
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by 三江源

  1. Presence meets Ego

  2. Presence meets Ego

  3. Presence meets Ego

  4. Words from some Old Coyotes

    I feel that 'one state' within. Yes. Interesting, in itself, that base point without weather. nice point, cowtao. oh, the endless labelling, and boxing up, and attachment to discoveries! sandpit, tricycle, and storytime with a biscuit...
  5. Words from some Old Coyotes

    I dont believe that being any one state all the time is any sign of good alignment, it certainly isnt the tao. To expect yourself to be enthusiastic all the time is ok for a puppy. For anyone else it is a pathology. Is nature always enthusiastic? doesnt it sometimes go dormant, sometimes germinate quietly, sometimes die, sometimes rest calmly, sometimes just glow, sometimes fade, sometimes die, sometimes..etc etc. I say this because the drive to be 'up' and 'full on' in our world is just so prevalent and dominant and so YANG. I'm all for loving and respecting the pause in life, when it comes. And we dont need to be all enthusiastic in our pauses. It's fine to let go and just be, without any adjectival addition.
  6. Mewtwo, do you read this board much? There is a lot of discussion here of various forms, their value, and also a lot of discussion of spontaneous qigong and what that is really all about, and its relationship to transmission, also. I reckon if you do a few searches here,and read the various inputs, you will feel somewhat less confused. You know how you have to learn to cook first of all with recipes, then if you have a gift for it, you make up your own recipes.. that process applies to a lot of things. 60 years form practice before you improvise is ok if you live to be 120, eh? Otherwise, maybe 60 years not quite needed. I think you are very cool for showing your ideas and asking questions. It might also be cool if you did some background studying.
  7. I get it, you are being altruistic by ignoring mewtwo : saving him the trouble of ignoring you. Excellent. Yes I did see that film, Jack is irresistible. Proud to be a weirdo could be a good pin ( badge for english speakers) for a lot of us here. I think the ignore button must still be there. I'd have to log out to see it I expect. I'm too weird to log out.
  8. heh. Actually, I cant see it right now. Maybe I dont have one anymore though. BTW it is just a tad bizarre to tell someone you are ignoring them in their own thread.
  9. On the path

    It happens, when on the path, that you glimpse what you are, from a the light of perfection, and perceive yourself as deeply and profoundly crappy/flaw filled/impure/mistaken. It is a source of searing anguish,and an opportunity for cleansing. It is part of the proccess. The experience and knowledge of it matters. Other angle, you see the perfection in everything, including the filth, etc. That's another part of the process.
  10. ha. It would seem uneccessary from your point of view, perhaps. However, this is a discussion board.
  11. Replies and Relevance

    naw, Marblehead. Songsters sing in sub-American. It happened when Frank Sinatra and Bing crooned. Suddenly singing couldnt be in English. The only people who sing in english are Richard Harris, David Bowie, Rex Harrison, and Bjork.
  12. Replies and Relevance

    Cauliflower cheese is a treat. I also add mustard: a pinch of dried Colemans. Sometimes also ham! or bacon! But nutmeg?.... well. This is what we call sophisticated cooking. Thanks ninpo. I will try it. I dont know where you are, but you know the little bottles of the Schwartz herbs and spices? They do one called mustard mash,which is grrrrreat. Really good on noodles as well, if you are a bit cool in the pool about food weirdness. Cauliflower mash is very good with saussagges.
  13. hi Lotus Born. You arent the first promoter here to receive sceptical feedback about great claims made on behalf of what or who they promote,and I'm sure you wont be the last. Most of us believe that having a good teacher is terrific,if not essential, all of us know that continued progress is down to the student. We also know that not one size fits all. When you are selling, you have to deal with customers. Customer service in itself is a discipine and a skill. Rushing into reactive punitive statements doesnt appear to be the ideal method of showing your level of development...
  14. Life flows on

    Love George. thanks 9th.
  15. Replies and Relevance

    ninpo, that's called millionaire's shortbread. Did you do a lot of visualising ££££££'s coming flooding in while you made it? Happy Christmas! I have been eating chilli rice cakes. It's all very nice and that, but I just cant access the 'cake' aspect of them. I try repeatedly.
  16. Words from some Old Coyotes

    Yes, fear of death in children arises from a sense of feeling unsafe/unprotected by parents. And when it is present in adults,it is a development arising from lack of trust in life. So yes, fear of death is a development, arising only in less than ideal situations, from an initial interest and acceptance of death as part of life. An insatiable appetite for 'excitement' is a compensatory mechanism set in place usually from simply not receiving enough personal attention-love. I dont think wise old farts need to be excited all the time. Unless old lady farts dress perpetually as Fifi's.
  17. Shamanic roots of Western World

    It is fascinating. It is what everybody is talking about on the board when they discuss Qigong and taoist alchemy.
  18. Words from some Old Coyotes

    You dont return to a state of arrested development. A need or wish to be always excited is a pathology. It isnt the dao in any way. this one : I think that this is part and parcel of being a taoist practitioner.. fear of death disapears. In one sense this makes us immortals, yes. I agree. So I didnt need to dress as a cowgirl? dang.
  19. Words from some Old Coyotes

    Ok, I find myself wanting to jump on the table and shout BALDERDASH. (Whilst dressed as a cowgirl, probably) what kind of taoist mentor would ever say such a thing??!?!!?!?! Death is part of life. You cant know life at all without knowing death. Living in a state of excitement and not thinking of death.. who does that apart from a sensation seeking puer aeternus? Children begin asking about death and pondering it at a very early age. It's fascinating and beautiful, like everything else.
  20. True. They dont designate themselves as grand masters or advertise their wherabouts.