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About moonshadow

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Anybody ever use the chat function?

    I could ask my less than bright questions there.
  2. Taoist things to do

    Great question! I came to this website to find out. The answer seems elusive.
  3. Taoist things to do

    Nice thread. I am down with cherry blossums,pine needles,watching clouds, sipping tea on the mountain,building a fire, and keeping it simple.
  4. What are you listening to?

    It Is Time life in the hills Here is your breakfast Mr. sifusufi
  5. We joined this site on the same day!!

    Valentine's day even.

  6. Guiness

    WOW I have now found a second thread here I can confidently post in. Do not let my looks fool you. I can drink a pint of Guiness in one gulp. It takes a moment.
  7. What are you listening to?

    Your music is great AND the first song I played when I got into my jeep last night was WAKE ME UP INSIDE Got some strange goings on here at The Tao Bums and I am liking it!
  8. What are you listening to?

    OK, I found a thread where I can post I do know what I am listening to. Don't think too many others here listen to what i do. This is basically what happened to me friday night So now Batter UP Dude Well Ya'll It's Midnite . Time to go JEEPIN
  9. Terribly Confused

    Thankyou for the kind words Your post is truly poetic as opposed to my drunken stupor. I was going to get up early today and erase my post I will let it remain as a reminder to myself . I am at a moment of unknowing but it seems fine. Chaos wrapped in serendipity, AWESOME. Do i have to go somewhere to turn in my I.D. or can i just toss or burn it? I think the nature retreat is coming sooner this year. CowTao Thanks for the song too.
  10. Terribly Confused

    In regards to this Taoist,Buddhist,Hindu,Yoga,Qigong,Zhang Zhan, Zen , Dogzen, etc. "Te is not quite Qi" "Hungry Ghosts " are after my Yang. Excuse me for borrowing from other threads. It is totally confusing. I get the part about trees and sipping tea up on the mountain. I thought I understood about martial arts Now I need to know if I have a Buddhist or Taoist intent? Are you serious? Tulko is the only one who can whip MMA adepts. Whatever Tao is can't be spoken. But Buddhism can be spoken and spoken and spoken . Havn't got a clue about the Hindu yet. There is a choice of doing exerises(where it looks like you are standing still) for years and hope to make some small gain. This makes sense. OR you can just email someone and they can send you fabulous results if they know what hour you will be expecting it to arrive. I want this option. 70% of the people here are enlightened but never agree with each other on what that really means. Pee Wee,Rodney Dangerfield, and Van Halen are Taoist? Guys have no desires for Gals. Trust me, I do not want your Jing. Do I have my own Jing? It's slang for money, right? "time,money, and energy are all the same thing" Max Christensen and Dependant Origination create alot of Drama or Dharma and after another 12,000 views it still won't be sorted out. Or will it? Some of these threads keep me hanging on edge like a friday afternoon soap opera. There is a surplus of shamans. That is good to know. Some people here have their own Dragons? They come in diferent colors and styles. They are calm and powerful. So after a week here I am wondering what I have stepped off into. If I stick with it for 100 days I get some type of reward. Then I may be ready for Chen Taiji (mack daddy) but Baguazhang is way too complicated because you have to walk in a circle. I think I have finally found the place where I fit in. Besides my BF is now the ex BF. 3 hours single What a crazy week.
  11. long term retreat

    I was just day dreaming . Then my mind began to wander. They are addictive in a very good way. A hut? Cool Beans I have a tent, sleeping bag, and a Jeep. I have some friends camping around Ocala now. If you love nature?! Come visit here in the Smokeys cya around
  12. OK All the happy piggy love. BUT who the heck is Leann Sidhe?
  13. the weak yin male cannot find balance

    Non. It is friday night here in Tennessee. I just had a dificult evening here. Listening to this helped me a little. Then i thought of you
  14. the weak yin male cannot find balance

    Fair enough. I admit i have no knowledge of Taoist principles. Also being from the appalachian region I am aware of problems with semantics. Would you be so kind as to give an example of manipulating the law of physics?
  15. new

    Thankyou Rainbow_Vein I have already found my way to your personal practice page Very interesting experiences there. I am here to find my Tao path.