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Everything posted by Procurator

  1. Free Speech and Moderator Action

    yes. the scope is petty-but the craving is the same, to impose own will on others for fun and profit. the dictators usually mask that craving by : " i put you in concentration camp to reform for your own good" the mods on the other hand... bingo!
  2. Free Speech and Moderator Action

    Stig i did not address you directly precisely because its not your personal problem. its mods problem as a group. something went very wrong with you guys. between your "half-wits ..toilet..garbage"; mal's considering "cheerleader" an insult (wtf?); taomeow creepy "sword sheethed..unsheethed..half-sheethed" it is precisely you guys against us. you see, we dont like to feel that we are potential half-wits or varmint to be skewered. there are already 7-8 ppl who raised their voices, guess how many are unhappy but just to passive to say something? you guys have succeded in creating a toxic enviroment, that is the long and short of it.
  3. Free Speech and Moderator Action

    oh, it does mean volumes, the derogatory language aways says a lot. is that what this community is to them? a bunch of potential half-wits?
  4. Free Speech and Moderator Action

    great idea, please count me in. the present atmosphere is stifling. its just silly - i was sent a warning for making a reference to "fools" replying to one of the mods' post. Not calling him a fool mind you, just MENTIONING fools. am i gonna contributing to such a forum after that? heck no. What the moderation has done is turn this board into mutual back-patting club for the same, very old bunch of 10-15 chatterers, who chat about things well above their understnding. The newbies come, get a whiff of what is going on and vote with their feet. it was a bad business decision by sean, less click-$$$ for him.
  5. Headaches

    for short term solution with your headaches you need to take your mind OFF your qi first. Any kind of strenuous physical activity and/or fasting will do. Then, if you want to contunue your training you need to use a method where attention is on your body or on an outside object. unfortunately there is no way to answer that question truthfully without sounding pedantic. first, what exactly is "to control'? sec, there are many kinds of energy not just one, which one we are talking about? third, it depends on your overall goals, "to control" to what end? I understand that "find a teacher" is a non-answer, so as a substitute here is what a true teacher would say : "to use mind is wrong, not to use it is also wrong:.
  6. Headaches

    short answer: you are using your mind. its the 4th or 5th report in short succession here about the problems that is why i decided to intervene. The problem is systemic: every single available method out there is false since all of them use the mind. The dabblers will not experience any adverse effects due to low intensity of their dabbling. The will just experience some relaxation and think that they must be doing something right. On the other hand, those who practice long or intensely enough sooner or later gonna hit the brick wall, its called "Entering the madness and roving fire" and of course any advice given by those u practice false methods (focuse here, not there!) its just adding fuel to fire, curing poison with more poison.
  7. My favorite Taoist proverb

    this is useally translated as We have thoroughly comprehended the inscrutable and spirit-like, and know the processes of transformation; - this is the fulness of virtue. its incorrect but it hardly matters.)
  8. Video Lecture on Taoist Views and Practices by Yuan Xiu Gang

    PRC has nothing to do with it except providing a framework for their citizens to make a living. It is tourist daoism for the middle class westerners because that it is what THEY want to see. If they would be willing to exert some effort they would see more, but they wont. Its their problem not PRC's. no its how short you see. The religous community was always supporting themselves by poviding services to the laity, including giving performances of various kinds. the shame is being brainwashed by own government into blaming other governments. Mission accomplished. The acrobats and actors are perfectly capable to hire a bus themslves and go earn some living. Temples were ALWAYS a business and its a good thing.
  9. Was Buddha poisoned?

    You are correct on both counts it was pork and he ate it to leave the world. However the story as told in Mahaparinibanna sutta, is a coded story, true meaning of which is reavealed only to the knowledgable reader. The gist of it is that Buddha used external alchemy to ascend.
  10. website of Lao Zi Academy

    probably this Dragon Gate Taoists Meet-Up Meditations & Online / On-site Teaching from Master *. Opening to Tao Seekers All Over the World. Multiple Dates ....Type Sales End Price Fee Quantity group meditation 7 days before event $60.00 $2.19 hehe 60:))) how low can he go?
  11. Dao and De

    Hi DQ, despite your sarcasm you raise some valid points so allow me to address them: yes. buddhists compare human life to a drop of dew on the blade of grass. life is short- there is rush. yes. the chinese expression is 成道。 To perfect or to complete Dao, both our own Dao within us, and the Great Dao. Great as it is, when we join it -we complete it. and you are right on the money again. The school is headquartered in China, is recognised by the Daoist Association, the lineage holder is alive and well, so as opposed to others it has all the bona fides of a real deal. Sorry no can do. For us its a most serious matter.
  12. It is for the first time in history that a genuine Taoist school was established in the west. The School of Taoist alchemy Wu-liu pai is the only genuine school of internal alchemy (neidan) outside of China. The school offers serious, powerful and healing practices witch come and learn the tradition of buddhas and immortals, which came from ancient times and have been practiced for millennia, straight from the source. Now you have a unique opportunity to come into contact with the ancient system, to check for yourself its effectiveness, and possibly to seriously study it. Patriarch of the Wuliupai School is the Teacher of Single Yang. The “Dao De” center presents the School of Taoist alchemy, there are many articles about internal alchemy, the basic practice of the school - JIUYANGSHENGONG (JYASHG), also there are materials by specifics of practice and the theoretical foundations. The information about the subjects are offered , and the schedule of the classes and seminars is available at this site. The website : Articles: You can ask us on the Forum. Daode Center organizes trips to China in special places of power, in the Taoist mountains for the intensive practices. Also, if student's destiny is favorable it is possible to meet the head of the school the teacher of Single Yang himself. “The Wu-liu pai school is a Tradition which continues the never-ending stream of the Tao. It merges together the two teachings , those of Taoism and Buddhism; it has preserved the best methods of all the schools and practices. In our School there are very many of those that have reached the true accomplishments in Taoism and perfecting the Tao. That is why our School is the shortest path for those that perfect the Tao.” The Teacher of Single Yang, The Patriarch of the School
  13. Presentation of DAODE center and Taoist alchemy School

    Yes you can, if you visit Saint-Petersburg.
  14. 道家的闭关

    no, that is not what the saying says at all. it says: a small retreat is in wilderness, a big one is in the market. it stands to reason that you have to start with small before being able to handle big.
  15. Gold Dragon Body Photos

    yes. what is your point again?
  16. Gold Dragon Body Photos

    that what is the state approved textbooks and murodoch owned mass media says. must be true then. not propaganda in the least. and that is bad, because.....?
  17. Ling-pao pi-fa

    so which is it? Also, again YM directly contradicts the author of the second foreword 愿与海内读... Hoping that (in the land ) between the seas this will be read... Sounds like "meant to be spread among people " to me. if u say so.
  18. Ling-pao pi-fa

    easy, buying a sacred book means that the teaching will be spread and preserved in this vehicle, until the book reaches someone whom it will speak to, so its a good deed. Also the book itself was considered a talisman that will improve buyer's lot by its physical proximity to the person.
  19. Ling-pao pi-fa

    anytime,good for you. here it is in an easier format
  20. Ling-pao pi-fa

    in your merriment u missed that the intro ALSO says exactly that. Further the point of reprinting was not making money - it was to earn good karma; those books very rarely were bought by the practitioners becouse then as now those were few, they were bought for their poetical and talismanic value, and to earn good karma. true but not relevant
  21. Ling-pao pi-fa

    i am translating it right now. if u make effort i will point out yr mistakes.
  22. Ling-pao pi-fa

    the sponsor of the second edition directly contradicts this: 顾或者曰:「昔锺祖云此经以八卦连十二时,其要在艮, 三田反覆,要在泥丸,下手工夫, 姑借咽气漱液为喻,而真气口诀,实在口传心授,不在文字间也。」 予细读数次, 见修真口诀, 详且尽矣,其词虽隐而不发,其道则已跃如也。 A visitor told me:...........the oral secrets were not put in writing. I, however, after reading many times, (was able to) see the true oral secrets....
  23. Dissolving inner/outer difference?

    Answer: because its not.
  24. Dissolving inner/outer difference?

    if it is so unlimited how come it projects all this crap?