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Everything posted by 三江源

  1. PUA and Spirituality

    Wouldnt you want everyone on the planet to be self determining individuals.. why consign girls to external locus of evaluation mode.. lets all be free.
  2. The Tao of Dying

  3. The Tao of Dying

  4. PUA and Spirituality

    and we are most people. and trying to be the rare ones, hoping that what now seems rare will one day be usual. x
  5. The Tao of Dying

  6. PUA and Spirituality

    good point, forgetting about your sexuality doesnt make you attractive! How could it.. except to those who are looking for someone with a dormant sexuality?!
  7. PUA and Spirituality

    absolutely. wanting doesnt equal to clinging. they arent synonymous, actually.
  8. PUA and Spirituality

    its easy to not want women, once you have a woman. without a woman, you'd have to kill off parts of yourself quite radically, and /or be in denial.
  9. PUA and Spirituality

    Really? Just be heart centred and have humour.. that's the energy aspect of it in a nutshell. it aint rocket science.
  10. PUA and Spirituality

    I met the boyfriend of a very beautiful girlfriend... I was surprised : he was shorter than her and rotund and very possessive and much older than her. Turned out he had a yacht and bought her a house, and not only that, he was genuinely wanting to give her lots and lots of attention and make her central to his life.
  11. Moderator Dictatorship

    You said it all. Thanks We are all angry children and sad children and compensating for this in lots of ways, and trying to be adult. Luckily we are spiritual practitioners and have compassion, heart and humour to bring to the rescue when we regress and fall down, we are here to help each other get up again.
  12. Kids in Colombia playing Sexual Roulette

    hi PIetro, nice to see you. Your second link not working.
  13. PUA and Spirituality

    haha, if only men knew what they wanted, that would be a good start, lol.
  14. The Tao of Dying

  15. Moderator Dictatorship

    zero, thelerner knows himself and is very savvy about moderation. Zerostao.. I think you would be a good moderator. Would you do it if asked?
  16. PUA and Spirituality

    Congrats on knowing what women really want.
  17. The Tao of Dying

  18. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    Why not just ask him what he meant instead of assuming the worst and jumping onto a high horse?!
  19. Black/Grey Orbs

    What is the deal with all this satanic coven stuff. Is this a conscious thing or an astral thing, dragonsnectar69k?
  20. PUA and Spirituality

    Its something to do with being good at eating.
  21. PUA and Spirituality

    TBH I think this is complete rubbish. You need to listen in to the way women talk about men.
  22. PUA and Spirituality

    Those are the guys that have plenty of money and have excercised their tongue muscles.
  23. PUA and Spirituality

    lol he said meet a 'chick' .. not a woman or a person.
  24. PUA and Spirituality

    hi Theurgy. Thanks for explaining. I enjoy and feel happy around the visuals of very good looking people so I dont naturally resonate with prejudice toward them, but you are right, I have had one girlfriend say to me in the past that she found one of my boyfriends too good looking, she wouldnt trust him. Which I didnt take much notice of at the time, I just thought it was a rationale for not having a drop dead gorgeous boyfriend. I think there are a bunch of us that have a naieve maybe instinctive response that if something is beautiful on the outside it must be beautiful on the inside too. I am surprised when gorgeous women turn out to be quite ordinary or even dull, because I like looking at them, and that engenders an expectation in me that I will also like listening to them. I have had the same cognitive dissonance with good looking men.. no matter how pedestrian they might be, I tended to believe they arent really dull, they just cant be..because they look amazing. I am finally growing out of it. I am easily seduced into a clear high state by beautiful things and make the mistake of attributing the exaltation of spirit that beauty gifts,as an attribute of the person. It's like adoring an artist as well as their art.. a conflation. Resisting beauty is a fear of the sublime, perhaps, a fear of loss of self in the wonder of nature. I dont think people 'cheat' because they are good looking. And if someone is faithful only because they cant find an alternative partner due to their lack of appealingness.. well..