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Everything posted by Procurator

  1. KunLun Level 1 - Levitation

    its called bait and switch tactic.
  2. Basic circles of pakua

    did you see the other one when the old guy shakes the tree, that was one cooperative tree ...young too.
  3. Basic circles of pakua

  4. Basic circles of pakua

    Buddy i am not Miro but i know Miro, so lets share a smile. I remember him as a straight shooter not at all like passive aggressive myself. i did not know he smoke..
  5. celibacy is best for some time at least. yes there are retention practices but they will not work on its own. they are a part of an overall practice. i can not recommend anyone who teaches retention practices per se.
  6. Basic circles of pakua

    Buddy the quote above is mine and source is Brian in this thread.
  7. nothing secret about it. i will teach it to you in two seconds: true way of retention is pretty much similar to true way of not be run over by a bus - dont run across the traffic and you gonna be ok. sorry man. i dont follow your logic - how did you get from A to B to C? does not make sense to me.
  8. you have drastically depleted your genitalia of qi that is all. you have to stop jerking off, you are a big boy already.
  9. Reply to Sean Denty regarding David Verdessi

    you shot yourself in the foot here. whoever can levitate is worth paying all your money to study under. to said fact you stand a witness heh? there is a guy on this forum who can dodge bullets and another who can give cancers, you guys should really get together one of this days .
  10. Harold Roth Nei Yeh--best book to start

    æ­£ means "correct".
  11. Basic circles of pakua

    errr, you mean in college wrestling just exotically packaged ?I am sure he is.......Now superior or not that is not the issue, lets not make this personal shall we? I am really greatfull to Brian. It is a really valuable piece of info that in Kumar's lineage bagua is akin to college wrestling. Its interesting that Buddy is of the same lineage.
  12. Interesting book on Russian Breath work

    two words: con game.
  13. Basic circles of pakua

    he he , things are always what they seem arent they? but of course.... no you dont. you practice college wrestling. not that there is anything wrong with
  14. short description of concept of "Dao"

    This is not quite correct. The texts contain definitions of Dao that are numerous, precise and to the point. They are opaque to the modern reader, yes. But that is a different matter.
  15. Tao Bums Forum - Growth and development

    Brian i encourage you to post. please do it for its sake and then there will be rewards. 99% of people are ignorant and empty, it is just a fact of life, so an intelligent discussion is not a norm, here or anywhere. i certainly post here not in a hope of an intelligent discussion, but for my own reasons. please do the same.
  16. Translations of Tao Te Ching

    I looked at the very first line of his translation and read no further - it is most likely that Derek heard about the "minjia" (the school of names) but did not register the most obvious reference here to it. With such grasp of the field his translation is not better than average run of the mill.
  17. Translations of Tao Te Ching

    You seem to be furter developing the Kirkland's bold idea about received DDJ being an artificial construct or a "simulacre" as they say. Good for you! However as much as I simphatise with Kirkland this idea is a bit too far out and too simplistic. You are taking it even far out still - e.g renaming it? From what? Why? How the renaming increased marketability?
  18. Bull Qi Gong at the Taipei courthouse

    yeah, same part of the world, same con scheme, same props - some coincidence. if verdesi and the taiwanese get to share the same prison cell who gonna be whose bitch? the prognosis would not be good for verdesi, i saw his pic some years ago..he is as metrosexual as could be.
  19. Translations of Tao Te Ching

    (shrug) of course not. because the customer is always right.
  20. well since you give people cancer...your screen name should make people think "oncologee", no?
  21. poor bastards

    For what passes for "Taoism" in the books in B. Dalton has nothing to do with real Taoism, if we define "real Taoism" as the traditions that have been practiced in China for over twenty centuries. This problem is a complex one, and it is a problem that makes some Americans uncomfortable, for the truth about this situation is that thousands of Westerners have been literally deluded about Taoism,... ....No aspect of the fantasy Taoism created by immature, self-centered Western minds has any basis in the facts of Taoism in China.... (Russell Kirkland, University of Georgia)