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Everything posted by 三江源

  1. orgonite

  2. ...

  3. John Chang Video

  4. ...

  5. John Chang Video

  6. Happy Birthday Ian!

    Happy Birfdae, Ian. what kind of cake you havin? Is it on this day that you contemplate that your parents could have called you Eoin, if they were feelin a bit cheeky? Hope you have lovely loveliness. And a good cake.
  7. ...

  8. John Chang Video

    I've experienced many things that nay sayers could quash with reductionist cynicism. I really am not interested in the "poo - poo" mentality that dismisses things out of hand, with no argument behind it. The playground belittling of what others say doesnt sway me one way or the other. Obviously the world is flat and we all know everything there is to know already, right? I agree we've all heard guru tales many times now, and sean hasnt shared with us what the TEACHINGS will actually be. Maybe they will come later, maybe they wont. I know one thing for sure, and that is that demeaning others creates bad energy in the body/mind/aura of the demeaner.
  9. Feel Hugged

    I added it to my favourites. xxx
  10. Meditation Timer Software

    That is some super snazzy clock. I want one, except I always wake up just before the alarm goes off, no matter what time I set it.
  11. John Chang Video

  12. John Chang Video

    thanks portcraig. When I first started in this path I had a fair number of experiences such as what you describe, very beautiful, powerful, chi - filled transformative experiences from transmission. I think after a while I stopped wanting to be 'done to', and wanted to 'do'. And you're right, I think receiving powerful transmission opens one's chanels really fast and gives one a head start. I live in london and was lucky enough to be introduced to a Sifu who I could meet with weekly or bi - weekly, and receive. People vary enormously in their response to the energy transfers, it's very interesting.
  13. John Chang Video

    hi portcraig! thanks for your input. I totally dont understand the above quote. Could you explain why that was so important to you? I think for myself, the most important thing would be what I was taught and what I felt within myself, not witnessing what someone else has.