination

    Hi there Taoist81:)) its a valid observation...however this is not just paranaia, any one who divulges a secret to the unworthy weakens himself and strengthens evil. This is just how things work. Also, Taoism is not a religion, it looks partially like a religion but in its core it is not.
  10. Taoism of Western Imagination

    No they dont, othervise written talimans or magic books that you dont even need to read would not exsist. The role of written text is sorely misunderstood.
  11. Nine steps to spiritual immortal

    hmm , did not you just claimed that?
  12. Youthfulness and Regeneration

    no. i met a woman who at age of 35 and after 4 kids looked 23-25.
  13. "true" Daoism, teacher or lineage - is it true?

    finally you have found the right forum. you fit right in.
  14. lost and confused in the land of RMAX

    yes, yes there is and it is amazing. well it teaches many wonderfull things but the main tenet is "that there is one born every minute". thanks for the laugh.
  15. "true" Daoism, teacher or lineage - is it true?

    absolutely no offense. what you are saying is just a pack of demonstrable nonsense, nothing to be offended at..have you ever heard about the Guard of the Western Pass? he was his disciple. Have you ever heard about his journey to the West - it is when he founded a little religion called buddhism.
  16. lost and confused in the land of RMAX

    i dont question. i know. its a fraud in both respects. Being hit hard depends on how soft you are and how much you enjoy being had. So you are saying that those two have practiced for real for 20 years and still felt the need to pay for a seminar on another system? Ok.
  17. "true" Daoism, teacher or lineage - is it true?

    this is nonsense, who do you think Lao-zi was?
  18. lost and confused in the land of RMAX

    russian martial arts are pure unadulterated fraud, from a to z. you are be better off working on penis enlargement than buying anything from those con men.

    well i have achieved the white and yellow light. The article is a good review of textual sources. On the other hand, he author's ideas are naive. The lights that he experienced are of course not same as those achieved by cultivation.
  20. Taoism of Western Imagination

    Its a greate article. Unfortunately the situation is much worse than at its date. The worst the ignorant authors like Watts could do was to create hordes of poseurs calling themselves taoits, but no great harm was done otherwise to the vain and the simple Nowdays the malignant frauds peddle seminars costing in thousands of euros, and peddle books of harmful practices, straying the simpletons away from Dao; shortening their lives too. That is why the secrecy is of utmost importance now more than ever, lest to enhance the ammunition of the frauds.
  21. Taoism of Western Imagination

    what humor? this is accurate to a T. a "T" as in - Thou shalt not kill.
  22. Daoists and Shamans/Mediums

    you are mighty welcome. Verification per se does not have much value however. I have personally observed rejuvenation in two persons, It is "verified" now for myself and by myself, yet it did not help me much, marginally - yes, but not much. What would verification do for you?
  23. Daoists and Shamans/Mediums

    sure, one example is reported in this book
  24. Daoists and Shamans/Mediums

    (shrug) yeah one more reminder taht folks ask a question just to hear themselves talk. whatever.
  25. Daoists and Shamans/Mediums

    could be both but most of the time obstacles mean that there is no destiny.