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Everything posted by 三江源

  1. Major component of evolution theory proven wrong

    Ha, Creation, same to you about your presence. Enjoying your full spectrum lucidity. Congratulations on having the head - heart link and knowing the value of that. Blasto, on a board about cultivation to assess 'manners' as about merely 'being nice' and being unable to perceive what it means to be able to be that way... uuh.
  2. Major component of evolution theory proven wrong

    Yes, I also find it concerning that genuine people can be put off communicating here. I know the abrasive atmosphere created by some posters can be counter productive to people opening up and sharing less than obvious material and so we get a lot of beginner level questions and material.
  3. Is committing murder against the tao?

    It is an interesting question. Psychopathic killers who, in prison, are subjected to prolonged and intensive empathy training eventually begin to experience remorse. Only at that point are they experiencing themselves as part of humanity. The studies suggest that it IS possible to awaken the dormant humanity, or to belatedly join up the necessary synapses. But it is no easy task and it is not universally sucessful, nor do I think the results could be relied upon to be consistently in place, under stress. It would be interesting to see how the movement would go, if such prisoners were subjected to internal systems such as BF's water method... the blockages they have are monumental and may appear/be experienced as vast lacunae, for a long time. The karma in such instances I feel would be less about personal moral culpability and more about being a flagship for damaged humanity...living out a collective pain. It has to be as a result of very bad karma to be living as a psychopath: apart from anything else, their internal world is profoundly impoverished.
  4. Alchemical book suggestions

    I really have a soft spot for men whose wives love them, as long as they really love their wives back. If dubious is what turns up on the menu when the kitchens run out of toe the line, so be it. I remember reading once "until you lose your reputation you never realise what a burden it was.." So dont change your name to Jesse James, then you'd be saddled with an regular fixed identity, as it stands, you are free as what you are and a challenge to others to find their own way to the character beyond the rep. Divine Providence likes a question mark here and there, I reckon, and some of them embodied.
  5. Homosexuals attacking Taoism on FB

    Hello you alls. There's no IP match on our new member, the thread starter here. We are considering what to do with this thread. Meanwhile, enjoy.
  6. Homosexuals attacking Taoism on FB

    She IS a good listener! ....and a real country girl. ( Pandas would love her and it would be easy for them, not like ejaculating.) Nothing like a good serenade to get things going in the romance department... not sure if facebook does a serenade poke yet. Best thing just to learn this song off by heart! PS. google does the word - assocation ads. It is their hobby. INFLATABLE LOVE DOLLS
  7. Homosexuals attacking Taoism on FB

    I dont see those ads, as I have adblock on Firefox. I wouldnt see the INFLATABLE LOVE DOLLS, either, because of this. You are seeing , I think, google ads, like one does if one has a gmail account, where they just advertise stuff relating to email content. Just found this pic of you and your girlfriend. from a film I saw last night.